1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Wanting to take your dolls places, but can't?

Nov 6, 2009

    1. I recently went to stay with a friend in London. She, her girlfriend and a guy friend I was staying with all wanted to see my Dollfie Dream, they were really open and interested and ultimately I decided...not to bring my girl with me to stay :s I freaked out when I realised how many trains I would be getting and how big London is. I know there are doll meets held in and around London all the time without anything bad happening, but I didn't want to be the one with a crushed doll after standing on the Tube with her in her carrier crushed by sliding doors or a person leaning against me in rush hour.

      I also knew I'd be spending a lot of time with my guy friend and even though I knew he was interested in seeing a BJD, I didn't know how agreeable he would be to spending a whole day with my Dollfie Dream & whether he could deal with the stares if I wanted to photograph her with any of the London sights. I regret my decision a little because these people are my friends and I trust them, but I'm also happy with my decision because I can't control my environment and I would rather have a doll in 1 piece than in several little pieces with a damaged face up :(
    2. I would love to take my doll to the beach, but crowds, kids and sun are a very bad combo.
    3. Cutest thing EVER. OMG <3

      I really wanna take my dolls outside, but I just moved to the UK and I don't have any friends. Um, I really wanna go outside in the garden, but I don't like it when people look :( I hate it.. I tend to panic and feel like a freak!

      I'm sure I'm gonna grow it away. But right now I'm scared as a chicken! (Not as the cute chocobos chichen though <3)
    4. I want to take my dolls to the railway track near my place for a nice shoot...but I fear the irregular trains... I'm shifting away soon...and have been trying to note the timing of the trains...but they are so irregular that I don't dare to bring them down at all...

      I want to take photos of my dolls in an old cemetery...before they don't exist anymore in my country...well...the more western feel one is gone...now is the Chinese and Malay feel types left... But...somehow I don't want to take the risk of having possessed dolls(not fun when I have paranoid parents who believe that my dolls will get possessed if I go to supposedly haunted places with them).

      -sighs- Other than that...I do want to bring them overseas so that I can take photos of them "playing" in the snow...
    5. Take them to meetups!!! That's what meetups are for... Even if it's a casual meetup-- a trip to the park to take photos with a few others with dolls, or out to Tea, or to a Boba shop, or to the mall... It's always best in groups because you know you're with others who enjoy dolls. You can pose them with each other. You can go interesting places to take photos and be in a group so you don't feel quite that out of place. They also usually know how to treat dolls and will help you watch out for yours and you can do the same for theirs, so it's safer all around. It's all good. The best, really! :D
    6. yeah all the time. i want to bring my doll to work but i can not because i work in a restaurant and i dont want him smell like restaurant food and i dont want something happen to him
    7. I'd love to go outside and do more photoshoots, but all the places around here, well, I'd feel kinda scared of them getting accidently damaged if I had no one to help out.
    8. I've wanted so much to take my dolls out but I feel so self conscious about it... I don't really know why... What other people think really doesn't bother me but I worry something might happen to them. I took one of my MSDs to Salem with me in hopes of getting some nice photos and didn't take him out of the bag once. I think that if I had another dollfiend there with me it would have been easier to just go for it
    9. I've lived in major cities with my dolls and I've never been afraid to take them out and about; or rather, I've never been afraid of them being damaged. I've ridden public transport with my SOOM fantasy boys and they've always been all right. The only time I've ever been concerned about my dolls is in large groups of people inside of buildings such as malls and concert halls. I've noticed that on the street, people tend to be pretty indifferent about the dolls, but as soon as you enter a public venue, then the children with grabby fingers and the parents with nervous looks start to crawl out of the woodwork. I once had a lady ask me if I was going to do a show with my 'puppet'.
    10. My grandmother's. She's been a doll collector her whole life, porcelain and Barbies for the most part, and so instead of saying the hobby was a waste of money/impractical-- and fair enough, I'd expect as much from a woman who lived through the Great Depression-- when my sister and I told her we were getting into collecting BJDs, she was interested and pleased (pleased, I'm sure, that less-girly me was finally into dolls...)

      Of course, she's also a smoker-- not as heavy as she used to be, but anything that goes into her house comes out smelling like cigarettes, and since I'm also asthmatic, it's the one thing that does bother me, and I'm not the most paranoid person when it comes to potential damages, but cigarette smoke you may consider my bete noir. So I have to settle for showing her pictures, I guess.

    11. Back when I first got into the hobby and got my first dolls, I used to take them everywhere with me, including to work. It was a comfort thing for me at the time, but looking back I know there was a lot of talk going on behind my back about how I was taking "those weird dolls" with me everywhere; I'd been through a lot of traumatic stuff and my mental health wasn't exactly brilliant at the time, and I think a lot of people assumed the dolls were a part of that.

      Plus, it's one thing to take out dolls when it's just you by yourself - but when you have a baby or small chid with you, suddenly even the most spur-of-the-moment trip out becomes a major exedition, what with changing bags, wipes, drinks, spare clothes etc - and trying to juggle a doll with everything else becomes a sheer impossibility, even before you get to the point of trying to deal with people's disapproving stares, and you can't exactly leave the kid yelling in the stroller whilst you set up a doll photoshoot. So dolls pretty much took a back seat when my youngest daughter came along.

      She's old enough now that I probably could take the dolls out again, but these days I'm just too self-conscious. I'd be worried that my friends might think my old mental health issues were coming back, and I'd just be too self-conscious of people being judgemental over a 38-year-old mother playing with dolls in public. Going to doll meets (whilst my OH looks after the little one) is one thing, but other than that? No. I don't risk it any more, I'm afraid. :(
    12. As I'm getting a pukipuki, I am planning to carry her around with my in a glasses case. She will probably not leave it while we are out, but she'll be with me.
      Bigger dolls... I dunno. I'm getting bigger dolls, but I don't know if they will leave my room for anything but shoots and conventions.
    13. I wish I could take any of my dolls to work... even my baby would be nice but... I can't. I just can't ... all because I work at a supermarket checkout--- boohoo
    14. My issue with taking my dolls from place to place is a bit different. I mainly don't do it because after 30 minutes a 60 cm doll is soooo heavy. And I know some people like to carry their dolls in bags or instrument cases but I want people to see my dolls. I've found even with people not in the hobby that they can be a great conversation starter. But I don't have the money to buy a cute baby carriage. lol
    15. I wanted to take my boy to a convention earlier in the year, but because it was more of a 'western' convention (like comic books and scifi) rather than eastern, I wasn't sure if he would be as accepted. I definitely taking him to the Anime con this year (my first year with a Dolfie, Im so excited). If he was smaller though I'd take him everywhere..
    16. I would love to be able to take my doll places!! like college, but hes just too large lol i went to the London MCM Expo last month and god i desperatly wanted to take him with me but god, i was really worried encase he got damaged, i didn't take him in the end and was thankful because the amount of people there was astounding XD
    17. yes, I really want to take my doll everywhere with me (everywhere being school) but because I'm an art major and always get extremely sweaty, dirty and sometimes hurt I can't bring her for fear of damaging her
    18. I'd love to take my dolls with me to family get togethers because I'm always bored for hours, but there's no way I'd ever dare bring them because they'd get sstolen, broken, dirty, or all of the above.
    19. Can't take them to college :()
    20. The only way i can take my doll to work is to keep her in her carry on bag and put her somewhere safe (which is hard considering working in a pawn shop) I just want to put her on the work table on the shelf, her head turns to the chair just staring at you....and just wait.

      My main fear is that my doll would get broken and I would have no way of fixing her.