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Unoss Discussion Thread

Dec 9, 2009

    1. I have been drooling on this thread since I saw bjds and now I can say I will be a proud owner of a Sienna Unoss NIB but no outfit! I got lucky and saw one on YJP! I can't wait to get her home and put together!
    2. Wow! What Luck Gamekitty! I guess we will be waiting for our girls together. :)
    3. I for one, am very excited to see 2 new Unoss girls joining the thread soon!!!! Congrats, please show us your girls when they arrive!
    4. Thank you Wally and VinylFaerie! I can't wait for her to show up either!

      Here is her auction picture. You can see she is unmodded here and the photo that made me fall for her. :)


      So... question out there: what size wig and eyes does Unoss gals take? I am now on a quest to find something for her so she has some hair and eyes when she gets here. I can't seem to find info for that. :(
    5. I believe she takes 16-18mm eyes and regular SD wigs. That is what I am buying. I am so jealous that you found an unmodded one! You are super lucky, Gamekitty.

      ETA: Does anyone know how many Unoss were made?
    6. Gamekitty, she is gorgeous, and lucky you to have found an unmodded one! She's amazing! My girl wears 16mm eyes, and an 8/9 wig.

      VinylFaerie, I don't know if anyone knows how many were made, but I believe they were made for about 4 and a half years, and could only be ordered at the Volks store in Japan. Then the buyer had to wait until there were enough orders for Volks to do a "run" of them. At least that's my understanding, so if anyone knows different, let us know!
    7. Thanks Wally! Any bit of info on these rare lovelies is welcomed, since it's so hard to find (and I don't speak Japanese!).

      But my girl has arrived. I need wig/eyes/clothes of course, but here she is borrowing some stuff I had around already and most of her default outfit.
    8. VinylFaerie: Lucky you that she has her original outfit! She looks amazing!
    9. Congrats Gamekitty! You're gonna love her. My Unoss wears 14mm glass eyes, they fit her perfectly. Is your Seina coming with the robot parts?
    10. I think she has the complete set, including box. I love her to bits already. I hope you enjoy your U-noss just as much. :)
    11. Gentaro Araki sculpted Aika and Seina Unoss. The two dolls are featured in a Japanese book titled Andolrea Unoss. Volks took orders and made the dolls when the order was large enough. Volks could not sell the dolls outside of Japan according to the agreement with Gentaro Araki. I ordered Aika unoss through a deputy service and waited a year. The cost at that time was a little over a thousand dollars. The doll was shipped to me in 2002.
    12. My Siena came today and she is amazing! She is not strung together but it looked like she had been strung together before (the strings looked dirty) but other than that she didn't look like she had been painted in any way. A very lucky find indeed!

      My Siena did not come with the robot parts, but she came with the devil horns and the black eye. It is kind of weird huh?

      Just curious: Are there any instructions on how to string her? Mine did not come with instructions in the box.
    13. Wally, you are correct. The Unoss was made only for a few years, I'm thiking 3. The only way to get one really was from Volks. I got mine in October 2002 with the help of Mr. Masamichi. (He went to the Kyoto shop and placed an order for her, then shipped her on completion of the order.) I forget how many had to be ordered for Volks to pour them....sorry. I have no clue how many were made, nor how many were destroyed.

      Gamekitty, congratulations on your find. This girl is absolutely amazing, and you were so lucky to find her in unmodded shape.
      Vinylfaerie, your girl is wonderful, and she seems to have most of her outfit.

      I still have Sienna, full set, unmodded, and Volks faceup. She was my first ABJD and I doubt if I ever part with her. The material in her clothing seems to have lost some of its elasticity.....though, I keep in in it's bag....lol. I have to admit, I was surprised to see this thread. I was sure Sienna and her sister were no longer a point of interest.
    14. Gamekitty - Is it possible that your Aika is actually a Sienna?

      Oriscany- I think she has all of her outfit. I have the boots, shawl, vest and sleeves, horns and single eye. There were panties but they sort of disintegrated and were covered in something gooey so I tossed them. Is there more to the outfit?
    15. Vinylfaerie: My girl came to me in a Siena box. I took some pictures for you all while I try to figure out how to string her.


      ... and here is her perfect face with her lashes and eyebrows. :D


      It came with these instead of the robot parts. I am pretty sure these are Aika parts.


      ... and just because I just had to try them on :sweat


      I compared Unoss's skin tone to my new normal skin tone Chibi Unoa. She pretty much didn't yellow at all compared to her, although she is more peachy than Chibi Unoa. As you can see, the previous owner didn't even clean up the resin at all! Her hands still have the factory molding lines and the extra resin on her hands and feet.
    16. It's wonderful to see new Unoss' (Unosses?) out there! Gamekitty, congrats on your pristine find! VinylFaerie, I actually love that green wig on your girl! Might have to find myself a green wig for mine!!!
    17. Vinylfaerie, I do believe you have all the parts to the clothing, minus the panties.....which I'd have dumped in a heartbeat, too.

      GamekittyI'd say your girl is an Aika. The hornes, and red eye are her head parts. (Imho, Volks resin ages beautifully, and shows little yellowing.)
    18. Thanks everyone! I am lucky to find her too.

      oriscany: I don't think I mind her being an Aika. She just happened to come in a Siena box. Of course, now I want a real Siena too! Their feet are huge! It is like twice as big as my Unoa's feet.
    19. lol, Gamekitty....the dolls are exactly the same. It just could be the other owner liked the hornes, etal. better and bought them.

      Funny thing is pake4pleasanton the price I have written down is 868 USD for the doll. I don't remember if that included Masamichi's price or not. Masamichi was the one to get all my early Volks.... There was no other way to get them. I wanted the limited when they came out.
    20. I'm glad to see the thread bounce up, I recently got Aika with her set, the Seina items from her set and the pink kitty and black maid set, and was wondering too if there was a way to find out how many were ever made in total and also who painted them originally. Does Volks even ever answer questions like that? Mine has a signed box, dated 2002 and original faceup as far as I can tell from the notes her owner left on her blog (this is D.arks's Belle), and when I can stop just gazing in awe at her for a minute, I start wondering things...:) Sorry for subpar photo, iPad would only let 1 eye focus. I was thinking also that there are not a great number of Unoss on DoA even so others might know some information on this doll in particular. They seem not to change owners terribly often here, and that trend will continue because I'll never let her go either!
