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Volks Dollfie Dream Mini discussion part 1

Apr 4, 2007

    1. Aha! Thank you (it's hard to find stuff when searching is off...).

      Since the DD heads are the same, I really want an MDD body to go with my floating DD head.

      I recently got my first SD sized resin dollie, and I have to say... the MSD's are *MUCH* more my style. (I'm just a really small person, and feel more comfortable with MSD's).

      @The originator of this thread... I'm told that the MDD's pose exactly like the DD2's.
    2. Dispy, Yeah, I think they had an announcement about it at this past dolpa! Check the DP18 thread! :3
    3. there will be mdd body only selling on volks usa in a few days!
    4. Hello!
      I have 2 mini DDs (Mayu and Konomi)
      They don't stand as easily as the DD2 body, but their legs and arm joints are more flexible and allow a bigger range of movement.

      I've posted this in the other thread, the dd heads and mini dd heads are all similar in size. The sirius head and konomi head are a bit smaller than the rest (i think size 8 instead of 8.5-9). The main difference is the neck hole in the head and the neck size, but the head will still fit on the other body.

      For a mini dd head on a dd body, the head wont go down on the neck as much, so it will only look a bit odd at certain angles. But that can be modded.
      For a dd head on a mini dd body, there will be a small space between the head hole and the neck, but it wont be noticeable with a wig on unless you are looking at a strange angle.
    5. vinyl is ok if you stay away from black, red clothes and wigs with black wig cap. If you do those dark colors then line it with white fabric or put some white body suit/white head cap underneath. I got used to it and now I don't get stain anymore at all. If I get stain I can remove it with TwinPines product remove-zit.
    6. Well no....and yes. :sweat My Arisu's left arm pops out if you bend it a certain way. She can't stand so well...unless leveled. I wonder if you can suede? :?

    7. I have the same problems with my Miyuki (Konomi). Sometimes her legs and whole arm pops out of sockets too. She can only stand when she's in heavy boots. I think it's that her head is too heavy and the skeleton inside isn't weighty enough. :(

      She has a tendency to flop backwards after sitting for some time too.

      I found her floppy posing really saddening and maddening at the same time, since she's really cute and has more range of movement than a resin doll. She can't hold the poses though. I was tempted to buy a second one at the last dolpa since the faces are cute but opted not to. A friend of mine asked me my opinion on whether to get a resin msd or an mdd I had to give my honest opinion that it's cute but I prefer the weight of the resin body.
    8. With regular dolpa items usually it means they sell them till they sell out. I wouldn't assume that they are regular items unless you contact volks and say they plan to stock it as a regular item.
    9. Can anyone tell me how tall the MDD doll is? I can't find any measurements anywhere on the website. Thanks!
    10. Just got this email from Volks (in response to an email I sent asking about MDD bodies)

    11. well that's good news, i don't need to rush to get a body just in case hehe.
    12. If someone has one of these dolls, could you please measure it for me? I can't find any measurements anywhere. Thanks!
    13. I should be getting my MDD Mirai soon, I can't wait to get her. I'll ad any info I can once I have her.
    14. I found an easy way to make the mini DD stand a little better.
      You just need a small star screw driver.

      Pull out the feet, remove the soft vinyl leg part, and tighten up the knee screw on the inside skeleton as tight as you can. There will be more resistence in bending the knee so she won't be as floppy. Then put the vinyl leg part back on and pop the feet back in.

      You can also pull the knee skeleton part out and there is a second screw hidden inside the tighs you can tighten up. However that one is hard to put back in, it's a bit tricky.You can also tighen up the foot screw if you tilt the foot on the side you will find a screw there.

      Now I need to find a way to prevent her body (where the legs joint at the hips and up) to fall forward... there is no screw to tighen up there *_*
    15. I found an easy way to make the mini DD stand a little better.
      You just need a small star screw driver.

      Pull out the feet, remove the soft vinyl leg part, and tighten up the knee screw on the inside skeleton as tight as you can. There will be more resistence in bending the knee so she won't be as floppy. Then put the vinyl leg part back on and pop the feet back in.

      You can also pull the knee skeleton part out and there is a second screw hidden inside the tighs you can tighten up. However that one is hard to put back in, it's a bit tricky.You can also tighen up the foot screw if you tilt the foot on the side you will find a screw there.

      Now I need to find a way to prevent her body (where the legs joint at the hips and up) to fall forward... there is no screw to tighen up there *_*
    16. Grats aquilla~ :D I cant wait to see her pictures in the incoming doll area~?

      For those who do have some MDDs, do they fit normal MSD sized shoes? o_o;
    17. GOOD NEWS!!!!!!! :D
      Hello MDD owners! I just did what Chibi-chan said and it worked ALSO if you sand down every arm joint point (points of the cylindrical thingy holding the arms/hands together) it furthers the MDD poseablity THUS making the perfect little girls......Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup! LOL! :D
    18. My ,dd has arrived, she did on the 14th (my birthday) and I couldn't be happier with her!. I took some photos and posted what kind of movements she can do (see here http://www.denofangels.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2861134#post2861134 ) and she is just so cute and so FUN. Only thing I didn't like was how her lips were painted, so I rubbed them off and painted new ones that suited my tastes.

      She goes really well with my Dollfie Dream and she looks ok next to my msd but at some angles she can look melon headed xD. Her head is so much bigger, my msd wigs don't fit her! As for clothes and shoes, she wears msd stuff fine, she can share all of Midori's clothes and shoes, its just the wig and eyes she can't share.

      She hasn't given me any name or personality at the moment but she is demanding a blonde wig and I can tell shes going to be so much fun. I'm sure she'll tell me all the details soon ^__^