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Volks Standards SD13 girl Rinon and SD boy Kanata

Sep 14, 2009

    1. ...and now...I am stuck in the unenviable position of needing a white-skin Kanata. XD; Both of the characters I am considering the sculpt for would need to be very pale skinned, so normal Volks resin just wouldn't work.

      I can safely assume, since he is a standard, the head will be available for FCS eventually, correct? ^^;;; In perhaps a year or so?
    2. My Rinon arrived today, only 3 days after I ordered her... I am in happy shock at Volks speediness! :D The Rinon sculpt is adorable. :aheartbea Here is my Rinon, Alice, with different wigs to show her versatility. More photos can be seen here.







    3. Oh heck. I'm in love again. The fourth photo especially, I think, did me in. HUGE congraulations, Red!
    4. Omg~ That's uber speedy! Congrats Red! She's soooo gorgeous! Homan...
    5. I've changed my mind. I'm not very thrilled with Kanata in the owner pics, but Rinon I so so so want. And I want her to turn her into a boy. Such an adorable nose and mouth.
    6. red rosin - oooh I love that fourth photo, she has such expressive eyes! Thanks for posting photos and congrats! :D
    7. .....wow, the Owner photos of Kanata didn't wow me as much as I thought.

      I suppose that I should wait for more owner photos, perhaps with different face-ups to see what can be done with his mold.

      Edit: I just realized, that if I did bring Kanata home, I would probably mod him slightly as I do with all my dolls. ^^;;
    8. Probably about the same amount of time that Mark and Elena took to be added. :3nodding: I'm thrilled that for once I don't need to wait or beg for a white version of the doll I want. My Kanata's twin will be the new Michele, who only comes in pureskin. :sweat

      Rinon will make a cute boy! He'll look just like a Musedoll Re-Che. ;)
    9. I agree! Rinon would totally be a cute boy. I love the Kanata mold. He's so adorable. ^^
    10. They seem to have sold out already on the Volks International web-site. I'm really disappointed. :(

      I suppose they'll return as standards in due course - but I rather liked the initial edition with glass eyes etc.
    11. Kanata is absolutely adorable ;o; I might get him along with my F-34 boy because he's way too cute to pass up. I'm in love with his lips :D (and the fact that he's short~<3)
    12. Oh, Rinon is so pretty! I really want her!
    13. I didn't even know they had gone on sale D:
    14. I assumed that they were standards and would be available all the time...? *is confused*... will they be sold in batches, or something? I don't get why they're sold out... ^^; Sorry if I've missed something obvious...
    15. I think that a limited version is sold at the 'Standard Fair' with a few special features such as a limited wig, glass eyes and so on.

      Then later the unlimited standard comes out with acrylic eyes. I think this happened when SD Kun was introduced.

      What has sold out is the initial, limited run; the standard will come into production later (I'm not sure when).

      Please correct me if I'm wrong!
    16. I don't think that is the case here... SD Kanata already has acrylic eyes, and all SD13 girls have glass eyes, so Rinon having glass eyes is her default. So these are the unlimited standard, just less stock were initially made than demand can handle atm. I'm sure they'll be restocked soon :)

      They haven't been released yet at VolksUSA - they'll probably be on sale there within the next month or so (whenever the other Volks Tenshi-no-Sumika Fair 2009 stuff arrives).
    17. I'm really happy to hear that. :)

      I hope it isn't too long a wait!
    18. Today I recieved my Kanata. He's very cute and beautiful but really he's a pinhead!

      Some photo of the deafult Kanata:




    19. Pinhead to you, perfect proportion to me. (not a melon head fan ;) )

      What a cutie!
    20. Hahahaha, no no, i like him.
      Pinhead compared to my School A... and my other BJDs. But, I like the proportion.

      One more photo with another eyes (HGC - Hazel - 18mm).