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Touchy subject- (undesired) Association with "Furry" fetish

May 14, 2010

    1. What is an Otherkin?
    2. Has anyone ever accused you of liking or participating in Furry fetishism for having Anthro type dolls?

      No, but I am not a young person and it would surprise me very much if anyone suggested it.

      How do you respond to that kind of assumption if it comes up?

      I would probably just roll my eyes. I think of anthro dolls as just story-book creatures (Wind in the Willows, Alice in Wonderland, etc.) , not fetish characters.

      Do you think that kind of assumption is more likely if anthro dolls were sculpted or dressed more maturely?

      I really have no idea. I think of anthro dolls as sort of cartoon creatures, like Disney Cinderella mice. I bought the anthro dolls I have because they amuse me. I prefer the small cartoon-type anthros made by Doll Factory, Coco Tribe, and Dollzone , but not the SD sized human dolls with optional anthro parts. I like the small anthros that have mature sculpts, but don't happen to have any because the scale is wrong with my other small dolls. I think that it would be very odd of anyone to make assumptions about someone's sexual preferences and quirks based on their choice of dolls.
    3. Not sure if your interested in the opinions of people without anthro dolls, but just thought i'd chime in ^^

      I've never found anthro dolls to be part of some "furry fetish" instead i think they are incredible works of art that show love and dedication to a particular vision or design.

      If people accuse of you of furry fetishes, just try and shrug it off, there will always be people who label what they don't understand, and alot of people outside the hobby have a hard enough trouble understanding it as is, animal dolls tend tob e a bit more tricky even still.
    4. it only got asked of me once but that was because I put my Puki's cat parts on and had a Puki Cochon...I've also had two Pipos.

      No one really assumes this of me because I don't display any sort of furry connotation in ANY way...but if someone were to think this I'd just say "Well I don't identify myself as a furry" and leave it at that. I have friends and know people of all kinds so I try to be as non judgemental as I can possibly be.
    5. Has anyone ever accused you of liking or participating in Furry fetishism for having Anthro type dolls?
      I've been accused of it before I owned an anthro doll because I used to draw anthro stuff years ago just because I thought it was just fun to draw. I even drew a lot of more mature body type furs (clothed too btw) but never went beyond that with the fandom. I hardly draw this sort of thing anymore because I just don't have the time for it and I'm just not that interested unless I'm open for commissions to do them (which is rare).

      How do you respond to that kind of assumption if it comes up?
      Online I ignore it. I've been questioned about it in recent years in person but that was during the time they found my hardly updated DA gallery. I just didn't draw it anymore and I don't really identify myself as one either.

      Do you think that kind of assumption is more likely if anthro dolls were sculpted or dressed more maturely?
      Probably, especially from people who don't understand and people who just want to be a mean about it because they generally don't like anthros.
    6. okay... I have a lot of thoughts swimming in my head about this... so.. I'll try to keep it all on topic.

      If/when I have a pipos doll or dolls... I would be pretty annoyed if people called me 'a furry'. No offense to anybody else, but I ... I'm sorry but I despise this 'furry subculture' or whatever it is.. I love animals and I love them for how they really are and really behave. It always has seemed to me that 'furries' claim to love animals, but when you get down to it, have romanticized/mysiticized/anthropomorphized them beyond recognition.

      As for "otherkin" i think its a bunch of complete bull. If its your religion, great, thats your right. But if you start claiming "I'm a cat, it's not a choice" then I start to get really pissed. "it's not a choice" is not something you throw around to legitimize anything you don't want people arguing with you about. If its really supposedly 'not a choice' to be an animal in a humans body, then they wouldn't be 90% felines and canines, because felines and canines are a very SMALL proportion of the animal kingdom. We would have a LOT more people being mosquitoes and flies, but thats not very romantic is it? So you conveniently don't see these kind of 'furries'.

      Furthermore, I really hate the tendency to make adjectives into nouns like this (the fantasy genre is the WORST for this). He is a furry? I mean really. That just sounds ridiculous. Or.. "I'm a fur" .. really?? Bad, bad English -_-

      For all these reasons, I would really dislike being associated even remotely with 'furries'. I like Pipos because they have a more classical look to them. I don't like the cartoony anthros like dollfactory... but Pipos makes me think of Peter Rabbit and Wind in the Willows, which is more classic anthropomorphizing, but in my opinion, is not at all part of the 'furry fandom'.

      Yes, I think mature bodies WOULD make you more likely to be called a furry or whatever, BUT I think that also has a lot to do with how the doll is dressed. If they are dressed in classic english countryside clothing, i think you are less likely to be called a furry fetisher.. person.. than if they are dressed in modern jeans and tee. Or if the animal has like. neon colored spots and stuff...

      If someone did give me flack about this, I'd say "no way, I hate 'furry' stuff" and be done with it. Everyone already knows I give a very high respect to animals and am vegan and all that... but I am also Christian which everyone I know knows, so no one would honestly think I thought I was an animal, cause that just doesn't jive too well with Christian theology.

      My post might offend somebody, but these are my opinions and experiences, which by nature of the thread, I've been asked to provide. Don't bother trying to 'enlighten' me about what furries are cause... there's just no point -_-
    7. No, lifestyle is *always* a choice. You *choose* how and what you want to do with your life. What you wear, eat, do for daily activities or entertainment and how you view the world around you are *always* a choice, and you *always* have the ability to change that choice. The first thing that comes to mind for me is, the 'gay lifestyle', but just being attracted to the same gender is not necessarily a lifestyle, as a lifestyle is a whole *bundle* of behaviors, not just one attraction over another.

      As for the question about dolls and furries... I'll admit I'm sort of on the fringe of the furrie fandom. I enjoy a lot of furrie/anthro art, and I have several characters who are anthro, or at least have animal characteristics. On top of that, I have absolutely no qualms with 'yiff'.
      To be honest, me and my girlfriend both ordered a pair of the new Chicline boys, and when we found out that they were coming with lion face-plates? We both readily agreed, 'it's going to be like gay lion king'. I'll probably take some nice romantic photos, but tasteful because that's what I find most aesthetically appealing. On top of that, I'd love to add a few other anthro dolls to my collection at later points, too.

      I've never personally been accused of liking furrie erotica, even with the raccoon anthro doll I've got half-sculpted (poor guy's on the back-burner right now), or the doll I had with rabbit ears and antlers since his character was a crossdressing jackalope. The most I ever got with *either* was just 'aww, that's cute'.

      If someone ever *did* 'accuse' me of it. Eh. I'd just shrug it off. Like I said, I have no qualms with 'yiff', and consider myself borderline in the furrie fandom, so I obviously have no ill will towards it. I really only see people who say they hate the fandom or find yiff 'the most disgusting thing ever' to be the ones more likely to take offense to someone thinking that sort of thing. It really depends on how a person views the thing they're being accused of. Otherwise, it's no big deal to me.

      I'm also of the notion that anyone who is going to make that assumption, is probably someone with little information on the fandom (along the lines of, 'all furries are perverts/like yiff'), and is going to make that assumption regardless of if your doll is more childlike/cartoony, or more mature looking
    8. Again, please keep this debate on topic or it will be locked. This debate is not about value judgements on those who are part of or enjoy furry fandom, nor is it about whether you agree or do not agree with the concept of Otherkin, or even Fictionkin. We are a BJD forum, so if your post isn't about your anthro doll, your friend's anthro doll, or anthro dolls in general, in relation to an percieved association with furry fandom it is probably off-topic.

      There is a big wide internet out there which will help you discover what furry fandom is or what otherkin are (and the two are mutually exclusive, one can be a furry without also being otherkin), without causing this thread to deviate further.

      Thank you.
    9. While people have (correctly) assumed that I am a furry because I wear a fox tail, I can't say that I've ever been questioned because of my dolls. I do plan to get anthros in the future so that might spawn more questions, but it doesn't bother me as long as they're not intentionally flaming me or trying to make me feel bad. Gennii Drominda said it perfectly; it's just a label associated with a certain fandom.
    10. At the end of the day, I don't think anyone likes being associated with anything that they are not actually part of.

      I don't want people to assume I'm a staunch Republican (or a Democrat, for that matter) just because I have an interest in politics. I don't want people to assume I'm a football fan just because I'm from a state well-known for its love of the game. I don't want people to associate me with teachers' unions despite being a teacher. I don't want to be associated with anime convention attendees who glomp others at random, even though I attend conventions myself. And I don't want to be associated with furries because... I am not a furry.

      It has nothing to do with me holding a negative judgment on any of the things mentioned above. It's just that I prefer to be seen for who I am, and not for who people expect me to be. That's the only reason I would ever react negatively to someone jumping to a conclusion -- any conclusion -- about me based on the fact I collect dolls.

      It's just human nature. We don't want to be lumped in with groups we don't belong to. There's nothing wrong with that.
    11. I don't have an anthro doll, and if it weren't for the fact that I've decided on only getting one doll, I would propbably buy a cat one.
      Why? Because I think anthros are cute. ^^
      I think cat ears and tails and such are really cute too, and will probably give some to my doll if I get one.

      I do happen to draw furry art mostly, but that's because I've grown up with anthro cartoon characters as my heroes, and they've always been the easiest to draw. But I do not want to be called a furry. I just think it's because of those few people who call themselves furries and who over-do it. I'm not saying that everyone who calls themselves furry do this, but some do, and that can be quite annoying.

      And why should someone having a animal BJD have to be called a Furry, or get associated with "furry-fetish" if they don't want to when no one cares about the fact that we all have/had some sort of animal plushie?
      And Hello Kitty also happens to be an anthro. So then they should be associated with "furry-fetish" too?
      I'll never understand some people when they decide to judge other people. They just see that, but not this.

      I hope my comment isn't too weird and hard to understand. ;^^
    12. THIS is probably one of the most on-point things that has been said in this thread thus far. It's not about value judgments, it's about not wanting anyone to assume you're part of a group that you're not a part of, no matter what that group is.
    13. Perfectly put. It's just an unfortunate state of things that 1) Most people make an assumption first and then phrase their question(s) to confirm or negate their assumption, instead of asking what the actuality is; and 2) There are people mightily *preoccupied* with sex and sexuality, for whatever reason(s), and filter EVERYTHING through their preoccupation, so their question(s) are phrased to reflect that.

      I can deal with the ones who'll accept a simple "No," and move along. A negative reaction is reserved for the further subgroup who will still insist YOU'RE wrong about yourself and THEY'RE right.

      Thus far, however, nobody's ever asked me anything about my attitude to my anthro rabbit or my little humans with hooves.
    14. 1) Nope, and I am very glad for it. Then again, my anthros are all Pipos which are totally genderless and not sexualized at all, though the new R. Pi is going to give off the furry vibe, I think...

      2) I would probably laugh in someone's face because my dolls aren't even slightly like what people would call a "furry". Well, maybe they're like baby furries but if someone is accusing me something with a BABY furry then I'd be inclined to punch them because that's disgusting.

      3) Definitely. I think that people are probably going to see Soom Breccia is definitely pushing the furry frontier, that's honestly what I thought when I saw her. I don't assume all her owners are furry lovers, of course, but I could see her being a good choice with her extremely busty body and sexy default outfit. ;)
    15. I already have that issue, being that I do draw 'furry' artwork, on commission. But I shouldn't complain, it's paid for all of my dolls...

      Alas, I am not a furry. I don't identify as one.... but talking about Mishka? Nobody has suggested I am one because of him. I doubt anyone would.

      It annoys me that people will say "oh, you're a furry because _________", when really furry is one of those things that is very much a choice. I choose not to identifu as one, and I feel simply because I draw furries alongside the humans and elves and such I draw, that does not MAKE me a furry, nor would owning anthro dolls make someone a furry.
    16. I was a furry (slowly moving away from the fandom). I still like the (clean) art, I still have a fursona (she is a lot more human now though... but she will always be part of me. In fact I plan to make a doll of her... so i guess I am a furry... I just dislike some parts of the fandom)
      I "left" (so to speak) due to the the large amount of porn on Fur Affinity (which I don't agree with... at all, and all the 'popular' artists are 'Adult' ones) and the fact that as a fandom we have a reputation for being sexual and no one fights it, in fact they reinforce it... ><
      So I feel "Ashamed" of being a furry (sorry if that offends anyone, I do)
      I also hate "attention wh**es" or anyone who dresses up(not suiting, thats different..I used to suit - I mean more gothic/emo/neon clothes that are not cosplay)/dyes their hair for attention/loud people (which the fandom is
      full of... once again, sorry if I offended you, not all gothic/hair dye people are like this, I mean the ones who soley do it for attention)
      So I dislike the socal side of it.
      I can see how a naive outsider to furry and BJD could think that anthro dolls are furry, but not all anthro is
      I still like anthro characters, I will always have a
      fursona, I just am slowly starting to dislike the
    17. I've never been accused, but I've often thought about it. It drove me nuts when people associated BJD's as sexual objects (there's a MAJOR difference between a sexual doll and a BJD...) My grandma really irked me when I received my Pukisha and she started looking for genitalia , like he's actually going to have reproductive organs. It confuses me; I didn't buy the doll because he was anthro, or because I would totally "fap" to the idea of it, I bought him because in short, I could see myself with this doll, and I could see his personality from the moment I saw him. If someone happen to accuse me of having a "furry fetish," then I would explain that. The assumption could probably arise if an anthro doll was dressed more maturely, but people have to realize that, like humans, anthro characters age as well so it's only natural to give an anthro character humanoid prospects in young and more matured age. The immaturity of some people baffle me.
    18. I am part of the furry community as an artist, but I am not a furry myself.
      how are anthropomorphic dolls furry? 'furry' centers around a person's interests and lifestyle, not what they own.
      having a cat does not make me a catgirl, liking adult art with skeletons does not make me a necrophiliac,
      and owning my baby (pet ari conie) doesn't make me a furry.

      Furry fandom is fine within it's own circles. -adult- furry portrayal of dolls would not bother me, but I myself am not attracted to them and would probably not do something like that to my own dolls. it's personal taste more than some horrible stigma.
    19. Its not just antro dolls that have the accociation, for some people a doll with cat ears is too far, ones with fantasy parts' are incredibly creepy and the antro ones should be wiped off the face of the earth.
      it does seem to depend on whos looking at the dolls and their experience of furries.

      Saying this as recently from something my brother said;
      He came into my room while I was poking through the pages of the SOOM monthlies, mostly while I was flipping between Chrom and Hati & Skoll, his responce was "arugh, those are really furry" (in the antro sense).

      Hes never had a good view of furries and otherkin (not going to explain why, too long a story), any dolls with animal parts he will think 'furry'.