1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Volks Tea Party in NY

Apr 18, 2006

    1. I don't think it was a general email per se, but more that the email was given to those who had initallly asked if a guest could be brought. I gave no reason for Volks to think I especially needed a person to come with me, yet they remembered my question and sent a followup even over a month later.

      They definitely made exceptions at the event what with the 130+ invites instead of the 100 limit, and they let me in even though I'd forgotten my invite ^^;;; The NY event is said to be around 250 invites, but I agree not to assume guests can be taken unless there is a real need.
    2. Hi Nena,

      Thanks for your answer. Volks must have did a case by case basis...in LA Tea party.
      Where did you hear The NY event is said to be around 250 invites?

      I missed that info. Are you hoping to come to NYC Tea?

    3. I am aware of this, which is why I stressed I didn't want to be a pain, but thought they might be able to understand why we are concerned, given that may 8th is only a little over a week away. Sorry I was a pain. I was trying not to be. :(

      I guess I will just cross my fingers that they got my email and assume I'm registered.
    4. I heard there will be 250 invites directly from FDQ when I called. Of course as it's unofficial, it may be subject to change. Not sure if it has been posted here yet, but she also told me that the new exclusive doll at this event is scheduled to be sold later at Volks LA as a 2.0 version.
    5. Alright, I would love to go to this event but am still confused on a few things:

      1.) Are they sending out invites to more than just the states previously mentioned?

      2.) Do you HAVE to have both a Volks USA membership AND an FDQ subscription? Because I don't have the latter, and would rather not get one if I can avoid it. But if it's required for an invite, then I'll subscribe. ^_^
    6. Hi Junkets,

      Are you a Mac user/use Firefox? Because I had that problem too when I wanted to subscribe. ^^;

      I ended up just calling FDQ as it was much easier.

      Good luck!
    7. 1.) It sounds like they are opening up the invites to all SD owners who would like to attend - there will be a lottery for the 250 (or however many) spaces available, and those who win the lottery get to go, so yes, I assume they are sending out invites to the lucky lottery winners, no matter where they live.

      2.) Yes, you have to be a member of both - you have to have a doll registered with Volks and be in the FDQ system. And FDQ is a great magazine! It's well worth the subscription if you do get it :)
    8. Humm. earlier on Toppis blog it said under eligbility- a member of volks doll owner club or FDQ. Now its says -Now Ready-.
      Darn this is harder than I expected! Finally something so close to home and I might not be agble to go after all:(
      So, with this lottery, I am guessing it will kinda be like applying for a dolpa doll? Or are the people who are in FDQ database who are Volks members as well be the only ones in the lottery?
      If this information will be posted at a later date, no need to reply!
      *jen (who is counting my pennys to see if I can subcribe to FDQ)
      ps- *yay* for FDQ, I am sure you've had a sudden boom in your sales! Not saying you dont make good business as it is.. your mag is always sold out at the store I go to!
    9. Dear Am,
      I hope maybe you can clarify this a little which do we have to be a member of to be eligible? The SD Owners Club? Or Volks USA Member? I'm just concerned I'm already a member of FDQ in my married name and I'm a member of the Volks SD Owners club under my Maiden name. I'm not currently a member of the Volks USA club. I would just like to know what else I have to join to be eligible.

      Thank you in advance for your information :)
    10. I'm very confused, I though the SD owners club /Volks USA member was the same thing? If not, how do you become a volksusa member? I joined the SD owners list.
    11. FDQ Update:

      1. FDQ Subscribers:
      You have untill May 15th to become a subscriber and be eligible for the Event. If you are having a problem with the FDQ website and cannot get it to go through, you can email FDQ. At the moment, there is no email address on the FDQ Website. I will post the email address here, next week when someone will be in the office to help you out. Please do not call the office this week (May 1st - May7th), as they are preparing the next issue and are super busy. There will be plenty of time to get your subscription taken care of, just let them know - you want to be on the list. I'll go into more on that next week.

      2. Volks will clarify what they mean by the SD Owners club versus the Volks USA membership'. They are aware of the confusion, just so you know.

      3. I think by now, Volks has changed their original post made by Toppi - so that the states have been removed. All states will be invited.

      3. Do you need to be both an FDQ Subscriber and a Volks Registered member?
      Yes so subscribe before May15th.

      4. I cut & pasted all of your questions, sent them to Pat and she forwarded them direct to Akari Shigeta (the artist known as Mikey).
      This included everything concerning:
      - eligibility
      - whether or not you have or don't have a Volks membership card
      - fans waiting for their first SD to arrive
      - having new addresses & or married/maiden names
      - bringing guests
      - if there is a way to confirm that you are in the Volks database

      250 people will be invited to the event (as of now, that could change .. it's a very big room.) So you have a very good chance at getting in.

      I hope I covered everything.

    12. Reminder:
      Deadline to subscribe to FDQ and be eligible to attend the Volks Tea Party is May 15th. If anyone is having problems subscribing online, you can send your email to:
      [email protected]

    13. I did that, now my only worry is that I'm not a registed Volks owner, although I have paid, but i'm waiting for my FCS.
    14. But there's still no word on this? I'm already subscribed to FDQ, so it's the exact requirements of the Volks membership part that has me worried.
    15. I mailed Volks and they said the Volks usa member ship is different than the Volks sd owners club. You are automaticalled enrolled into the Volks usa membership when you make your first order from volksusa.com or purchase directly from volks ca store. The card they give you that keep track of your purchases IS your Volks usa membership card. They also said at the moment they are out of cards, but you are still enrolled even if you dont get a card with your order. But when they get them, they will be sent to people who ordered during the card shortage. I ordered some stuff, so I'll let you guys know if I get my card. I think I will have enough moolahh to get a FDQ sub. today! Yay!
      I will be sad if I dont get an invite, but at least I'll have a lovely magazine to even it out!
      *squee* I am excited!
    16. I'm not saying you're wrong about what they said to you in the email, sumomo, but I'm still skeptical about what they mean versus what they wrote - there cannot be 250 people who have bought from LA who would be able to attend, especially if they first only mentioned 4 states or so as being the ones able to attend. I doubt there are even 50 people who have bought dolls from LA thus far, and I think they know that they have fans in the US who have had SD for years but perhaps haven't gotten around to getting anything from Volks. I hope they do clarify what they mean soon, because it's worrying a lot of owners to think that they might not be invited simply because they haven't bought something from LA. Thank you for trying to get to the bottom of this though! :)
    17. OK... I've emailed about the subscription. 2 of my boys are on the SD owners website, and I've ordered 2 dolls and a set of hands from the volksusa.com website. Does this mean I should get an invite? I had done all these things anyways, but I'm so confused now. Where do we go to ask for an invite, or is it automatic? This is insane. @_@
    18. nohbahdee- Yeh i thought about that too. But from what I know, there were almost 100 FCS orders the first couple weeks they were availible in the US. Thats not counting the dolls purchased, I can name 20 people I know including myself who purchased a doll from ca store right off the bat (not including the dolpa event! lots of people won lottery for sd16 and the others!). Trust me, theres ALOOOTT of purchases made at Volks CA, I am sure they had lots of those membership cards, now they dont have any!! And you dont have to have purchased a doll to be in the usa club, i dont think. I am sure they are aware people have gotten dolls before volks usa, so as long as you make a purchase, you are entered into the lottery (If you have a FDQ sub, as well)
      Also, they nixed the 4 states thing. Everyone country wide is being invited who meets the criteria.
      I hope what they told me if true, because it makes everything alot easier!!
      s2kitty- Meeting the criteria doesnt automatically make you invited (gah I wish it did!). From what I understand they are putting the people who meet the criteria into a lottery. The amount of people they want to attend is how many lucky names they'll pick out. Hopefully the amount of people who are eligible eqeals the same amount of invite spaces! *squeeeee*
      Hopefully both of us will get invites! I love your babbies and I havnt met Gabriel yet!
    19. Actually, Nobahdee, someone took a picture of the backroom of Volks store on Opening Day (they had opened the door because the air conditioning wasn't working), and you could see about 100 LE SD on the shelves before the picture faded into darkness. Those were, presumably, all sold the first DAY. Many people have bought SD at the LA store since.

      I do agree it would be nice for the people who bought SD before the store opened to be invited, though. ^^;
    20. Thanks for the update Am. I have bought from the LA store so have no problem with that. If I hadn't, it doesn't seem that it would be too difficult to find something to buy off the website (I know from which I speak). It's not a terrible criteria to meet - you buy an item and subscribe to a great magazine. Considering what some of us spend on dolls and clothes it's not a very big expense. If you're willing to travel there from anywhere else in the US and can afford it, then you can probably afford these purchases. It does not say you have to buy a doll after all.

      As far as FDQ goes, the pictures alone are worth the investment for the subscription.
