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This going too far? [ Dollfie robot? ]

Dec 7, 2009

    1. wow that is very cool! creativity is what makes these dolls stand out, i am sure is just wiring and magnets, but it looks cool ^^
    2. I was loving it until she put her arms down. That kinda freaked me out. Maybe because it was as soon as the guitar was taken out of her hands, like she knew what was happening, but other than that it was really cool. The walking not so much, 'cause it was obviously very robotic, but all in all very enjoyable. I don't see why it would be going to far. If it was something in the wiring and remote controled I'd love to try it. It would make doll videos a lot easier and when I was being lazy and didn't want to get up to get my dolls from the other side of the room I could have them walk to me. XD
    3. I don't think that is a stringed bjd , it's a robot doll, to have movement needs more stability so I think it's only aestheticaly a dolfie , but probably with an inner mechanism/skeleton to hold the parts together and move , probably one made by a hard material , maybe harder than the one in obitsu plastic dolls.
      Robot dolls exist long ago and I have seen many having asian aesthetic the impressive part is that this one have nicer & a bit more complicated movement than other robot toys & is more delicate in looks than other robot toys the creator must be proud !!! especially if it's modification on a resin bjd.
      .There is much more complicated movement of course in remote controlled car toys etc (balance there is easier of course) the cheaper ones can be found in toy stores while others more delicate and complicated at stores about modelism etc...
      . I think the squared feet are not it's feet I think there is a mechanism inside socks which make them look like this.
      ... But surely this movement cannot be done by a doll which parts are hold by an elastic string only ... it has to be a robot doll with inner mechanism & not a bjd as those permitted in this foroum so I don't believe it's a bjd anymore if you use the term in a strict way.
    4. I dont see why its debate worthy. Its the owner's choice to do as they wish with the doll they own. If they choose to make it walk, talk, dance and so on it is their choice. I'm sure others here have said this or thought this when looking through gallery posts and critique posts. It is their doll and therefore their choice to dress, make up and play with their doll as they wish.
      I actually really enjoyed this! It was super cool. :aheartbea
    5. That is AMAZING :D I would love to see a BJD that could move like that ^___^ I could never afford it, but it would be so cool if we could buy one <3
    6. I was getting ready to type these exact words. Seriously.

      My ex-boyfriend had that thing. :roll:

      On a somewhat random note, I actually love the video more for the girls in the back than the doll that was supposed to be the focus. They're just there doing the little pose and shoot thing. It's such a perfect example of what we do in this hobby. XD
    7. Awww, that's so cute! :D

      I've seen something like this somewhere before, except that it wasn't as well-executed as this one.
    8. A few steps away from a Persocom maybe? :?

      Imagine the work put into creating the system that makes movement possible? I thought re-stringing my tinies was almost impossible at times, now I hope they post vids of the labor process!
    9. One step closer to Angelic Layer, imho. Which I desperately want to see in my lifetime!
    10. Whee, I wish I had one XD
    11. Warning: freak out moment about to happen...

      *SQUEE* OMFG!!!! I WANT HER!!!.....:sweat

      i dont think that's going to far. it think it's a pretty neat idea and would love to know how that's done for future dolls hehehe...
    12. Wow! Very neat!
      I can see why you think it would be creepy (think of all the horror flicks with moving dolls in them), but this is just plain CUTE! She looks like she's having so much fun playing her guitar! I would have love to have been there so I could clap along with her!!
    13. Off-topic- Katrid, as totally awesome as your signiture is, it's way too big.

      In the storyline, wasn't the Angelic Layer robots what spured on the work into Persocoms? I don't know if it'll be in our lifetimes when we have robots with such super realism as a Persocom, but it's only natural progression of technology at this point.

      I don't find a little guitar playing Dolfie creepy at all.
    14. I think that's really cute. Not sure I'd ever do that with any of mine but I don't see how this is any different than the toys we grew up with as kids or the ones out now a day... toy dogs that jump and do flips, talking baby dolls, dancing ipod animals lol. Most people find those generally amusing or are not bothered by them so the big deal over BJDs moving etc, seems silly to me.
    15. The negative response to this robot BJD is definitely a good example of the Uncanny Valley effect.

      I think this robot is really cool! I can't see myself owning one, but cool, nonetheless
    16. That's pretty cool, I think, actually. It's almost like a little persocom from chobits. But as to whether it's wrong or not, it's the owner's decision. I just see it as a type of customization, and a neat one at that. Is the person moving her with an X-box 360 controller?​
    17. That was surprising and very cool. So impressive!

    18. EEEK SORRY! Changing now!
    19. oh i love that. i think is great they have such creativity... it does not bother me at all
    20. I'm very impressed that someone has done that but It does unfortunatly make me think of the dancing christmas decorations you can get.

      Very cool, Just not somthing I personaly want though.