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Volks New York Dolpa - SD13 Irvin

Apr 13, 2008

    1. The ears arrived in perfect condition. I can't blame this on UPS. I never did put the human ears in my boy ... maybe this has something to do with the ebony resin????

      Me either, but then I know I need to be in the 'proper' mood and just haven't had the time. It's been suggested that I may need to remove the tube with the peg.
      I've already written to Volks to let them know about the situation, and sent pics. I told them once I got the peg out, I'd let them know and see what they want to do next. You may want to email them too. They're very good about replacing parts and will probably want the damaged pieces sent back to them so they can investigate why this happened.
    2. Well my Irvin came today and so far no problems of any kind, I just stare at him, he is so gorgeous. I am wondering if it could be because of this darker resin that Volks is using.....it's so beautiful almost like caramel candy......too bad I can't eat him;)
    3. Got the peg out of his head - YAY!
      Turns out, the rubber tube thing is in fact glued in place (either that, or it's in his head so tight, there was no way to budge it). First I tried to grab the very edge of the broken peg with a tweezer. That only broke off any tiny pieces that were left on it - and pushed the peg further into his head. Then I tried to pry it out with a straight pin. I still couldn't grab it. Then it hit me - a screw! I took my self-made ear piercing tool (a drill bit with a handle) and hand-drilled it into the peg so I could stick a thin screw into it and just pull it out. Worked like a charm. Then I put on his human ears (for now). I noticed that the human ears have a much shorter peg length than the elf ones ... interesting.
      And I heard from Volks. They plan to replace the parts but it may take a little while as they'll be coming from Japan.
    4. Glad to hear you were able to get it out, I noticed that too with the elf ears and human ears.
    5. My Irvin came today,no broken fingers.:)..
    6. I used your trick, and it worked beautifully, too. Thanks for the tip! Mine is already sporting some lovely replacement ears from a great DOA member who wasn't planning to use hers. So far, so good...
    7. I feel so lucky we can participate in these discussions!! Last week I stumbled on this thread & the happy news that a few extra Irvins were available at FDQ, so I ordered on Saturday (fearing I still might have been too late.) If you'all hadn't been chatting about this handsome boy, I'd have missed out!

      Well, I can't compiment FDQ enough on how quickly they shipped! He arrived yesterday, just 4 working days!

      He's really gorgeous, and a welcome addition to my clan of other Volks elves. BUT he also arrived with a broken finger,:...( and as I was adjusting his long ears the peg on one sheared off too. After nearly 2 years with my F30 & no similar mishaps, and the descriptions of similar problems with other Irvins, I'm also tempted to think there is something different about the resin.

      here's his poor little hand...


      The damage to mine is his left ring finger, and right ear peg (on the long ears) Is that consistent with everyone else?

      AM - what address did you reach Volks at? The Volks USA Customer service address?

      Still love the guy, even if he has a couple of "scars". :love (Scars are sexy, right?)
    8. I didn't have the finger trouble, but the ear that broke on mine was his right elf ear, too.
    9. What sort of movement/pressure were people putting on the ears when the pegs broke?

      I'm soooo in love with the ebony resin. Sunlight resin will never be dark enough for me from now on.
    10. That right ear didn't look like it was sitting in the head right (sitting farther away from the head than the left ear) so I was just taking it out to check for anything weird. I was pulling gently with a little bit of a twisty motion. It didn't seem stuck, and I wasn't putting a lot of effort into it or anything. Just the same method I've used for my white skin and normal skin Volks ears every time I've changed them around. Sounds like the other two owners with issues were just adjusting the wig.

      Here's a snapshot of him in a shorter dark volks wig - love the color of his default eyes, but they seem a bit too large for my taste. Think I'll get him some 16mm's

    11. My Irvin is wearing 16mm Soom eyes in Real Blue Marble, he looks so serious, but that's okay, at least getting the eye glue out was not too difficult. I don't think I will try the elf ears just yet since they seem to be breaking off.
    12. I heard back from VolksUSA - they responded very quickly to the email about the damage. They say they've forwarded the information to Headquarters in Japan, and will get back to me with the resolution.
    13. Wow, yours had the exact same finger break that mine did. I contacted both FDQ and Volks, been told they're both working on a solution atm.
    14. So sorry, I haven't been keeping with this thread, but I se you've already taken care of it. I'm also waiting for their instruction. I expect, they'll want us to ship back the broken parts and will have replacements ready. My Irvin's broken elf ear was also the right ...
      I bonded with my boy the second I took him out of the box and was only worried about having to send his head back (which I never would've done - he's mine).
      Congrads on your guy, even with all his bruises.

      Anyone else with a problem:
      contact Volks: [email protected]
      and FDQ: [email protected]
    15. Mine came with a broken finger as well. I contacted FDQ about the problem, and Pat was being so nice to replace my doll with hers. (and she said she will wait for a replacement hand from Volks!) It was a big relief for me cause I ordered the doll for my friend and had to send the doll oversea as soon as possible.
    16. :lol: I agree completely! I'll wait patiently for a resolution on the hand problem, and just keep staring at the gorgeous sculpt in the mean time!
    17. Today i will bid him in eBay +++
      I hope to got him in my home XDDDD
    18. Ooh, good luck, iceyuki!
    19. Good luck, Ice Yuki!

      I am thinking of selling my boy... I am having a hard time dressing him, of all the stupid reasons to sell a doll.