1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Things that are hard to find that you would like to see more of

Mar 24, 2010

    1. I want tall (knee high, thigh high) boots that don't have high heels. Neither of my dolls have high heel feet or would stumble around on six inch platforms with buckles and chains dripping off it...neither of them live anywhere near a Hot Topic store...

      I want gloves. Opera length, wrist length, elbow length, I don't care, I just want em.

      Also, I find most letter-opener swords are far too small for the two-hander sword I want to give my paladin doll. I need a much bigger miniature sword, but still with a thin handle. Most swords I find that are the proper length have huge chunky handles that look terribly out-of-proportion big...

      Also, where do you buy sword letter openers in real life? >.> I can only find them on the internet where I can't compare them to my doll's hands for scale matching...
    2. My boyfriend and I have been looking specifically at katanas (he's thinking of making dolls of two of his OCs eventually), so I wasn't thinking about two-handed swords, but for that size you'd really need to find a replica of a two-handed sword. By boyfriend pointed my to this site that has some different sizes that seem decently proportioned, I guess you just have to see *shrugs*

      As far as finding them in real life, your best bet is probably a general geekery shop, though you can find things like this at flea markets and pawn shops.

      Also, if you have a photo-editing program and are decent at math it's not terribly difficult to get a general size-comparison between dolls and accessories.
    3. More MSD-sized furniture, clothes from the Victorian era that actually _do_ look like clothes from that era, and not an overly cute cosplay costume. More brown clothes - I know that it's odd, but one of mu characters has a... love for brown and beige, I can't really help it 0_o"
      More nice and adult-looking shoes for MSDs with longer feet, as well as adult-looking clothes for them.
      Possibly more complex pukifee / lati yellow clothes that would be made of fabric (although I found a seamstress who creates fabulous pieces).
    4. I might have missed some stores, but I noticed sometimes there isn't a lot of diversity in the way ABJD's look. Mostly its the anime kind of style, round face, big eyes and very kawai. So I'd like to see something different. Also I have trouble finding multicoloured wigs. I'd like Lico to have a punky black wig with pink bangs, but maybe I haven't looked around good enough. I'm really gonna learn how to make my own wigs now...
    5. Websites that sell underwear separately. :| I don't want to have to buy a $100 outfit just so I can have underwear! The few websites that do sell underwear (like eluts.com) are sold out all the time. :( It's so frustrating since underwear are the hardest thing for me to make and I can't find them cheaply anywhere.
    6. Id love it if there was NORMAL clothing for YoSD sized dolls.. not fashion style, punk, fantasy.. just normal little boy clothing.. Iv seen plenty of little girl stuff.. but hardly anything for little boys.. So just like printed t-shirts, jeans, sneakers, and stuff like that.. and at decent prices would be nice..x.x
    7. More clothes for pukis and a wider variety of wigs for 70 cm's! I'm totally having a hard time fiding the right wig right now! D<
    8. Yeah I know what Lady Kitsune andFoxxian mean.

      I don't even own a MSD or YO-Sd sized BJD, but I can tell just
      by looking at clothes it must be terribly annoying to have your
      doll look "Cute" or like they're on a pageant all the time.

      I myself even fancy more 'cute' clothing, but my characters may not.
      Just because it's small doesn't mean it HAS to be cute. @@
    9. I would like to find (hopefully) resin cat ears for a 1/4 scale doll.
    10. ~ Baseball caps. Just plain ol' baseball caps, not in weird styles or with a funny brim.

      ~ Athletic shoes for SD girls. Not canvas/Converse style ones, but the kind you'd wear to go running or play sports in. I've seen plenty for big boys, but for smaller dolls? Nada.

      ~ Small pets! I've been searching high and low for a plush/soft cat for my SD's that looks to scale and isn't too "cartoony". Steiff makes some nice small plush animals, but I've yet to find a suitable kitty!
    11. I've bought like 5 dark brown fur wigs and so far none of them are long enough for Jake. (Lmao I forgot his name for a second there!) They're always too short, too fluffy and just wrong.

      And I wish there were more MSD girl clothes around that weren't gothloli and victorian. I would love just some normal clothes a real 14 year old girl would wear TODAY that don't cost a fortune. I'm not going to shell out 40 bucks for a damn t-shirt the size of a credit card.
    12. More masculine male dolls that don't look angry. I have a few male OCs that I'd love to recreate using a BJD but right now it doesn't seem all that possible.
      • x 1
    13. I've occasionally seen (and had one at one point) little cats (and other animals) that were furry and pretty realistic looking. I found them in a little imports store in Mystic so I wouldn't know where to find them outside of my area. They may have been a little big, but maybe its just a big kitty ;)
    14. Manly dress shoes for my Nobility Lie. With his teensy 7cm feet he wears the same shoe size as SD10 and 13 girls, but all I can find in that range are sneakers, girly lolita shoes and gaudy platform boots. He has a ton of sneakers but nothing to go with his nice outfits.
    15. A Viriden Green Mohair wig. Also, gladiator clothing for MSDs and fantasy armor for SDs
    16. Have you searched Etsy?
      I've seen lots of little handmade plush or felted kitties and whatnot on there.
    17. Casual mix and match clothes: I thought there was more of this sort of thing out there until I started looking but surprisingly I can't find much I like.

      I just found a couple of really nice ones at cotin doll: http://eng.cotindoll.com/front/bin/ptlist.phtml?Category=326331
    18. -Re-ment type things for SD and larger sized dolls. I'm always on the look out for scale (or near scale) things for my dolls to interact with.

      -Clothing patterns for SD and larger sized dolls.

      -"Pets" that aren't plushy for my dolls.
    19. ~ Agreeing on the underwear thing. I was going to add some MSD plain ol' useful underwear to my order when I was getting some sealant from Volks, and of course they are sold out.
      ~ Adult looking glasses for SD or MSD. I just need something that looks like the simple reading glasses you can get at the store. And the one seller I found online hasn't responded to my request. *sigh*
      ~ "old style" household items. My particular characters live for a very long time, and generally don't change out their appliances very often if they can keep them working efficiently as it is. I'd love a rotary phone for them, for example. I'm pretty sure I can find these at the old doll shops and antique shops, but the scale would be a potential issue.

      And...not really a "thing" but still hard to find.
      ~Sellers who would take personal check or money order. I have ethical disagreements with how PayPal works, I'd love to buy some stuff off the MP, but most sellers will only do PayPal.
    20. Doll furniture, high heeled feet, pointe shoes/ballet costumes, Dollie Pets!! ^_~