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Universe Doll Discussion

Jun 5, 2017

    1. @shirahime

      I think I have two of their white resin colors due to a miscommunication: 1) snow white resin and 2) milk white resin. The snow white resin is ever so slightly creamy yellow, but looks paper white without comparison to true white. The milk white resin is pinky but definitely a white skin resin--not mistaken for normal skin resin.
    2. @americanseamstress Thanks for your insights into the resin colours. Is milk white resin their normal white? Would you happen to have a photo of the two white resin side by side by any chance? The site I am looking at the dolls through has the two whites listed as just "Snow White" and "White". I know my Popodoll White resin is more of a creamy/ivory white so I'm trying to debate whether the Snow White would match (I figure after face up, it might not be as stark white or noticeable) or whether to go with the White option however if it's slightly pink, would it look off with a creamy/ivory white resin. The dealer of the site I am looking at sent me a photo of the resin colours for these dolls (I think they are UniverseDoll's official resin photos) and in the photo it looks like the White would match but it's really hard to tell. The bane of hybriding huh.
    3. [​IMG]

      Videos which include the doll:

      I'm not entirely sure about what it is called. When I ordered for the first time, milk white resin wasn't an option. When I ordered a second time, "milk white" is what it was called--can't remember if this was on the WoodForestDoll Etsy or LegendDoll, because it definitely wasn't Taobao.
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    4. @americanseamstress Thank you for the photo and the links. They were very helpful. The normal white doesn't look too bad with the snow white and as mine isn't snow white, it might not look too bad. Now I just have to figure out about the neck size as I think the head is designed for a 10.5cm neck and my Popodoll is a 11cm neck so I'm wondering if it's going to sit okay. Lots to consider. Thanks again for your help.
    5. @shirahime

      .5cm on an SD with the head fitting a larger neck shouldn’t matter that much
    6. @americanseamstress Thanks for the input on the neck. I really do like the Higos sculpt and that default face up (the one with the short white hair) is really good. I'm wondering whether the Snow White skin might go better as it would go creamier as it yellows? With a face up, maybe it won't be as noticeable against the creamy white of the Popodoll resin.
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    7. So, I just popped on to the taobao site to see just how many pairs of hands there were now...and uh...jointed hands? There are jointed hands!

      Also, Blind Butterfly? Is uh...gorgeous. Anyone seen photos of his sculpt without the paper butterflies anywhere?
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    8. @Lady Ravenswood They are having a 15% off on jointed hands at the moment I believe. I've purchased them for one of my OT dolls. Still a month or two away though from shipping. I love their normal hands as well and want to get a few pairs. But those jointed hands look amazing. I love how slender and long they appear in the photos.

      I'm curious too about the Blind Butterfly. You can't really tell what his sculpt looks like in their promo shots.
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    9. Thanks for the info!! They really do look lovely. :chocoheart
      I instantly wanted them as soon as I saw them. Did you go through a Taobao dealer @shirahime, or is there a distributor site that carries them? I didn't see them on Stacy's or Legend...

      I really like the style of Universedoll's photos, but I also wish they would have some blank reference style photos...it's always REALLY hard to see what their sculpts actually look like. :sweat
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    10. @Lady Ravenswood I was the same as soon as I saw the hands too. I had been looking at a few prior to seeing the ones from this company. I got mine from Legenddoll. You need to scroll down to the area called 'Doll Parts' and there's a section there called 'Ball Jointed Hand'. It's listed by company.

      I might email the distributor and see if they are able to source a blank photo of that sculpt later. Can't hurt to ask.
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    11. @shirahime
      Ah, thank you! I just found the jointed hands on Legenddoll. I sent them a quick email too to see if they had any photos of Blind Butterfly. I'll let you know what they say. ^__^
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    12. @Lady Ravenswood

      I would love to see those photos, if you think to post here!

      I saw those jointed hands too, and the significance must have gone in one ear and out the other because I didn’t think to post here! :doh I saw they didn’t have the joint I like, and that was that.
    13. Oh, hehe, no worries @americanseamstress. And I will for sure post the photo here if I get one! :3nodding:
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    14. @Lady Ravenswood I'd love to see the photo too if they are able to source one. I've been tossing around the idea of getting one of their head sculpts, Higos. But I am researching the others too as I kind of like a few of them and am taking my time deciding which one. I like that Legend offer layaway too which makes things easier. I already have a box of heads so I'm not sure why I keep wanting to add to it!
    15. They got back to me and said that they do not have any photos without the butterflies. :sweat
    16. @Lady Ravenswood Do you have a link to the new head even with the butterflies?
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    17. I think so too! ^__^
      He's very interesting.
    18. @Lady Ravenswood That's a shame they didn't have a blank photo. I can't seem to find one on the artist's flickr page either. Only for De'ath and Blank/Blanco? Shame I didn't know about this company when that sculpt came out. I think it was limited or something. I rather like Alsop too, the human version. By the way, I like the doll in your signature banner.

      Speaking of, does anyone have a De'ath? I'd love to see photos of this sculpt. I rather like the sculpting on his face (from what I saw of the blank head images).
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