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What Clothes Wigs fit BambiCrony?

Jun 1, 2006

    1. Someone mentioned that Mattel Ken clothes fit, which makes me think that Marley Wentworth clothes might fit as well. Marley is by the Tonner Company, and she is close to Ken in size. It's worth trying, anyway. Marley is 12 inches (30cm) tall, though, and the Bambicrony dolls are only 10.5 inches (27cm). I have a Marley, so when my Bambicronys arrive, I can try all of Marley's clothes on them and post pictures. I sure hope the clothes fit, or my Bambicronys will be running around naked!
      EDIT: Marley clothes do NOT fit. Please read my response about Marley clothing below (about 12 posts down from this one).
    2. I think you might do better with Bitty Bethany or Ann Estelle clothes. Bambi Crony is narrower in the shoulders but if the style is not meant to be skin tight I think they would work. Just my .02~K
    3. spromber: I like the third outfit. Very Pretty Argyle print dress
    4. Spromber, that stuff is the cutest I have ever seen! :fangirl:
      Snow Song: I think I have some Marley clothes on the way...I don't remember.
    5. Thanks so much AreeElf and 133tprincess! I have an OF on ebay now too.
      My user name is shpro :)
    6. Hi Tracy. You might want to see if you can revise your listing real quick - the "c" from crony is missing and you're not coming up in the searches. As it's still wide open I think you can amend.
      (I hope it's allright I wrote this - I'm still not sure of how to do anything here like PM)
    7. Patsyette clothes fit great! They patsyette dolls are about 9in tall and are cute 1930's style. They fit wonderful and don't cost very much on ebay. Yo Sd clothes fit great too. Ann Estelle and Linda McCall clothes fit okay, but some have to be taken in a bit by moving the buttons in the back over some. Hope that helps!
    8. I've got a Bambi question. ('Nother one) Would Lati Green fit Bambi? Because I found the perfect short-haired Lati Green wig for my future Gun, but I wonder if it would fit him?
    9. my lati green wigs fit on my bambicrony kumi head but they are a little taller and chubbier and the clothes are too big for bambicrony

      all the dollheart yo-sd outfits fit my bambicrony girl nicely
    10. Cool! Thanks.
    11. Mine has been borrowing my Kish Bitty Bethany wigs too :)
      BB shoes also fit very well.
    12. I couldn't get Patsyette clothes on mine....Patsyette's shoulders are too narrow. I have the 9" Patsyette.

      I spoke to some friends with Marleys....Marley is 1/4 inch bigger at both waist and hips than my Bambicrony--I think that's a good place to start.

      I've put Ann Estelle/Bitty Bethany stuff on mine, and for the most part it's *huge*......? Except things that were super-tight on AE, that fit my Bambicrony 'just right'. :)

    13. Oh cool! I'll file this info away for later. Also, I can highly recommend Judy of Juju's Dolly Mall! She's excellent to do business with. :)
    14. I got my Bambicronys today. I tried some Marley Wentworth clothes on them, and the skirts fit, but the shirts didn't fit AT ALL. The sleeves were much too narrow to get the hands and arms of the Bambicrony through. Also, Marley's torso is a bit longer than Bambicrony's torso (and Marley's legs are MUCH longer). This means that if the Bambis tried on a sleeveless Marley dress, it would snap and fit around the waist, but you'd have to take in the straps on it in order for it to fit up in the chest area, otherwise the entire garment will be too long in the torso.

      I had a Bitty Bethany dress at home, too. I tried it on my Kumi, and it fit loosely. It's ok if you are wanting a loosely-fitting dress. I think that clothes that are tight on Bitty Bethany might fit loosely on Bambicrony and look nice. They are the right length, at least.

      The dress I had that fit BC the best was one that was made for 10.5 inch slim Helen Kish dolls like Patty, Margie, Hannah, Emmy Lou, Sugar, Mary Kate and the Beach Girls series. Unfortunately, Kish doesn't make dolls in this size any more, so finding clothes for them is REALLY difficult.

      I tried clothing for 8-inch Madame Alexander dolls on BC, too. I couldn't get the BC hands and arms through the sleeves. Even the sleeve-holes up at the armpit were too narrow. It's too bad, because it looked like the dresses would fit them otherwise.
    15. If Ann Estelle clothing is too wide, maybe Bitty Bethany Kish clothing would work for BambiCrony??? Does anyone out there have both dolls?? Bitty Bethany is slimmer than AEstelle.
    16. Hi Carla!
      I have both, and AE is way big on the Bambicronys, and BB is big as well. Although they can share shoes.
    17. Thanks for the info!!

      I'm dying to get one of those pretty girls! Cannot decide between Kumi or Petite Gabriel.... decisions decisions!!

    18. Get both! Thats what I had to do! LOL!
      Just know that Kumi is still smaller than the CH petites. The petites CAN share some AE and BB clothes though.

      I can get a comparison pic tomorrow of those two with AE and BB for everyone to get a better idea of the size.
    19. at Bambicrony site there is a preorder of wigs.
      and at Leeke (http://www.leekeworld.us) they sell wigs, shoes and outfits for doll-leeke, they're the same size...
      at dollndoll (http://www.dollndoll.com) there are outfit, some wigs and some shoes for Petite Ai and similar sizes...
      at Luts (http://www.eluts.com) there are some wigs for Bambicrony and for CutieDelf, and too a lot of outfit and shoes...
      at DollHeart (http://www.dollheart.com/) there are some things for YoSD...
      and... at Volks there are too things for YoSD sized dolls...

      good luck :)
    20. I found some clothing for Bambi crony dolls that's cheap (if bought on eBay) and fits fairly decently. Clothing for 11-inch slim Effanbee dolls fit rather well, although they fit a little loosely in the chest. The nice thing is that if you do a search for "Effanbee" on eBay, you have literally a couple of hundred clothing styles to choose from in the 11-inch size for really cheap. Just make sure you're getting the 11-inch clothing, and not some other size.

      IMPORTANT: When you buy Effanbee clothing, make sure the sleeves are not super tight. Clothes with sleeves that have elastic around the edges will fit over the BC's hand easily, but I'm not sure about Effanbee clothing that has tight sleeves. These might not fit over the BC's hands. The Effanbee dresses I tried all had elastic sleeves, so they worked for me.

      It's a good choice for Halloween costumes for Bambicrony, because you can find 11-inch Effanbee dolls dressed like Snow White, Little Bo Peep, Alice in Wonderland, Dorothy of Oz, Cinderella, Scarlett O'Hara and a trillion other characters.

      I'm sure not everything is a perfect fit. I'm basing my assumptions on only two dresses from Effanbee dolls that I've tried on my own BCs. Hopefully, everything from this line will work decently, though.

      Be careful about the older, cheaper Effanbee dolls that aren't listed as mint-in-box. I just bought an Effanbee for $5 just for the outfit, and the doll arrived with a big stain on the end of her nose that the seller "forgot" to mention in the auction. At least the clothing is in good shape, though. Also, make sure the seller lists the dolls/clothing as being from a nonsmoking home.

      Make sure to wash the clothing before using it on your BCs to get rid of excess fabric dyes. This way, you don't have to worry about the clothing staining the resin.