1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Volks is coming to Los Angeles, CA

May 27, 2005

    1. LOL And that's what I said about travelling to England - love that I can read the signs :lol:
    2. I was enjoying reading all of your posts as I was sewing up a pair of pants for poor Arashi (his legs are just too long!)

      I have some info that a company has registered as a corporation in Calif (have to do that to do business here) Volks USA, Inc. on 4/15/05, using a Wilshire Blvd., LA address. Now that won't be the store address, might be an attorney's office or accounting firm.

      So it looks like the first steps have been taken, and I would guess that they have an idea where the store will be...

      My guesses were also Santa Monica, Beverly Center, but I do like the idea of Little Tokyo. I know the City of LA is offering redevelopment money to businesses there. I can't wait to find out where it will be.

      I do hope this isn't just a store for mass merchandising, but is like their stores in Japan. I think they would do so well here offering a unique shopping experience.

      So maybe this will mean some of us will get to offer shopper services! How fun!
    3. I hope it's in Little Tokyo. Even though, Yohan Plaza is empty now I still make bi-weekly trips to Kinokuniya. But it will probably be on the Westside or in The Promenade as others have said.
    4. I hope they offer FCS too, but I don't think they can handle the surge of FCS when it comes in. Hopefully they'll due a limited FCS (like so many orders per something)

      Also I would expect them to pick California over New York, mainly due to the fact they would have faster shipping from the main warehouse. Though, people are going to complain either way if it was in New York because people in the West Coast are farther away and thus can't drive there in short amount of time.

      However if all goes well with Volks, the next store will either be New York or San Fran. Hopefully New York for all those on the East Coast (if there was a third.....it should be in Chicago).

      Also, Radio Trash, if you live in the Pheonix area due you think your car can handle two extra people (well one of them is actually a doll)? I'll help pay for gas if it's doable (though another thing is time.... I have a vacation in mid-July.)
    5. I definitely hope FCS is going to be available here too since my friend is interested in getting a MSD, and frankly I would be too if I had the immediate (and cheaper) option of customization.
    6. They really did have White Castle here? ! Wow!
      I was away at college in Minnesota in the first half of the 80's so I missed it somehow...

      As far as where the Volks shop will be, well, we have to look at whom they are trying to cater to here. Is it the American doll collector, or the Japanese doll collector. Yes, Little Tokyo gets its share of tourists and all, but the area is mainly geared toward the local Japanese resident.
      Santa Monica and Westwood are expensive, so is Volks looking to open a posh boutique type shop with higher prices to cover their rent expenses?
      Or are they looking to open a more modest type shop, which would probably be in a place like Torrance or Costa Mesa...

      Ooo, the suspense is awful, though, I am so curious as to where in the LA basin they will actualy be!!! :)
    7. Volks in the US... ~begins to dream and pray~
      Please let them ship to canada...
      please let them ship to canada...

      ...~blinks suddenly~
      VOLKS IN THE US!?!

      ...Oh my
    8. Oh don't worry. :grin: I'm sure there are lots of friendly folks here in LA who'll ship stuff up to you even if Volks won't.

    9. Nice people who'll ship to Canada? EXCELLENT.
      Now, I need to start saving up :| Wonder how long it'll take before the store's doors are knocked down by eager customers
    10. This is FANTASTIC news! I guess I know where I will be spending my weekends. I hope they offer a nice omukae ceremony for us and/or some kind of area where doll people can get together for dolly gatherings. :D
    11. Yes, finally a reason to be happy about living here. I still wish I was in japan, but I know what I'm getting for my b-day.
    12. Ah, I forgot about Torrance, love the great big Japanese supermarket on Western! I'm looking forward to taking my guys to the new Volks store and being able to make sure stuff fits before buying it...and maybe getting a chance to buy things before they are sold out. Torrance would be great!

      Although I did get my WTG Takeru today directly from Volks, and I have to say he is awesome. His wig is better than Arashi's, has little sideburns. Gonna have fun playing with him. Global Express delivery on a Sunday!

      And Canada, I mail things all the time to Canada, and Germany, and England, and Egypt and all over the place. So I am sure that some of us will be happy to accomodate the less fortunate!
    13. *pondering* maybe someone could get me some stuff from volks when they open(because paying for ems just for eyes or 1 wig is not really on my to do list)

      I hope volks will open a store in Europe, maybe Paris or Berlin or even Amsterdam(or even Rotterdam!, I mean it is a very big town with one of the biggest ports/havens in the world), at least I would be able to visit them then
    14. I love Mitsuwa that place is *Great!* Torrance would be a cool place for a Volks Store :grin: but, that is just a dream..... hehe.. Oh boy.. I don't think my husband would be too happy about them being that close :? :lol:
    15. You are so lucky! My Volks package has been sitting at the carrier annex since Saturday night, cause they don't deliver EMS on Sundays here anymore... :cry:
    16. The Mitsuwa (formerly Yaohan) center is where Mandarake used to be, but their target was the Japanese community. I don't think that Volks is out to sell their goods to the Japanese in this country, ne? But it would be really nice if they did open at Mitsuwa... any Mitsuwa... the one down in Costa Mesa would be great too! :)
      Hmmm... Pokey, Okonomiyaki and dollies in the same place! Oooo!!!
      :grin: :grin: :grin:
    17. :P If they want to open near a Mitsuwa they should do it by the one in San Jose or in San Francisco XD;;;

      Ahh Mitsuwa, the good and the bad memories...*good: met fiance there...bad: icky boss, icky customers*
    18. Stupid question because it's probably already been answered - but will Volks accept US FCS orders through their new store? Also, is there an anime convention in LA? <.< THanks. ^^
    19. No one knows for sure about the FCS. A lot of us are on pins and needles waiting to find out ^^

      Also there is a con next month in Anaheim called Anime Expo if you're interested in that :) The website for more info is http://www.anime-expo.org
    20. Awesome, thank you. ^.^ Someone will need to make a 'OMFG FCS IN THE US' post if Volks loves us enough to let us do that. ^^