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What if someone else opened your doll?

May 26, 2010

    1. I'd be furious.
      That has nothing to do with the doll though, I'd rage over any other package or letter in the same way, because of the fact that somebody did this without my permission. That pisses me off.
      I don't know about the US for example, but in my country it's illegal to open somebody else's mail and I like it like that.
    2. Honestly? I had all three of my big boys sent home to my parents' instead of my address here. Cos there's always someone there to accept mail (my Dad's retired now) and those dolls are so expensive that I'd hate them getting lost in the mail or something. So my parents where the ones to pick up my Ark, my Akando and also my unstringed Unidoll boy from customs. Of course, they had to open the boxes there. It's kinda mandatory. And I don't have any problem with that.

      Now, if a complete stranger would open the box with my doll in it, I would have a problem with THAT (unless it's someone from customs who's checking the parcel's contents). But that's simply because they might accidentally damage something. For me - and there I think I'm different from the vast majority of BJD-owners - the box opening itself isn't really a particularly "magic moment". I actually get more excited when I recieve parcels with new clothes or wigs for my boys. So, yeah, I'd be really pissed off if a stranger opened my new doll's box before I got a chance to do so. But unless he damaged the doll, I wouldn't feel robbed of anything.
    3. I think I'd be answering this, full of righteous indignation with the idea of someone opening my mail, if I still lived at home. But now, I can't think of a reason why my partner *would* open my mail, unless there was a good reason - like the box was massively damaged and he needed to check it out before he accepted delivery, or something.

      As for group orders, I think it's a little silly to expect the person who made the group order not to check the doll on arrival. What if it's broken, or if it's the wrong doll? By the time the doll's made it to its destination, it's probably too late to report the damage/mistake.

      But then, while the box opening occasion is an important one to me - because it's exciting! - it's not a ~magical bonding moment~ or anything. The doll's still *mine*, even if someone else got to check it out first.
    4. When my Dimo (dollsoom) arrived, my mom happened to be at home. lol So when I arrived from work, she told me he had come in, but also stating that she opened the box already to see him. I got a little upset about it, but I didn't hold a grudge. Deep down I didn't mind it, but I would of preferred to open the both myself for that same experience that you mentioned.
    5. Someone else in my home? No big deal. If he's home, my husband has been known to open the box, snap a crazy picture and send it to me at work. Otherwise, he just calls me so I can come home at lunch and we can open the doll together. There's being territorial and possessive about one's things (which I honestly am) and then being psychotic about it. There will be plenty of new-resin smell in the box if someone else cracked it open first. :daisy Getting all huff-and-puff-and-blow-your-house-down over it seems excessive when there are far bigger issues worthy of venting one's spleen.

      If it's part of a group order? Of course I want the leader to open it and make sure it's okay before sending it to me. The person who ordered it will have to deal with the company if there's a problem anyways.
    6. Honestly?
      I'd kick a toddler.

      I've had to have numberous talks with my parents about opening my mail/packages/ etc. It's not just dorries, but my mail in general. I get super excited when I get doll stuff because I don't get exciting mail usually, so I'd be kind of annoyed. :(
    7. To add to my previous comment, I'd get irritated over the principle of the thing ("You opened it? Well, I don't care, but...why? o_o"), that they opened something of mine. I'd also get the exact same irritation as if they opened a bill for me, etc. If it's just for them to snoop through my stuff then I would get mildly irritated but if they had a legit reason (Curiosity even counts as a legit reason, but suspicion does not because there's no reason to be suspicious of me.) for opening it, I couldn't care less. Since I've been married, privacy has become far less important (not to mention I have nothing to hide) than it was when I was a hormonal, angry teenager. Not to mention, even if the doll had been opened by someone else, it's still MY first time to see it, isn't that what matters? I mean, it was seen by a dozen people in the factory before me, it didn't just materialize out of nowhere for me ONLY to see...
    8. I would be angry if they didn't get my "go" permission. It's mine! If they are so curious to know what's inside, they should wait for me. Good thing my family won't open anything that isn't theirs... except for food maybe. XD
    9. I had my mom open my box to make sure everything was fine cause it would be a month before I'd see it... I agree, box openings are really anti-climactic for me so far because my dolls are hybrids so never come together. Both bodies have been used, and heads have come separately. I'm not one of those people who is so desperate for box opening photos that I make an ordeal out of taken photos of just a head or just a body or what have you.. it just seems kinda lame to me. If i do end up buying a cat from pipos though, I would be a bit annoyed simply because it'll probably be the only doll I get complete to open, and there just wouldn't be any reason for anyone to open it...unless for some reason I had to put someone else's name on it (though I don't see why they would need to get past the outer box to figure it out..). If I lived with roommates I didn't know previously (which I don't plan on doing again), I would be really mad if they got into my mail cause they have no business to, no matter what it is.

      But my friend gets mail at my house, and I open it all the time if she's away on a trip or something, in case it is something important.... and I just don't think she cares. I also did open her first doll cause it was a gift, and I had to do some modding first ;D
    10. Huh, there's a pretty good mix of reactions to this...

      Personally, I'd be pretty mad if someone opened my doll for me. I mean yeah, I know what's inside and it's 'just a doll', but I love the act of opening a package for me. ^_^; It's like a Christmas present! (that I paid for myself! XD) Plus my other dolls usually get in on the action, so I still think it's fun to take pictures. Seeing Sage with a giant pair of scissors is both adorable and terrifying at the same time.

      From an opposite point of view, I opened both of my best friend's dolls for her, and one of them she wasn't even present for. I know she didn't mind at all and wanted me to do it, but for my part it felt kind of...awkward. =/
    11. If I gave the person permission-- meaning if I trusted them-- then sure, no sweat, if for no other reason than to make sure it was okay. But I can't imagine why someone would want to open my package and do so without my permission. As long as there wasn't a "joke" involved with opening the package and taking the doll-- but technically, at least in the US, opening someone else's mail and package without their permission is a category three misdemeanor (which does not apply to a postal worker opening up a package in good faith for their job).

      However, if I sent my doll package to my best friend's house and someone opened it up, I wouldn't be upset since I'm sure nothing bad would happen to the doll. It's not like it imprints on the first person to touch it!
    12. Honestly, no it wouldn't bother me. I would hope that if someone was home and my box came damaged they'd have the sense to open it up and check the contents to see whether anything was broken or not. I have to agree with guneko, box openings for me have become anticlimactic. I mean, I've seen pictures of the doll I'm buying and unless it comes to me COMPLETELY different than what I purchased, then, well, I've already seen my doll. LOL The fun part for me is the dressing/wigging and eye installation.

      Of course, if someone opened my box just to be spiteful, that's a whole different story.
    13. Opening any of my mail without my consent would be a big no-no. No matter who it was. I guess I couldn't do anything but be angry and have a serious talk about the concept of privacy with the person concerned if it ever happened.

      But I don't think it ever will happen, because I think that everyone I know feels the same way about it.
    14. Haha, only if they had my permission, otherwise I'd flip my lid :P

      Like, my Luts boy came and I was all ready with Camera and box, so I take a picture of the shipping box, and then my mom and sister are attacking the box with scissors and I'm like, "WTF, GAIZ???!?! :?GERROFF MY BOY!!" and they were like "What? This is so you can take the pictures!" I'm kind of weird how I like to do both pictures AND box opening by myself, but it somehow ended up with my sister having the camera and me doing the box, which I hated because she's not familiar with the camera, and she didn't get pretty much ANY shot that I'd wanted to get....

      Yeah so no. Nobody opens dolls but me. I'm the only collector in the housem but everybody else likes to be all up in it when I get a new doll....next opening I'm gonna do when no one's home :|
    15. I couldn't care less about "the box opening". If I had minions at home to do it for me, I'd be thrilled.
    16. I've had dolls opened before. Boyfriend lives in US, when I buy in the US, I usually have it ship to him. He need to open and inspect them before taking them cross the border. I don't mind it much. Since when it gets to me I still get to open them and go oooh, ahh.
      I'd rather someone check on the package and let me know if there is any damage.
      Well, with me in the loop of course. :>
    17. I share the same views as many others here. Unless I’ve given permission to someone else to open my doll box/package/letters, then it is me and me alone who should open them.
      I see it this way: it has my name on it, and as I really don't get a lot of post anyway – which is nearly always bank stuff or parcels of things I’ve brought, meaning it's mostly money related, MY money related - no one else has the right to get their mits on it first!
      That and, really, I just like being the first one to hold/touch/have something. Which means in this hobby of ours...box openings, they must happen! (Then again, I'm only one doll in...maybe that'll change one day?)
    18. Unless you have permission or ask first DON'T EVER open or touch my things. Opening someone else's mail/package is an invasion of privacy and just plain WRONG! I was taught and learned this lesson by the time I was three yr's old...If it does not belong to you, you have no good reason to be touching it.
    19. It's more the principle that they opened it without my permission, but it would be the same with any parcel. Heck I flipped when one of my parents opened a little parcel of rhinestones I'd ordered for an art project. There's just such a great sense of suspense when opening something. Although there is always that sad feeling when it's all open and there's nothing left. Box openings are so much fun. :)
    20. I would more than likely throw a BITCH fit, the likes of which my S.O. hasn't seen in many years. So much so, my neighbors would probably be calling the local constabulatory for a domestic disturbance. You DO NOT open my doll packages. PERIOD, BLACK CARD!

      - ShadowHawke -