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what is more exciting searching , deciding, opening the box or playing with the doll

Jul 9, 2015

    1. When I got my first doll I found the box opening stressful because I was too worried he was going to be damaged. I have to say the exciting thing for me is playing with my doll. I love having him just sit on my lap so I can spend time bonding with him.
    2. For me, it is opening the box and seeing my lovely doll in person! At least, that's how it will be when I get my Grail. Also, when you dress them up for the first time! It was slightly harder for me to bond with my dolls before they had clothes, but now I can take pictures of them and have them out without it being weird.

      I'm also planning a project for a character doll from Homestuck, and I'm hoping to do most of the mods myself. That's way in the future though as I haven't even learned to do faceups yet. I imagine when I get HER all together it will be one of my best moments in the hobby, but that depends on how it goes.

      But yeah, having a doll arrive, able to hold them in my hands, is the most exciting part for me, second only to having them complete.
    3. For me the most difficult but also exciting part is finally deciding on the doll. It is when all the pieces fall into place and the doll becomes alive in my mind. It is this moment of falling in love. Knowing that this is the one I want.:) But I also do really love when it arrives:)
    4. I have 2 favorite "most exciting" moments:
      - when I've finally ordered and paid for the doll, which always comes after thinking a lot about it, so the sense of relief and completion adds to the excitement.
      - during photoshoots, when I can dress them up and practice photography with the perfect little models >.<
    5. I guess I have a "series" of exciting moments. Overall, for me the most exciting element is /having/ the doll and doing stuff with it. But big moments of excitement would be:
      -Finding /the/ doll: Browsing is fun, and allows you to appreciate the beauty/cool factor of the hobby, but for me there's a moment that occurs when I see a doll and I know who they are. I RP and love to shell my characters, so when I see a doll and go "YOU'RE ___!" That's exciting. But overall looking is more a fun day of window shopping than exciting.
      -Box opening: the first time you have contact with your doll. The level varies, but seeing them for the first time and assembling them when necessary, that's pretty great too. XD

      When it comes to buying and waiting and shipping, I always associate those with anxiety over excitement (maybe because I struggle with anxiety). The sheer amount of funds sometimes makes my head spin (and yet I continue to buy... XD) and then there's the "what if it gets damaged or lost or..." fill in the blank part. But when you do make that purchase and realize you're going to have a doll, there is that fleeting moment of excitement. XD
    6. Opening the box for me and my cat. I get excited seeing it in person for the first time and my cat gets a brand new box. :P
    7. I really love opening that new dolly package. But I think the most satisfaction for me comes when I get a doll to that complete stage. I once put together a Soom MD doll in pieces (fantasy parts/Outfit/Wig) and sent her out for blushing and face-up and was so happy when I had her all complete. I love sending dolls out for face-ups as well. It's like a brand new doll when they get back.
    8. I think the most exciting part for me is designing the character. I loved looking at all the faceup artists out there and then deciding who to go to and then waiting finally have my doll all together again. That has been the best part for me so far.
    9. the most exciting part for me is the playing with my dolls. All of them have their own personality and it is fun to see how they grow and change with certain things. i have not been spending as much time as i would like with them lately, but they understand. i love taking photos of them(i just happen to be too lazy to post them anywhere.
    10. I wholeheartedly agree with this. All of my current dolls have custom face ups and my future dolls will probably follow that trend so most dolls I get I want blank. In order of excitement it's probably:

      1.Playing with the doll
      3.Opening the box

      Mind you shopping for my dolls NEVER ends as although they may be complete, I still don't get the least bored with playing with them or buying things for them. It's one of my fav part of the hobby. And If I do get bored with a doll then that's a sign to me that the character I crafted isn't multi-dimensional enough, or I have exhausted all things I can do with them in doll form. This may change though as I get more dolls. =w=
    11. Top of my list would have to be right after I receive a shipping notice. Nothing beats the excitement of having my doll being so close to arriving for me. <3

      That is probably followed by:

      1) Receiving progress updates from your face up artist (you'll never know for sure how they'll turn out!)
      2) Trying on a new wig (because a simple wig/style change can alter your dolls' personalities drastically)
      3) Box opening (it's like opening a present! :D)
      4) 'Playing with the dolls' - Dressing them up, taking pictures, cuddling (I would be a lot calmer at this stage, and just enjoy spending time with them)
    12. The most exciting part for me is definitely when I get to open the box and try making goodies for my dolls, watching them come together is awesome.
    13. I'm most definitely all about the hunt. :) Opening the box and getting to know the doll are of course the main reasons for being in the hobby, but there's something special about the shopping experience, looking for just the right sculpt that will fit that little spot in my imagination.
    14. Deciding on the doll, certainly. Perhaps the moment itself lacks the magic of completing the doll after it comes home and watching them come alive bit by bit, but instead it comes with the rush of the find. When you see a doll and suddenly it all falls into place, your character clicks with them and comes to life. It's that moment when you've finally found that it's 'them' that brings the most instantaneous excitement of them all.

      I would perhaps rank the box opening second if it weren't that for me the moment is packed with nerve-wracking anxiety together with the rush of actual excitement.
    15. It's all fun, but for me the biggest rush is when you've put the doll together - with his/her chosen wig, eyes and outfit - and they just "come to life." That moment of seeing the character you've dreamed of and planned for right there, in front of you.
    16. Playing with the doll and changing clothes! Serching for new clothes is fun too
    17. Box opening, as well as figuring out what wig/clothes/accessories/faceup suits my doll best. :lol:
    18. Box opening! It's always amazing to see your doll for the first time!
    19. I get most excited about finally ordering a doll after thinking about it and searching the right one for so long and about getting dolls / clothes in the mail, unpacking it and trying things on and such :D Omg I get excited just talking about it hahaha
    20. It's between searching for the doll because you'll never know what your gonna find. Playing with the doll dressing them up finding out what does and doesn't work for them. Trying on different clothes, wigs and shoes.