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Unidoll High School line

Aug 12, 2009

    1. I wish they would bring back some of the Uni Limited sculpts. I never did get a UH-21 and would take one in Urethane if they don't want to do French resin anymore. I also have a couple older Uni limiteds that I got secondhand and at least one is very very yellow due to the French resin, but is a very nice sculpt apart from that.
    2. They updated the news thread with body pics and measurements!

      OMG I see the first girl w/out glasses now!
      I LOVE HER!!!
      Now I'm curious what they will cost!
    3. Interesting knee joints!
      Is that the first girl without glasses? Looks very nice. :)
    4. I love the first girl~!! She's so cute and the body is really cute too!!!
    5. I think all of them looks very cute , but for some odd reason the new head molds look sort of ehhh to me, not in a bad way, but definitely in a good way. :)
    6. Not sure I like the knee joints, looks like she has a brick in the middle of her leg. I think they're a deal breaker for me, especially on a girl. The rest of the body is great, but I'll skip double joints in favor of body line any day. I like them if they are well executed but they're not a necessity for me. Oh well, my wallet is spared. Phew!
    7. I definitely don't like the knees. Boys you could get away with pants all the time, but girls -- That floating disc is very distracting and doesn't even try and blend in organically.

      I notice whoever is doing their female bodies obviously likes breasts. The UDR girls are ginormous and these "high school" girls are packing a lot too.

      I do like the head sculpt on the rocker girl.
    8. Do you think the first girl looks very similar to Uni-real Selina?

      I think she is...I even open the 2 windows to compare their faces, and they looks like sisters!LOL!

      I like the first girl too, cause I own Selina myself. LOL. She's cute >w< . I don't know, not like other dolls, she's unique. And the body is so great! nice proportion for my taste, but she's too short. I love tall girls (Phew!!) Hope they'll improve the Uni-real line to a double joint body too, that'd be my dream!
    9. First girl Judy is up on the website! She's the girl with the glasses. :aheartbea

      Oh, I like her. This sort of throws my other dolls plans around a little... :? What to do, what to do?
    10. The first girl, Judy?, reminds me a little of Dollstown's Elysia, whom I have been coveting for awhile. She's very tempting.:love
    11. Judy is for sale!

      OMG she have an excellent price!! :D

      I wanna see photos of the NUDE bod7 (but really nude :__D).
    12. Roseanne is up! She's the "sexy" girl with the yellow hair.

      Interesting, although I've never been a fan of open-mouth girls. (I think they look a little stupid...)

      Is there anyone else who'd love to see the head sculpts without face-up? I'm not so much for the school theme. I would prefer another kind of character, but it's hard to see past the images that have been posted so far.
    13. I want!! And I wanna see the NUDE body too! But about the heads they told me:

    14. Oh.
      But they seem to have misunderstood. We don't necessarily want to buy the blank heads, just see what the doll looks like without face-up. Not everyone wants to buy the whole concept as it is. (Or maybe even the majority of doll owners want to make their own character?)
    15. I don't want to buy the head only. Indeed, I like the body!! 56cm tall are very attractive for me.

      But yes, I think they misunderstood me... but I was asking for the photo only!
    16. ahh! I'm completely in love with Rocker Girl, when will she be released? anyone know? it seems like it's been a while compared to the time between the other two.

    17. Yeah. They seem to have come to a halt while they're doing the re-release of Limiteds. :|
    18. They answered me today:

      So the 3rd rocker girl will be released soon!!
    19. The rocker girl still isn't out is she?
    20. Nope. I asked on the Q&A board on Unidoll...no answer yet. Can't wait to see her!