1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Unfinished kits in AR, 200$ :-O

Jul 24, 2005

    1. w00 i got my notice...

      = . = :cry:
    2. MysteryAya got her Ren girl on a Sunday.
    3. n n Okay~ Thanks guys.<3
    4. How WEIRD!!! I've never heard of that!
    5. *sniff*
      My boy just arrived at the post office... Which would be good, except I'm at university and can't see him until the 23rd! :cry:
    6. Well I got a EMS shipment on sunday before from Japan and another time I got it on friday at 11am (the box with my Nami in it). When my usps mail man came with my box he explained that he would be comming at 4 PM again that day to give us our regular mail. So I guess EMS arrives on its own accord and not at the same time with your regular mail.
    7. Depends where you live. I always go to the post office to get it now because I'm not home when the mail comes anymore, but when I did get it delivered it came at the same time as the rest of the mail, and I always have to wait for Monday, because it's NOT delivered on Sunday here.
    8. I finally got the shipping notice!

      ...except that the tracking number doesn't work. *_* I tried at both the URL Angelregion provided, as well as USPS.com. The former was all blank spaces, the latter said no such number existed in their records. I've read that this is common, though; how long does it usually take for it to show up in the system?
    9. oh oh it'll show up tomorrow...that happened to me last night
      and today i look at it has two -three fields shown!! :D
    10. All righty! Thank you much. And congrats on having your doll so very close indeed! :grin:

    11. T.T he's sold to another person...i kind of didn't quite manage to buy him..because of the way the bill cycle worked.

      its still fun watching!!

      we should have all our EMS tracking to sneak at (it' d be unsafe though..people might steal them if we're out :o )
    12. Gah I'm so jealous of you who have received your dolls! I wrote to them but haven't heard back. I keep trying to tell myself that they are only 10 days past the promised shipping date but...you know how it is. The waiting is terrible! :barf
    13. The waiting IS terrible. Cady is on her way, but every hour that ticks by is making it harder. Want. Doll. NOW. Out of curiosity, when did you order, and what did you order? I'm still holding out hope that maybe I was one of the lucky ones whose doll was given a face-up, and maybe that's why she was so "late" shipping. (Six weeks and four days from the date I ordered her. Horrors! *ducks all the DOD owners who've waited 2-3 months for their dolls*)

      You know, I think I could have held off feeling so anxious if AR hadn't randomly shipped out some dolls ahead of schedule. :oops: Just stay positive. The AR staff is unfailingly polite, and I've never had an e-mail go unreplied to for longer than four days.
    14. The Pure Milk Diana are so beautiful, how exciting to have her on the way to you!! I have a Diana Pride, and can tell you they are really well made and even more beautiful than their photos :grin:

      I ordered a Angelica girl on July 22nd, so I guess it's only been 7 weeks. Hey maybe I am getting a faceup! haha Not likely. You are right I should stay positive, and I agree that I wouldn't feel so anxious if it weren't for the dolls shipped out early. Blastmilk ordered the same girl as me and she has arrived, so that made me nervous too.

      AR isn't doing so well at answering emails right now, but I think that is because they are SO busy!
    15. I ordered my Natural Tanning Ren on July 22, and I haven't heard anything either. I emailed them, no response :cry:
    16. Don't cry! We'll hold hands until they arrive :daisy
    17. Eep! The Diana model IS gorgeous, and I would love to see pictures of your girl. However, I'm getting a LF Dana with Pure Milk skin. :oops:

      Oh my gosh, an Angelica! :o If I had been smart (or, rather, richer at the time), I would have ordered one too. I've become smitten with that face after browsing AR's wigs. (She models most of the LF brands.) Angelicas have such a sweet and mysterious expression.

      I feel a bit guilty now, because I ordered my doll on July 26th and she's coming sooner than yours. I really do wonder what determines AR's shipping practices. I'm not saying this meanly or anything; I was just under the assumption that they shipped customers' orders based on date. This has not been the case, however. *scratches head*
    18. Aww don't feel guilty! It's just the luck of the draw I think :) I can't wait to see photos of your Dana! :D
    19. T.T

      I don't know why i was somewhat expecting it...

      but since the doll wasn't going to belong to me...
      it was just luck that it happened to come today.

      shipping date: 9th of September...over the weekend ...and now...Monday...its here!

      ... So anyway... aside from the fact that i'veordered something else that should have been here LAST week (and on a sept 6 flight) i'm going to say.... that...

      T.T ... The AR Kai that landed in my hands got an AR face up.
      This AR Kai new owner is well.. a member of this board... and i just want to tell them...
      that.. T.T

      Its such a damn good face up.
    20. Oh wow! :D That's awesome. Gives me hope that my girl will arrive tomorrow (Monday), too, since she was also shipped on the 9th!

      How neat! I bet Kai's person will be tickled pink upon finding out.