1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Things that are hard to find that you would like to see more of

Mar 24, 2010

    1. More casual clothes for Yosd especially for the girl dolls.
    2. I would DEFINITELY love to have more body structure types like Klance above said. I love to have males that are skinny, and most of the body types I find are muscular, and almost all of them have abs. Which just don't fit for certain character ideas. I also definitely want to see more ears and tails for BJDs. And some more animal sculpts too! The animal sculpts I can find are very small and terribly expensive!! :chomp::sweat:eusa_pray
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    3. Thigh-high boots for SD17/70 cm guys....please. I know it's a popular look because half the characters in otome games have zettai ryouiki, so why can't I find any for BJDs....sob.
    4. Curvier dolls, darker resin, bigger noses - basically anything a little more diverse than we normally see in bjds.
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    5. Small iris eyes are really hard to find in certain sizes. I ended up buying 6mm for a doll that takes 8mm and using acrylic lacquer to enlarge them. Puppy eyes are not my thing.
    6. Does it count if I say 'resin samples'?
      And by samples I mean little, inexpensive (just a few $) pieces of resin that you could purchase beforehand to see if you actually like the colour before having a whole doll made in it.
      There's so much variation in resins from company to company, and considering the prices of dolls, picking the wrong colour can be a costly mistake; I've bought more than one doll where, on arrival, I've discovered that the resin colour isn't what I was looking for. If companies sold samples, or even leftover/broken resin pieces, then it would take a lot of the worry out of selecting resin colours for dolls, at least for me.
      The only thing I've seen close to this is with Iplehouse and the crescent-shaped wrist pieces for their dolls that can be bought separately for $2 each; just wish I'd bought those BEFORE I bought my actual doll. :|
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    7. I made my own molds because I was tired of looking...my Ophelia needs 8mm but the 'normal' iris size makes her look alien...

      Im making a raven...its wings are sitting on my desk at the moment. the head is pretty much done. the body and tail needs work, and i haven't started the feet. i'm still trying to get the mechanics all worked out. he was going to be a special edition for a convention i just attended as a guest artist, but life got in the way. he is meant for SD sizes though.

      Look at the remote control ships. they are omg expensive, but so cool. You can go to any lake and drive them around. Models of Famous Pirate ships

      I just did demon eyes (all black) and horns (stylized ram horns)...there are a ton of custom eye people now on facebook....
      #587 necropteluate, Jun 18, 2017
      Last edited by a moderator: Jul 4, 2017
    8. Ah thank you! I'll make sure to look there!
    9. More MATURE clothing for MATURE 1/6 dolls...and MORE MATURE 1/6 DOLLS....

      i really need a pair of black leather boots with a pointy toe...but i just keep finding baby shoes...
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    10. I'd love to see more "vintage" or "retro" styles of BJD clothing- I'm thinking anywhere from the early 1950's to the late 1970's would be great!
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    11. I am going to tackle this at some point. I want one sooooo bad. It is just going to take a small fortune in silicone....
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    12. *Smaller pupil eyes in all sizes and colors, definitely!
      *More clothes for mature tinies :| So many new ones are coming out and we still don't have all that many clothing/wig/eye/shoe options!
      *More casual clothes that don't look like 2014 trendy tumblr pastel goth stuff or cutesy flowery pintrest girl outfits (not that those aren't cute too!) I really want streetwear and other alt fashion stuff for my dolls :( Retro clothes too!
      *Green wigs that aren't those puffy fur ones!! Ugh! This is probably a very me-specific want but but it's so hard to find specific styles in specific unnatural colors
      *More bags and backpacks for MSDs haha I really want to make a little tiny itabag covered in charms but can't find high quality mini bags to use! 1pinfun on etsy does amazing little bags, but most of their work is in SD sizes.
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    13. Femme clothes that are actually made for boys. Idk, man. I find it really hard to find femme colors/patterns. but in regular tees or something "masculine". They're usually off the shoulder tops or things just a little too femme that I think my boy would actually wear.
      That and super cute childish patterns for MSDs! D: I find so many SUPER CUTE patterns/clothes for YOSD, but nothing like that for my MSD boys. u - u
      Modern minimalistic MSD furniture. Or 80's color pop themed furniture. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough, but unless it's me repainting something not even made for dolls, it's rare to find that kind of stuff.
      And dolly specific, like another poster mentioned, I'm really disappointed in the lack of big companies with really dark skinned resin options. Their "tans" are.... Very underwhelming.

      ALSO!!! MSD.... PURE BLACK.... SHORT.... FIBER... WIGS!!! :evil:
      There's so many "natural black" wigs.... But that's just a fancy word for Dark Brown. I think I've successfully bought all the three short black MSD fiber wigs there are out there, honest to goodness. It's probably because of the unnatural shine black fibers have. But for real, the market is severely lacking...
      #593 Sucktacular, Jun 19, 2017
      Last edited: Jun 19, 2017
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    14. Sd 10 clothes that'll fit 50-55cm dolls! I've been looking everywhere but I can't find any well made sd10 clothes
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    15. @necropteluate, I'd love to see him when he's ready! He'd be too big for my dolls, but maybe you'll make a smaller ones one day, or I could get an idea about how to make one of my own. :)
    16. Custom wig makers that work with kanekalon and other artificial fibers. Everywhere it's mohair, alpaca, etc - I'm just not into that look!
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    17. Unique, whimsical creature and monster sculpts. Give me more aliens, spindly creatures, all that sort of thing! Every sculpt I've come across has been limited edition and long sold out by the time I heard about them. :sorry I'm over the majority of human sculpts, I want to collect all the creatures! :love

      One of my absolute dream dolls would be a doll done in the style of the sorts of monster guys you see on tumblr.
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    18. I'm always trying to find 80s style SD girl clothes
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    19. SD or MSD sized clothing that fit 50-55cm dolls?? I'm having a really hard time finding anything already made. Custom sizing or making the clothing myself are my only choices right now. :sweat

      Also, I'd really like to see more rompers/suspender skirts! They're so cute but its hard to find them!
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    20. The bane of my existence and my obsession: MSD creature parts.
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