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Volks DearSD 43cm Discussion Part 2

Jul 28, 2017

    1. Thank you so much for the info! Though I have to say that makes me a little annoyed because it confirms I do want a DearSD body and won't be as happy with a Baby Delf :doh I better start saving for that next LA Dolpa in case they do bring some like last year :chomp:
    2. I also hope that more DearSDs make it to LA Dolpa! I'd love it if Megohime came to the U.S., at Dolpa or as an online lottery. Or for Volks to release more sunlight skin DearSDs!

      I was lucky enough to bring home a new gal. She doesn't have a name yet, though my friend misheard the phrase "Megu-chan" and decided her name is MeguTron instead. ;)

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    3. I am hoping to go to the US dolpa next year, and it would be awesome for more Dear SD's!
      Here is my Nono, Sayuri:
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    4. @snowgray MeguTron sounds so ominous!

      I can't wait to hear where the Dolpa will be held next year. One way or another, I will go :)

      Her new dress arrived :)
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    5. Got my dear sd kun in the mail today! Tried a ton of things on her and she seems to fit in Magic Attic Club and Dollmore Illua sized clothes really well!
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    6. Just popping in so say that all your girls are super cute! :whee:
      Congratulations to everyone who was able to welcome one of these lovely dolls to their home!

      The clothing struggles continue, here are some pictures of Mafuyu
      There are some MSD items that DearSDs can snugly fit into! She's wearing the White and Bow Button cardigan and the White bloomers with pink satin ribbon.

      This sailor set from Mint-on-Card also fits, not so well on top but the skirt is a nice length (a bit tight though). It's good for the I-stole-my-older-sister's-clothes look.

      Here Mafuyu is wearing the Mini Dreaming Girl Dress in Tea Rose. Although it does not snap in the back, the addition of the cardigan and/or long hair can hide this. The length is perfect in my opinion but there's also a petticoat/underskirt part to this set that can make it a bit longer. Her socks are also MSD (the Pink line socks).
      #126 Chibi_Rat, Sep 18, 2018
      Last edited: Sep 18, 2018
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    7. Wow. That is one fancy dress!
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    8. Oh man I hadn't seen that dress before... I NEED it :love
      Are there any more pictures of that set? I hope it makes it to Volks USA or the US Dollpa at some point.... :chibi
      I don't think I ever posted my Kun here in her new wig, it's from Monique and I love it on her <3

      [​IMG]IMG_20180427_182721_226 by thebodyvolcanic, on Flickr

      The dress set is an SD BTSSB collab that I snagged secondhand at a con. I didn't have an SD with me to wear it but luckily Kun looked pretty good in it :fangirl:
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    9. @nakitaninja Thanks!

      @TheBodyVolcanic That dress is perfect for Ms. Kun!

      I don’t know if that pink BTSSB dress is likely to be released. That Kira and a boy F-67 DSD (and possibly one other?) were carried by models in a BTSSB fashion show a few years ago, right after the DSDs were released. Let me see if I can dig up the photos from that event... They were in one of the old DSD threads!
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    10. @snowgray, @ekala Ahhhhh, thank you! I remember that it was part of voting for a new outfit but I didn't know about the fashion show. That explains A LOT as to why it was so gorgeous so over the top and never available for purchase. It is pretty divine, right? I'm not sure a DearSD -as sturdy as they are- could even stand in it. Hahahaha~
    11. @nakitaninja They absolutely are. The after report actually has the best images I've seen, and all three outfits are just fantastic. :D
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    12. Thank you for linking!!! You are the best!:dance
    13. I too have wondered if those outfits will ever see a release. I particularly would like to have the one with the pants. :whee:
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    14. Thank you so much! :aheartbea
      And thanks for the info! I wonder who was the lucky person to get that one off, I loooove that dress set.

      OMG thank you for posting this link! I love all those DearSDs!
    15. A very belated thank you, @ekala! :) Those photos are great.

      I hope there's another BTSSB and DSD collaboration soon! My girls don't have any of the BTSSB outfits and they're all so cute.
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    16. I also hope they do another BTSSB and DSD collaboration, but I would be happy for any DSD specific clothing from Volks right now! I snagged the pink dress set when Volks USA had that and the black dress for sale, but I wish they would release more clothing that can be bought separately from the dolls. Maybe since the doll releases have been limited they still don’t think they have enough of a market for clothes?
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    17. @Adele I couldn't agree with you more about the clothing sizes. From what I can tell in past Volks News they are really encouraging people to try and use SD size items for their DearSD? Some dresses and outfits work but it'd sure be nice if they released official outfits as well.

      I was looking for Volks News 77 online- I think that's where they were showing the outfits that work for DearSD but it's not online any longer! :sweat
    18. @nakitaninja I agree that Volks’ Reasoning for not releasing more DSD clothes is probably the similarity to the SD size. However, I’ve found that few SD outfits work perfectly for the DSDs. My DSD Nono has tried on most of the clothes of her very spoiled older sister SD Nono. Too long of sleeves and skirts rule many of them out, and even those that technically fit sometimes still don’t look quite right because the waist hits too low. Still, DSD Nono was able to steal two sets from her older sister so she isn’t without changes of clothes :)
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    19. I’ve probably mentioned this before, but I think the Dear SD line was meant to encourage sewing and crafting. At the 2015 LA Dolpa, Mrs. Shigeta talked about her inspiration for the Dear SD line coming from her mother, and wanting a doll that was more childlike and easy to handle, and by that extension, to sew for. I keep intending to enlarge some Yo patterns from the Volks “lesson” books, but haven’t done so yet! :sweat

      Instead I try to get creative with my supply of SD-size clothes, and have had some success — short skirts, cropped pants and shorts, short or 3/4 sleeve tops. They can wear a lot of flat SD shoes, especially with socks or tights.
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