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Volks Super Dollfie ~ SD, SD13, SDGr, SD16, SD17 & FCS - Part V

Jun 15, 2012

    1. Holy cow, that's a very nice compliment! But I don't deserve it though. I got my inspiration from other tutorials, and Ebi was there the whole time giving me pointers. But funny you mentioned it... I did show my mod to someone from Volks and they thought it was pretty cool.
    2. yagamijo: hugs!!! Tosh! -fangirl scream-

      Tetradeka: Holy! I just saw ur mod pics and you are just amazing!! To think of the idea alone is incredible but u actually did it! -claps claps- Now your Rinon can amaze us with more poses! XD
    3. Heh! Well, Graffiti is the perfect choice if you like no-butt guys, and those Sadol skinny-jeans look good on that flat butt-- they'll make him look just like all those hipster boys. :D

      That particular Graffiti of mine normally wears all leather & PVC, which honestly looks better if you have big curves to make it shiny & taut. Which is why I love Sadol's Lati size pants, for their close fit. And they come in all sizes. If you're an SD16 boy with big curves, you'll fill out those same pants with a ka-pow. (Same pants, verrrry different butt!)
    4. My first Volks doll is now complete, I got the School A head today! But.. the head is gigantic on the small SD10 Suwaricco -body I got for her. Oh well. :sweat I'm head over heels for Volks dolls right now, I'd love to get so many of them. ;_;
    5. Tetradeka - Your Rinon looks fantastic, both her new posing and her style!
    6. -peeks in- Okay, I have owned a Volks doll for longer than this forum has existed, yet somehow managed to miss this thread. :doh So many pretty and sexy dolls!

      Giggy - congrats! I've seen quite a few F16's and school A's on SD10 bodies, it can be a cute look. :) Then again, I own a Nono, and think big heads can be quite adorable. <3
    7. I wasn't totally pleased with Arashi's wig, so I am trying this one out for him.
      I'm not quite sure if I like it in pictures or not.
    8. :aheartbea The black is so striking on him! It really lights up those eyes. I cannot get my Ryoya to wear black hair for love nor money.
    9. Tetradeka~ i love your Rinon~ and she looks so good with the new mod~ the poses are so cute xD

      Oh they put up my photos in Sumika times~
      Although i had told them my girl is on an SDGR body not SD16G xD doesnt really make a difference either way lol.
      its super kind of exciting lulz! xD
    10. @Tetradeka: your Rinon is so cute :o not a mold I'd really given much thought to before, but after seeing yours and looking at other owner pics, I kind of want one......

      Incidentally, in case anyone was planning on buying from VolksUSA any time soon, they just posted about an upcoming price hike, so... get your orders in soon, I guess. :')
    11. Yes, Volks USA is going to increase the prices to mirror the Japanese yen rates... :(
    12. Cool stuff Captainkyo! I thought I recognized your girl up there. :D Her hair just keeps going & going.

      (My Yo-SD Isao should be appearing in the Sumika Times gallery sometime soon too; you can't miss him, he'll be the short guy doing a guitar solo. xD)
    13. Alas! The option parts I was hoping to get are still out of stock, so I will have to pay the higher price.
      But if the decision was between closing up shop in the US and raising the prices, I'm very glad they picked the latter!
    14. I did a little rate calculation, and got the conclusion that the new price is slightly higher than what I calculated using xe.com ... I wonder if Volks Japan also put in the overseas shipping fees into the prices? D:
    15. ^maybe today the rate was a little different than the day they calculated it XD
    16. xe.com also gives the best possible exchange rate and not the actual rate most banks use
    17. About a year ago a friend sold me a volks doll that was said to be a 2003 old skin girl nono hybridized on a single-jointed souldolll body.

      I'm worried that she may not be legitimate :(

      I recently saw another 2003 old skin nono who looks EXACTLY like mine (namely - the shallow headcap), but this one has the signature volks plate on it.
      Mine did not. They look identical, except for that small difference.

      Was this just a sticker that could have fallen off over time, or should there have been and indentation where the plate would have been?
      Did volks ever sell dolls without the volks sticker?

      I've also never been able to confirm the body either, but I'll put up a pic request thread for that :(
    18. Knibitz- Sometimes those head plates do come off over time and get lost if your not careful. If you could post a picture of your Nono in this thread it may help you getting the answer your looking for.
    19. Nono with her (old soulldoll?) body

      and this is an AWEFUL photo, but it's the only one I currently have where she doesn't have a wig on.
      (I'll get others when i'm not at work)

      she does have the normal volks ID-ing and such inside her head.

      flickr gallery for her: http://www.flickr.com/photos/knibitz/sets/72157626828009720/with/5943585083/ (the box photo is not her actual box, I was told, it was just the box the I was given with her)
    20. I don't think I've ever seen a Volks head cap without the oval indentation for the plate, but the plates fall out frequently.