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Unidoll Real GIRLS Dalia & Lily discussion....

Feb 28, 2008

    1. Totally want the Lily. Please God, don't make her limited.
    2. I think it's just you. But that happens to a lot of people. Seline has a much rounder face and poutyer lips than Dion. Maybe they could work as siblings?
    3. I can't speak to potential price, but all Unidolls are limited. They do only limited runs, I believe it's 200 of any given doll head mold. Some of them are more limited than others, but that's usually a costume or "special" doll. I believe such was the case with the Jace "Magician" doll.

      My guess is these will be standard Unidoll limiteds, and that they'll end up doing more than just these heads for the real girl body, though maybe not all at once.
    4. Hi every body and specialy Duplife,

      CONGRATULATIONS, these dolls are SUPERB !!!
      I looked for a such a doll for a long time and Unidoll makes her ! It was unhoped for ...

      I intend to buy a ball jointed doll but have difficulties to make a choice.
      With your announcement my choice is made : i wish to buy a Unidoll Real Girl or none.

      Which one to choose ?!? The blonde Selina, the redhaired Lily or Dalia the brunette. They are all 3 very beautiful women !!!
      At first sight i would prefer Dalia, then Lily.

      Their mature body looks perfect : need to see some more photos ...
      Breast seems generous and very well curved, Legs long, fine and elegant !
      Hip are wide, the waist slim and chest sensual.
      Hands are very feminine with very long detailed fingers !
      Please more photos of the hips, back, bottom ... etc ..., full and close up !

      They look like real women, MODELS !!!

      Unidoll dolls are GREAT WORK !!! Thank you !
      • x 1
    5. Eeeek! I was actually surprised! I thought she would have the more harsh facial features like some of the other UniReal boys. But she actually is quite pretty while still looking much like Unidolls other molds. :)
    6. You can get a basic Ark, Jace, and Feanor that aren't limited. It's only the special full-sets that are limited.

    7. First of all, Thanks for your concern.

      I posted real girl nude cut at Notice thread.

      Enjoy it~


    8. They are beautiful! The body sculpt is lovely!
    9. god, that body is freaking amazing- call me a perv , but I love the way their boobs are low on their chest---very realistic!!;)
    10. :droolYeah...those bodies are to die for. It's like she's alive.
    11. I am for sure lovin' on them boobies. :3 They're big but not like... weird-looking!
    12. Oh....the Real Girl body is absolutely WONDERFUL!

      March event hmmm.....*runs off to gather funds*.

    13. Lol, the sibling thought it what struck me right away ^_^ She's very pretty, and looks like she could be a sister or something? The shape of the eyes and the lips are similar enough to have a blood relation I think ^_^ <3 I love that.

      I really like Dalia though ^_^ And I can agree with what has been said about the bodies! Such pretty ladies! :aheartbea

    14. The body is just beautiful. I would love to see a better closeup of Selina where you can see her eyes better.
    15. The body is miraculous really! I always have an *issue* with a doll's body in some way (and I don't even own one.XD) and that always makes it so hard for me to choose what doll I want. I haven't fallen in love with a doll body so much since the first time I saw a Dollshe boy.

      I love how she's sensual, yet very realistic. Nothing about her seems awkward or out of place, and her back is incredible! I'm with everyone else on the chest, those boobs are to die for.*is jealous*

      I may wait a bit longer to buy my Chami until these girls are released...It all depends on the price though. I'm really looking forward to better pics of Lily.
    16. Hi Duplife,

      First of all, thank you for reactivity (ability to react) !

      She is even more beautiful than i imagined her : She is THE DOLL !!!
      She is the WOMAN in all her MAGNIFICENCE !!!

      The blushing of the body is Great ART !!!

      Never seen such a realistic and perfect body !!!
      She gives the feeling that she would be able to begin moving.
      She is Beautiful whatever is the angle you look at her !

      She have SPLENDID long legs : curved thighs, lovely knees, slim cafts ankles and feet.
      What a nice bottom with wide hips, a pretty belly and a narrow waist !
      Her bosoms are very perfectly proportioned : like real ones !
      Her back is remarkably itemized with salient scapulas !
      Her arms are slender, her forearms nicely realistic and her hands are gracious !!!


      PS : i would love to see photos of the body with Lily & Selina heads and photos of the three heads together. Please some photos showing her poseability.Thank you in advance !
    17. Great body! Tall and slender without being ridiculously so.

      I think I want one. Maybe Lily. Hmmmmmmmmm.
    18. I want every doll I see, but that is impossible, I need to save up on a body first then maybe.....I would love to add one of these pretties to my collective...I mean collection;)
    19. Unidoll has released info on these girls....go check out the news thread!
