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Very first stains/cracks/dents/marks?

Jun 5, 2009

    1. My Loren fell off the table and the only things that happened were that his face-up chipped off in a microscope proportion and got a chip on his forehead (that's always covered by hair).
      However I made Coltrane stand up for a while, several hours, and then I heard a "tuck": The cat ran towards it. What happened is that he broke a finger >.< I was so angry at my cat but then reading this post made me feel better... So I guess he got more personality now. And that's a good excuse to buy a ring!
    2. I got sharpie on one of my dolls. It turned his whole ear blue. D: I started to scream 'I'm sorry! I'm not worthy! FORGIVE ME~'
      but, then I took a tissue and it came right off.
      (from then on, I always looked at my hands or anyone else's when touching one of my dolls. XD )
    3. AHHH I remember that day too well. I was driving home with my mom and sister from my aunt´s house, and we were supposed to be picking up my at the time boyfriend. i had SeNii in my lap and I was playing with his hair (yeahhhhh), and I noticed a crack in his lip. As in the face up and all. I FREAKED OUT and started crying over it. of course there was that on top of missing my boyfriend and all of that cool stuff but still...i was so upset.

      You really can´t see the crack unless you´re about 1 inch from his face but still, it was a sad, sad day...

      I´m better now though, so it´s all good.
    4. Hi there Bernard - If Tige gets any more stains and marks he's going to look like Oliver Twist :lol:
    5. >_>; CLEAR!! *ducks and knocks on wood*

      Watch...Just watch something happen to my new boy. I'll probably be back here again ;-; OTL
    6. When I got my boy, as I'm a new doll owner, I was horribly paranoid. The first day I got him was a mess. It was hot, I was baby sitting and missed the post person by like 10 minutes. So I had to wait outside for an hour only to find out I'd been waiting 45 minutes longer than necessary. He's been a trouble maker from the start. But! He arrived fine after being held hostage in a overheated mail truck.

      But then... my friends puppy tried to take a bite out of him and slobbered on him and ran off with his wig. After that crisis was averted and I realized his face wasn't ruined I calmed down.

      And then I asked my friend to see all of her little pet shops, so she threw the container of 200 at me and... they hit my boy and knocked him over into a teddy bear. Again he was fine, after mild silent panic I realized he was okay, she was near tears though.

      As for breaks, just one. The resin on my boys thigh was really thin and he came to be that way. His legs were more floppy than I'd liked, so I unstrung him and restrung him. But then his thigh cracked, just a tiny little one. But I contacted the company and they sent me new pieces because he was only about three weeks old.

      Hopefully that will be the worst of it though. x.X; I'm not as paranoid anymore.
    7. I just got my boy yesterday after being held hostage by UPS. They flew by my house and marked my address as wrong. After some frantic phone calls I had them hold him for the next day and I picked him up.

      He's so big his head wasn't connected. I was having trouble pulling the s-hook up to get his head on so my husband helped me. He got his head on with no problem but left black marks on his white body. Who knows what was on a mans hands!!! Proberly grease from his toy cars.. I was pretty frantic but it washed right off.
    8. So far there's been nothing that I couldn't fix myself.... I'm hyper-careful with my dolls though!!

    9. Picked up my brand new Aurora with dark nail polish on and managed to put dark scratches on her arm....haven't worn nail polish since. Mr Magic Eraser sorted her out but boy was I freaked!
    10. I remember when I noticed that Malice's black wig stained the very top of his head cap grey...when I first saw it, I was like O__o;;;

      My initial remedy? Hurriedly replace the wig back on his head so I couldn't see the stain, and then delude myself into thinking it didn't exist. xD
    11. My first doll had cracks all over one leg when it arrived to me... It sure made me upset. Especially as the company I called tried to convince me it was a shipping mistake. And I was sure it wasn't because I couldn't find the cracked pieces which implied to me that whoever had packed the doll dropped it but sent it anyways. -__-

      So it didn't change my view on the doll itself but rather the company that carelessly sent it.
    12. Well, within the first week of having my Saiph, I took off her stylish 'God-I-gotta-have-em' blue jeans and noticed a dark blue stain on her, uh, crotch. Came off with application of magic eraser. (I'm sure she hates me now since her DOD boyfriend was not 2 feet away at the time). I'm so getting her some panties.
    13. Well, I was cleaning out my desk in my bedroom last week, when I found some old stories I had written YEARS ago. I sat down on my bed and read them, and somewhere along the line, I picked up Rikka and moved him. The next day, I noticed a little grey smudge on his calf, and as I was rubbing it off with a Magic Eraser, I thought, "Well, how did that get there?" Then I remembered having graphite all over my fingers from thumbing through those pages of old stories the night before... :sweat

      Also, there's this really tiny, almost unnoticable scratch under Rikka's chin. I don't mind it, as you have to really be looking for it to see it, but it bugs me that I dunno how it got there... :?
    14. Oh lets see... Dov has a stain from his black wig that does not wanna come off though I've reduced it to a very light grey but. Yeah I think it's there.
      Poor Beth has a stain from her black shorts on her butt, crotch and thighs because those shorts are nice and tight. It comes off with magic eraser and no matter how much I wash those stupid shorts it doesn't stop so. I've come to accept it.
      Um... Azazel has similar issues from black pants. Oddly nothing from his black wig.
      No scratches on any of the MSDs!
      The puki is also fine though from over play his full body blushing is dirty and chipping. Ooops!
      And the Apollo. His butt was a little blue from some loner jeans. And he's the only one with a scratch from being a floppy bobobie boy and falling, get this, onto a pair of pliers! *facepalm*
      Sanded out. He is now well. Though apparently my dolls like to stain more then anything.
    15. My Tobi came with a face protector on and there was a dent in it from where his nose had pressed into it during shipping and there was this white stuff in the dent which I picked out. I've now noticed about two days later that there is a spot on the end of his nose that is more shiny than the rest of his face, as if a layer has been taken off. Not sure if it's the resin or the faceup. Is there anything I can do, anyone know what it is?
    16. Most likely the sealer has rubbed off there. It's rather common for that to happen. My Yuu has a shiny spot on his nose from pitching forward a few too many times.
    17. Well other than the terrible stains he get from his black jeans, I once accidentally scratched him while changing his clothes.

      He was standing straight up on my table while I changed his shirt with one hand, my other hand was on his head holding his wig down, because I dont want it to get pluck off when I pull the shirt through his head (getting it back on and grooming it is quite a hassle) , what happen next was him toppling back and my hand that was holding his head instinctively grabbed his shoulder, but at the same time my fingers grazed his shoulder, one of them left a shallow scratch mark near his shoulder blades, chipping quite abit of resin off... erg, I was quite mortified!

      Thankfully its not that obvious and you have to look at his shoulder closely to see it and brush your finger over it to notice the scar.

      I learned my lesson though, screw the wig, safety comes first :\
    18. Oh yes my first and second major thing caused me to not want this companies dolls any more until I hear they changed their ways to work this issue out. I hate to mention names as the people at company are sweet with spare parts able to be bought, but let's just say the lack of a s-hook for feet has made me think about not ever buying from them again.
    19. While I've never had an accident with my B&G Sapphira (knock on wood), I somehow managed to get red Sharpie marker on my Glot's headcap within a few days of recieving her (it's a long and terribly dumb story). Needless to say, I freaked out, but at least had the sense to jump up and grab a magic eraser from under my kitchen sink. I scrubbed for a few minutes and now it's almost invisible (there's a tiny pinkish dot, but since it's on her headcap, it's under her wig and I never see it).
    20. Hrmm, I've been quite fortunate really. I changed the shape of one of my doll's hands and it left a tiny crack (but once I put the shape back to normal, it can't even be seen.) Another doll came to me with a mod job in need a little work, so that's been a bonding experience to fix it. Another doll came with a big chip in his MSC and I just cleaned off the default faceup and made one of my own. :) The damage makes me closer - in fact, the doll who hasn't been damaged is the one I am having trouble bonding with...