1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Things that are hard to find that you would like to see more of

Mar 24, 2010

    1. Like a few others in the thread, I'd really like to see more 1/3 scale furniture, for some reason it seams really hard to come by,even on the internet. I'm always searching for new stores that carry anything close to the scale I need, but rarely ever find more than what I've already seen.
    2. I wish there were more big lace-up boy boots that didn't have a huge platform on them. Seriously? Isn't my 70cm boy tall enough? And cute girl shoes without platforms. I hate platforms. Or start making shoes with a detatchable magnetic platform.

      Also, Renn-Faire type boots.
    3. Alice's Collections and Doll Mansion have tons of shoes and boots that are platform-less, even cute platform-less shoes for girls xD

      Gosh, I hate platforms too. So they're my favorite shoe-makers now :D :D :D

      And they even have some that are renn-faire-ish ^^
    4. You are an evil evil person for posting those links. I see I'm going to be spending even more time in the "saving up waitingroom" thread now!
    5. Distressed leather boots and shoes. Distressed clothing in general.
    6. Haha, I'll take that as a "thank you" xDD
      I'll be saving for many shoes from them too... Good things they're NOT expensive!

      And another thing I haven't seen yet in the BJD world : Swimming suits! I'd like to see some dolls in swimming suits... with wonderful bodies that BJD have, I bet it will look awesome ^^
    7. Oh oh!! I've got one for that! Dollmore has an extremely cute bikini that I wish the made in people sizes! :lol:


      They have a few others in black and tiger print. I was really surprised to see it, it's definitely the first bathing suit for BJDs I've come across.
    8. I really would love to see more BJD molds with smaller eyes. I think they look adorable. :D
    9. Yeah, I wonder why bathing and swimming suits are rare in BJD world.... I think they look ultra cute in them! And that dollmore one is soooo adorable.... Like the song "It was a itsy bitsy yellow dot bikini" xDD
      But I'm still looking for one-piece swimming suit.... I really love one-piece :D

      Speaking of which, it reminds me that sport articles in general are rare too!! I've never seen dolls in soccer/football or basketball clothing... And so are the accessories like soccer ball, basket ball, rugby ball, tennis racquet, etc... *is currently watching french open LOL*
    10. Oooo BJD ice skates would be too cool! Seems to me there aren't any companies out there that solely make BJD accessories. I've seen a few here and there that sell already-made doll sized stuff that they manage to find and re-brand as "BJD accessories" but no one that actually makes it themselves. A BJD bicycle, sporting goods, beds...the list goes on and on. Maybe it's just too broad a craft for anyone to want to pick up.
    11. Shoes that fit Cherishdoll Faiths and Rosenlied TCs. :( Aside from the companies themselves, there aren't a lot of shops who offer shoes their size.
    12. I recently discovered K3 Dolls optional hands for 1/3 boys and I think it would be awesome if more varied hand positions were widely available - I mean beyond different relaxed positions, gun hands and fists, which seem to be the most prevalent. I once saw an SD sized boy with hands that were flipping the bird and thought it was the greatest thing ever - but I don't think the company in question exists anymore. :huh?: I would *love* a pair of "rock on" hands for my guys! :whee:
    13. I would love to find a cute, simple, inexpensive cardigan.
    14. I would love to see more Dollfie Dream Dynamite clothes... like cute school uniforms or OL clothes. Just something slightly normal for them to wear! ^^;
    15. I second this - I find a lot of dolls eyes too big for my tastes. But I also see a lot more choice in eyeballs for 16-18mm sizes. So I'd like to see more size 10-14mm eyes available.
      And more interestingly styled short wigs. I thought there would be loads until I started looking. (I also thought a razor comb would be better at cutting synthetic hair until I tried it).
    16. More EID-friendly clothing. I knew my boy would be tough to dress, but wowza.
      And shoes for him, too! Not only in more styles, but in more *affordable* styles. Eesh. I can't afford a $20 pair of shoes for myself, much less a $50+ pair for my boy! I'd settle for just getting him a pair of Converse, those are closer to being within budget, but I've been told they're too tight for my Super Hero, so I'm left pretty high and dry for footwear.
    17. Red Lion has been making one piece swimsuits for some time: http://www.redlionbjd.com/swimsuit.php

      I can't help you with the rest, but Luts sells BJD bicycles. They go out of stock pretty quickly though so you have to keep your eye on them. And Dollmore makes beds. I've also found pet beds work really well, I have a four poster one myself.

      Sadly I've found this to be the case for most Tinies who aren't Volks. The rest seem to have smaller feet and are really a challenge to find shoes that fit. Leeke's shoes don't even fit Leeke tinies. D: So yes, more shoes for the smaller yo's.

      Dollmore sells "rock on" hands for their model doll boys, I was rather sad they didn't sell them for the girls too. XD
    18. I really want to find inexpensive little boy shoes for Yo-size tinies. Little boy stuff in general is hard to find, but I can make clothes for him.

      I also would kill for realistic cowboy boots. I'm contemplating learning to make them myself, but it'll be quite a learning curve for me. Hats that sit right on their heads.

      I have this wig for my Petite Ai boy that I love -- it's Monique Jessica. It's a short, toddler style with wispy curls around the edges. But the only thing is that it's modacrylic. I really wish I could find it in synthetic mohair. Monique makes one in synthetic mohair -- I think it's one of the Bebe styles -- but it doesn't come small enough for my boy. ::sigh::
    19. Like disco biscuit said, more varity of eyes for 10-14mm range. 12mm has little to chose from, and they are all bland looking compare to the larger eye range that has more of a variety to choose from. Only way to get nifty eyes like them, is commissioning someone, or making them your self. Other then that, small eyes get the short end of the stick U_U

      Also more ankle boots that are 1900 inspired for MSD. There is way too many lolita shoes out there. Not that I don't like the fashion, but its way over done when it comes to BJD.
    20. Wah! That's cuteeee xDDD thanks for the link!!

      mmm.... I want to see more medieval clothings! The best way to get them is to comission them,, I'd love to see shops selling them! A lot of my stories are set in medieval-LOTR ages so I'd love to get medieval clothings for them...

      And BJD ice skates sounds so cool!! Wonder if they can stand on skate shoes though ^^;;;;