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What is your favorite doll size and why

Jan 14, 2010

    1. I love the tinies, I can place them just about anywhere. I am rather fond of MSDs too. Doll Chateau is what got me hooked on MSD size, I love their sculpts and extra joints.
    2. I prefer dolls that are between 58cm and 65cm. They are big enough to inspire me but not too big to take too much space or be too heavy.
    3. I love SDs, but not bigger than 65 because that is just too big and probably too heavy for me. This size is perfect because I like holding my big boy in my arms, feeling his weight, or sometimes we watch something on my laptop at my desk and I just sit him down, lay my head on his shoulder.
      MSDs are cool too! I mean, they aren't heavy and have lovely expression and all, but this size is somehow too small for me to 'feel', and I cannot lay my head on that small shoulder xD
      I also have 1/6 kids and I feel like they are so small and thin like paper. They are also hard to pose because of their size even though their bodies are so good.
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    4. What’s your favourite size of bjd? Why? And how long did it take you to figure it out? Did you own other sizes before hand and move away from them?
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    5. SD13. Not too small, nor too big. I knew from the very beginning that the only dolls for me are in the 60 cm range.
    6. I have a nice collection of different sizes, but I think I ultimately prefer the larger sizes, SD and bigger or even minis with SD proportions (like MYou Doll's Big Baby sculpts). I have two Dollmore Trinities at 105cm each and they're awesome.
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    7. I agree, I prefer dolls with more mature proportions. So dolls like minifees and SD13 are my go-to.
    8. around 70cm^^ it seems to be the perfect size for my taste

      PS: I know, My "I" is much smaller but she has nice proportions :) I love her, but I wouldn't mind herto be taller
    9. I love the MSD and 27cm yosd ranges personally, the sizing is good for travelling and I can sew that small really well. The larger ones I find difficult to restring when needed. ^^’
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    10. 58-65. More mature, just enough of a height range to make things interesting, not too big (though I have been tempted to bump up to 70), I don't know, I just like the sculpts in that range more. I found that out as I was browsing when I first got onto DOA. I do like the occasional tiny though.
    11. 1/4. Has the best choice in clothing, they're solid but not clumsy to handle, and their room boxes don't take up half your room. I am eyeing a 1/3 doll, but what to do with him? I don't have space to build him so much as a couch. I also love tinies because it's so easy to get nice furniture, but clothing is a pain when you're not into dresses and leggins.
    12. Knowing myself 30-40cm is where my size preference lies in. Easy to display, clothing choices are usually more cheap and more varrying, there's a bunch of sculpts that have a cute style and it's just sweet to hold them. Like a nice hand full! But SD's just have this aesthetic in male sculpts that is not found in YO-MSD. It's really hard to decide!! I'd say SD just because the beauty in them if often worth not only the price but also their size.
    13. SD is my favorite size as well! I currently have all SDs and one tiny 13cm dragon, but in the past i've also owned, YoSDs, every proportion of MSDs, and a 50cm doll, but I definitely enjoy SD scale the most!~ I only have smaller SDs between 54-58cm at the moment, but i'm definitely planning to get 60-65cm dolls and possibly a 70cm someday~

      I recently made the switch from only ever owning all smaller scale dolls to all SD scale dolls and, while it was super difficult because I had been building my smaller doll collection for 7 years and their characters are deeply important to me, it was something I had been considering for a multitude of reasons and I couldn't be happier I finally went for it! To be fair though, most of my reasoning for switching wasn't because I no longer liked the MSD/YoSD scale as i've enjoyed every type of doll i've ever owned for different reasons, it was more the project I had for my smaller dolls was a very large and daunting undertaking that I became more and more frustrated with as time went on. When I finally caved and got an SD, I was so inspired by them and realized that I was so much happier and had so much more fun with them than I was having with my smaller dolls, so eventually I decided it'd just be best for me creatively to stick to what inspires me the most~
      I just love how much presence and weight SDs have, WAY more clothes are available to them (especially true for SD boys! MSD/Minifee boys have so few options by comparison), how much easier it is to sew for and get proportionate findings for their clothing, etc. Also, generally speaking, I typically enjoy less "mature" stylized sculpts, but I love that there is such a massive range of sculpts in SD scale from literal children (like Rosenlied Holiday Child) to super mature adults and they all proportionately look good with one another which largely doesn't exist for smaller dolls sizes. That was always my biggest frustration about the MSD scale honestly. Its extremely difficult to create a family from adult, teen, toddler, baby etc. without having some wildly inaccurate levels of physical maturity and head/height/body size proportions that work between them all. You can utilize Pukifee and YoSD size with MSDs for fairly believable younger siblings to MSDs/Minifees, but rarely is there ever options for proportionate adults if MSD/Minifee size are meant to be teenagers.

      Anyway, its a bit sad, but when I originally started looking into the hobby the vast majority of sculpts I liked and had on my "wishlist" were SD scale, but I ultimately came to the decision before officially jumping into the hobby that I didn't have the funds/space for SDs so I wouldn't allow myself to get any...
      It took me 7 years to finally allow myself to get an SD (realizing that my reasons for not getting them no longer made sense since I have tons of empty doll shelves and most of my MSDs cost nearly the same/more than most of the SD sculpts I wanted) and now in hindsight I wish I had just gone with my heart straight from the beginning. I've loved my smaller dolls and every sculpt i've ever owned and wouldn't necessarily say I "regret" the decision, but I think I would have saved myself a lot of heartache and frustration if I had just done so from the beginning~
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    14. I started with a MSD and can't imagine going bigger (though I have some interest in a Feeple). Perfect size to carry around, but still feels like a doll versus small child.

      My YoSD size is very cute and I love her, but the clothes are already a roadblock. Since I got these dolls for dressing up, this is a negative for me in regards to going smaller than MSD.
    15. I like 60cm SD sized ones.. But yeah, It's kind of difficult to travel with.. I think 40cm MSD sized ones are just right :) plus, easier to make clothes
    16. Tinies c: Anything around 10-16cm is awesome. I've always loved miniatures and it's easy to find props for tiny dolls. It can be harder to find clothes for them, there aren't that many styles available, probably because it's so difficult to sew for such tiny dolls, but that doesn't particularly bother me. If nothing else it just motivates me to get better at sewing so I can make clothes for tinies. I have MSDs too, and they're nice, but I don't do much with them because they're just so large, and I don't have a lot of space.
    17. My favorites are 1/3– roughly 52-62cm. I feel like that’s a great size because they’re impressive but not overwhelming. In the past, I’ve owned a lot of fashion dolls and 18” dolls, and even though BJDs are definitely not the same thing, SD really stands out as different to me. They’re also easier for me to sew for and faceup. When I first got into SD, it was originally because I don’t really care for child dolls, and it was nearly impossible to find MSD and smaller sculpts that looked older than 10. I know that’s changed a lot since then, but I still like the size and weight of SD in my arms!

      I started the hobby with MSD. It took about three years and handling other sizes in person to decide to upgrade to SD, and seeing all the mature wig, clothing and shoe options sealed the deal! This was around 2011, when most MSD boy stuff was still school uniforms and children’s play clothes, and wigs were either baby boy bowl cut, anime styled or faux fur. I think maybe if I were a newbie today, the mature mini options would probably satisfy me. But as it stands, I’m not parting with my SD crew! <3
    18. Feeple60 (SD13 I believe) and dolls 56-63cm is my favorite ones :3 I don't know why, but I like the feeling of they heaviness, and a pretty nice feeling to cuddle^^
      But I has dolls in different sizes from yo-sd to 70 cm, I love them all, but with 60cm I'm most comfort
    19. I like MSD sized the most. Nothing beats the feeling of a big ole 70cm doll in your hands but for me it's just too much doll to handle. the 45cm range just feels better for me
    20. Mostly of my dolls are SD13 and SD17