1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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What gender of doll do you prefer?

Nov 13, 2020

  1. Male/Masculine

    141 vote(s)
  2. Female/Feminine

    184 vote(s)
  3. Androgynous/Unassigned

    114 vote(s)
  4. Doesn't matter

    68 vote(s)
  5. Other (tell us in the thread!)

    11 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
    1. Large and ongoing, but the poll is a fun addition. :sweat I voted male, because, yeah - male. Love those handsome faces, and since I'm a woman, it's fun to play dress up for the opposite sex.
    2. I always think I have a preference for female dolls but I answered "doesn't matter" because I really think that that's the truth for me. I tend to have a 1:1 ratio of boys to girls in my collection. This wasn't intended or on purpose, it's just how things ended up. I love dolls across the gender spectrum and while I think as a whole I prefer more female sculpts generally, when it comes to ones that I want to buy, it's pretty much split down the middle. Right now there's a bit of an imbalance in the doll universe here since I have 1 more boy doll (and 1 boy head that I have some ideas for) but I also have 2 female dolls on the way. So it's going to sort itself out.
      With that said, I share my collection with my fiance and I know he prefers female dolls so the collection will undoubtedly turn female majority in time lol.
    3. You're describing an issue with fit or finding the exact style of clothes you've personally envisioned, which applies to all dolls (not just male dolls). Making clothes oneself is an option, and commissioning a custom outfit isn't much more expensive than a high quality premade outfit.

      I know it's kind of an earth-shattering hot take, but..... male dolls can wear clothes other than 3-piece suits.
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    4. Thanks for letting me know! I guess threads move so quickly here that I didn't check far enough back.
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    5. I used to prefer male dolls, but nowadays I skew more towards female dolls. I guess taste changes! :XD:
    6. This is honestly something I find so fascinating. Before collecting BJD’s, I just thought of most dolls as female and most collectors as heterosexual women and gay men. But after discovering this new community, I noticed how some gay men prefer male dolls over female dolls and that not all female collectors who are maybe physically just attracted to men prefer male over female and not all women that collect dolls are heterosexual and not all of them prefer dolls that are male. I hope I’m not offending anyone with this text. I’m gay myself and have always preferred female dolls but now because of BJD’s and this website I’m grateful to be a part of, it’s helping break down stereotypes for me AND I’m starting to see the draw for male dolls from some of your pictures in the gallery. So I guess both, but if I had to choose, even tho I’m gay and physically attracted to men, I prefer female/feminine dolls because I think the woman’s’ body is undeniably the most beautiful form on this planet. :)
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    7. Don't know if I'm the only one, but gender preference definitely depends on size for me. For SDs, I lean heavily towards males. For MSDs, I tend to prefer females. For YOSDs... well, I'm not a big fan of them so I have no preference there? It's probably because I like more mature/adult male sculpts, which are harder to find on non-SD sizes, so the smaller the sizes go the less interested I am in the male sculpts.
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    8. I like both girls and boys, but I prefer female / feminine dolls more because they are more fun to dress up, it's easier to name them and easier to find clothes for them, ect. It's harder for me to click with male / masculine dolls for some reason. It's also little harder to find male clothes, especially for YoSD boys!

      I do have a few boys that I absolutely adore! I wouldn't say they're super masculine, but they're not feminine despite their slightly girly face ups. One of them is a baby so of course he'd look a bit girly! They are a bit harder to bond with them. It might just be because the last year and a half have been a lot for me so I've been taking short breaks from the hobby off and on.

      I have four girls and four boys!
    9. I prefer female dolls because I am so in love with the female body and female beauty. Male dolls just don't interet me that much XD
      I have a huge crush on Pretty Girls so why not surround myself with em
    10. The gender does not matter to me all that much. I even have a female SD sculpt that I got turned into a genderless humanlike character. No matter a dolls gender or lack of gender, I tend to create a character that I can relate to. I've noticed that a lot of my dolls have a little bit of myself within them.
    11. I think it is Male for now. I really like emotive male sculpts right now.
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    12. I used to prefer male dolls, but now I have far more female dolls.
      It may be silly, but I prefer girls clothings, and that's one of the reasons why I prefer female dolls... an other is that I find more easily female bodies that I like than male bodies.
      I do have male dolls that I like a lot, but they are so much less than my favorite female dolls!
    13. At the moment I prefer female dolls. There's definitely an element of psychology to it - I feel like I can explore different facets of my personality and the events and questions that occupy my inner world through the different girls. There are plenty of super pretty and handsome male BJDs, but I don't want to buy any of them.
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    14. Always female dolls! I don’t have any boys- never even had Ken dolls as a kid. I just find women and feminine clothing far more interesting, for no particular reason. (I am a gay woman, for what it’s worth.)
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    15. i like both, and it is more important to me the face sculpt so i can work on the face up!!
    16. i defiantly prefer semi realistic male dolls though i'm honestly not sure why, it might be due to the fact that almost all other kinds of dolls are almost exclusively female and or have very few male options i envision all my dolls to be male except one or two dollfie dreams.
      i prefer looking at owner photos of female dolls though oddly.
    17. I'm all about those boys.

      My time in the doll hobby has overlapped a lot with my discovering my own transmasc-ness, so in retrospect it's not surprising that I love them. I mean I will still dress some of my boys in feminine things when it suits them, and I do want another girl one of these days... but I have a definite preference for male dolls and I treasure having a collection of boys who range from highly masculine to androgynous/feminine as just a way of exploring what gender means to me as presentation vs inherent state of being.

      Jack is my most masculine guy, Party Martian is hot pink but in terms of styling there's nothing very femme about him, then Pete likes feminine things and leans into that style-wise while still feeling very male to me, Vince and Billy are both childishly androgynous... it gives me a lot to play with.
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    18. I like all dolls but I only own female ones. I'd love to own a male doll one day though!
    19. My collection is a 3:2 ratio of boys to girls, but it's really all about pretty faces. I don't subscribe to the notion that one gender is more fun to dress than another, and I find heteronormative gender politics tedious, so the thing that I find most appealing about BJDs is the sheer variety they offer. I can have boys in lace and high heels, girls in tuxedos, children in anachronistic period costumes, and there is a vast array of maker talent to help me achieve whatever I envision.

      Maybe it's just been too many years as a curvy woman unable to find androgynous fashion in my size, but replicating that frustration at doll scale is really unappealing. Over time my choices have skewed to male dolls that are all in the slim 65cm range because that makes it easier to swap clothing. Just about everybody in my crew gets heel feet, long eyelashes and piles of jewelry, regardless of gender assignment. :cake:
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    20. It really doesn’t matter for me, there are girl sculpts that I love and there are male sculpts that I adore... there are the same for me, as for owning, I have 2 girls but I will buy boys too very soon ^^