1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Unidoll - Unilimited resale

Sep 5, 2009

    1. Thanks for the info FunnyLori. I updated our list. So how many sets of hands come with the optional hand option with the limiteds?

      I bet people who ordered directly from Unidoll will be the first to get their dolls.
    2. Originally the limiteds came with two pairs of hands. One pair the fingers all touched and the second had the fingers spread. I prefer the spread hands but always break the fingers. With the urethane versions, you had to purchase the spread hands separately and they called them 'special' hands.
    3. I ordered from unidoll without face-up ^^ I do regret a little bit I didn't ordered the extra pair, but I'm going to try splitting the fingers anyway.
    4. Thanks for the info FunnyLori. I opted for the extra hands. I am kind of a hand freak so could'nt pass on that.

      Sint: I bet you are one of the first to get your doll. It will be really exciting when we start getting shipping notices!
    5. I ordered from DDE with a faceup if you want to complete my list:) Sint, you have ordered a unidoll before, do you happen to remeber what shipping cost for the SD sized unidolls? This is my very first SD sized so I have no idea what they could weigh.
    6. Updated our list...Thanks DespairO6!

      Sculpt Vendor Face-up
      Sint: UH-03 Unidoll No
      Luckyl: UH-06 DDE No
      FunnyLori: UH-17 DDE Yes
      Gracie: UH-09 DDE ?
      Despair06: UH-21 DDE Yes
      aernath: UH-01 Unidoll No
      62kitty: UH-08 and UH-14
      prettyhatemachine: UH-21
      vinge: UH-08 and UH-15
    7. For my girl I payed $46 on shipping to my country and on my orderstatus it says the package is 1,7 kg. This includes the complete package material, the doll will weight much lesser. ;)
      My first SD was Ark and that was a 2,3 kg chunk of resin :lol: (Still nothing compared to my EID boy -> 3 kg *_*)

      Still need to buy some shoes and clothes for my poor girl. Having only big hunky men, I haven't got anything in the wardrobe that will fit her XD
    8. This is my first time ordering direct from Unidoll. I got my Jace through... um... someone... I think it was that Dolls and Friends that closed shop a little while back.
      Did that because I needed lay away. Plus, I was going to be saving on shipping by using a US based company. But this time around, I decided what the heck. :)

      Oh, and for the list: Unidoll, no faceup, regular hands.

      LOL @ Sint! I just got a girl this year (after about three years of nothing but boys!), and she was a total surprise, so I know your pain! She had to wear the boys' hand-me-downs until I could finally get her a dress or two, and some shoes that actually fit her! :lol: And undies!!! That was the biggest shock. Since she wears dresses sometimes, she NEEDS undies! :XD: The boys? I have a couple pair, but they don't wear them. ;)

      PS - and finally! I'm past week four! Two more to go...? :sweat
    9. I am buy from Unidoll Ark head and Selina.
      I ordered from Unidoll + face-up + extra hands.
    10. Updated the list. Thanks vinge.

      Sculpt Vendor Face-up
      Sint: UH-03 Unidoll No
      Luckyl: UH-06 DDE No
      FunnyLori: UH-17 DDE Yes
      Gracie: UH-09 DDE ?
      Despair06: UH-21 DDE Yes
      aernath: UH-01 Unidoll No
      62kitty: UH-08 and UH-14
      prettyhatemachine: UH-21
      vinge: UH-08 and UH-15 Unidoll Yes

      No news from Unidoll. :(
    11. I ordered UH-21 with face-up from Unidoll.
    12. Thanks gypsydale! I will add you to the list and welcome to the waiting room!
    13. Updated the list. Thanks vinge.

      Sculpt Vendor Face-up
      Sint: UH-03 Unidoll No
      Luckyl: UH-06 DDE No
      FunnyLori: UH-17 DDE Yes
      Gracie: UH-09 DDE ?
      Despair06: UH-21 DDE Yes
      aernath: UH-01 Unidoll No
      62kitty: UH-08 and UH-14
      prettyhatemachine: UH-21
      vinge: UH-08 and UH-15 Unidoll Yes
      gypsydale: UH-21 Unidoll Yes

      I am dying to see what the Unidoll face-ups look like. I was tempted, but opted not to go that route.
    14. Updated list with Baakay added:

      Sculpt Vendor Face-up
      Sint: UH-03 Unidoll No
      Luckyl: UH-06 DDE No
      FunnyLori: UH-17 DDE Yes
      Gracie: UH-09 DDE ?
      Despair06: UH-21 DDE Yes
      aernath: UH-01 Unidoll No
      62kitty: UH-08 and UH-14
      prettyhatemachine: UH-21
      vinge: UH-08 and UH-15 Unidoll Yes
      gypsydale: UH-21 Unidoll Yes
      Baakay: UH-3 DDE No
    15. No faceup for mine.
      and I put her on order at DDE so I could pay a deposit and then fling the rest downstream when she arrives! :)
    16. Added your info Baakay. I did the same thing, just gave the minimum deposit and will also "fling the rest downstream" when my boy arrives! LOL! So far, there are 5 of us that ordered from DDE that we know of.

      I just have this feeling he won't arrive until after Christmas.
    17. Has anyone had any word yet? at all?
    18. Nope. I'm waiting on two girls and I was wondering when they'd be done, too.
    19. Nothing here. I'm going to ask Unidoll when the unis are ready to ship.
    20. Double post :P I got a message from Unidoll ^^