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Volks AllTenshis discussion (Yo-Tenshi, Sei-Tenshi,Rei-Tenshi)

Mar 18, 2012

    1. @St. James Thank you! C is the one that looks like Yo Suzuna, correct? Good to know that 16mm will most likely work out. I'll have to check into wigs for sure, then.

      I have to admit, I'm not very familiar with all the molds and sizing. I would have thought there'd be a bit more English information about them by this point. I'll have to actually put the effort into looking at Japanese sources later. But this is the guy I bought: Which as far as I can tell is a pretty common sei sculpt.
      #81 revien, Feb 22, 2017
      Last edited: Mar 5, 2017
    2. I forget where I found info on which mold letter was which, I may have just pieced it together from DoA discussion and the Sei-Tenshi database. They all have a letter inside the head A-G. C is this one, which is not the droopy-eyed Suzuna, but I don't know if another doll is considered a direct equivalent. Potnia is wearing 16mm Oscar eyes.
      #82 St. James, Feb 22, 2017
      Last edited: Feb 23, 2017
    3. My little guy came in today. I wasn't expecting it to be so much cuter in person than online. I haven't been able to keep my eyes off him!

      Newest arrival
      by Revien Knight, on Flickr

      I'll need to at least change his eyes later when I'm not feeling so lazy about pulling out glue from his head. He's apparently the F sculpt.
    4. Good evening everyone! I'm reviving this thread because myself and a few others working on Another Heaven are looking for more information on on Sei and Rei Tenshi sculpts.

      What we're looking for is the sculpt names (the letter inside the Sei/Rei Tenshi's head) and clear facial photographs.

      I've already had a ton of help from the Japanese community, but we're still missing a few sculpts. If you think you'd be interested in providing the above information we'd love to hear from you!
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    5. I only have the one, but I'm happy to help! :)
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    6. That would be fantastic!

      I forgot to mention it in my first post, but for anyone concerned, we won't use your photos in the site unless you give us express permission to do so. Otherwise we only use it as a visual guide to cross reference the sculpts. ♥
    7. Hey, y'all :D Is there a doll that shares clothes with Sei Tenshi? I think I had seen somewhere that Realfee are similar size.
    8. They're pretty close, but RF has slightly different measurements for the upper torso depending on gender. Hips are pretty much the same, waist is 1cm smaller for girl, 0.5cm smaller for the boy, and around 0.5cm smaller in the chest for both girl/boy body. The biggest difference is 4cm in height with the Sei being taller, but that wouldn't matter much for a dress. If you're looking to fit the Sei Tenshi using RF clothing, one obstacle is the wings...the outfit has to be designed to work around them, because they're not removable.

      Hope this helps.
      • x 1
    9. I think the tenshi dolls are so cute! Would love to win one someday
    10. Interesting! How woud hybriding look like on a realfee body? Do you think the neck would fit?
    11. In case anyone wonders this is how a sei looks on a YOSD body

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    12. And on a Tiny Delf body (Pukifee / Lati Yellow sized)

    13. Your Sei looks like my Delaney! They must be the same head mould.
      by clochette62, on Flickr
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    14. Yeeeees!!! They are both the F letter :D (cutest sei ever, love your Delaney)
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    15. Oh how fun! I wonder if the new Tenshi will have a chonkier DearSD style body or something. It would be nice if they could actually stand up on their own. :XD:
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    16. Sad to see the old ones go (and I don’t want to see what it will do second hand prices) but I think these little guys deserve an update! Agree @St. James standing and maybe better posing. I wonder if they will change the name too?
    17. I'd love if the wings were retooled to be magnetic so they don't have the detachment issue I've seen on several. Definitely would be on board with any posing/standing improvements.
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    18. Magnetic wings would be great just for the sake of dressing them!
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    19. [​IMG]葉書 by K, on Flickr

      A little Tenshi found his way to me yesterday.:chibi

      Is there any reference or database or way to identify the sculpt? I looked inside and nothing! No letter or number to identify and nothing on the CoA. Too bad Volks doesn't have a book on all the different ones they've made over the years.
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