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What is your style like when it comes to dolls?

Jan 6, 2017

    1. Oh, these are good questions.

      I like cute sculpts by Volks, but I think that requires clarification. I am drawn to chubby cheeks and wide-set eyes on the larger side (but not too large) with an expressive mouth. It is important to me that the face not be too flat or too exaggerated in terms of the facial features. I suppose one could interpret it as a particular combination of western artist doll and anime figure features. There is a very specific balance I tend to be drawn to these days. I am also currently drawn to more "happy" expressions but I also enjoy more neutral expressions.

      Whether YoSD, MSD/SDM or SD, I do not want my dolls to be too mature or to have too realistic of features. I want sweet, adorable and endearing faces that inspire me with a hint of fantasy. I also dislike more mature bodies and favour the old SD body over the new SDGr for my girls. I really like the chubby feel of the SD body and enjoy the feel of the single torso in my hand. That said, I also like my suwarikko body with its sweet awkwardness. I even like the old MSD bodies but also like the new SDM bodies.

      As for clothes, I do not always need colour or always need texture together, but I need at least one or the other although ideally I do prefer both these days. I am mostly drawn to more country styles (in terms of the Asian interpretation, not western wear) with the full skirts, pintucks, ruffles and lace. Looking at some of my favourite outfits, though, I tend to be drawn to anything that cleverly combines colour with texture with a balance of fantasy and sweetness (think "young maiden" in a forest reading a book or having a picnic in some kind of wonderland full of pastels).

      As for "ugly" dolls, I do not feel any dolls are "ugly." E.T. is adorable. I like "cute" dolls and "fantasy" dolls, so I find dolls by, for instance Doll Chateau enchanting. If I were a customiser I would want more dolls along that line, I think, but as it is now, I simply wish to dress pretty dolls in pretty clothes.
      #61 elphsnt, Jan 31, 2021
      Last edited: Feb 1, 2021
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    2. I second the above post that this is a great question!

      I LOVE beautiful men: the perfect balance of feminine and masculine. Regardless of gender, human, too, are mixture of feminine and masculine characteristics. So all my Bae are representing this balance :).

      For style, I look for clothing that can make a new set of style. For example, in modern clothing, I will buy full set of jacket and pants and later by tops that can make it to different outfits with different shoes. Just to put it simple, by cloths that will be able to make new style through mix and match them in many different ways.

      My boy also have a lot of special costumes/wigs that I put on them. I think I spend a lot of $$$ on this and if I spend this money to buy new dolls, I would have at leas 30 dolls already LOL.
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    3. SDs are definitely my type. I do prefer either mature-looking dolls or youthful yet not childlike so larger dolls are the best option. As for style I'm mostly into more realistic looking dolls. It doesn't have to be super realistic, some level of stylisation is just fine, they're dolls after all and I love them for that :3
      I wouldn't say that I prefer any particular style of clothes, but I'm more inclined to realism here as well. The more closely a doll's piece of clothes looks like human one - the better!
    4. Causal because for me you can't go wrong with a pair of jeans and a couple of cool shirts. Also big fan of shoes, my dolls have more pairs of shoes then I do.

      OPPS! Just saw you meant style of dolls, not their clothing. LOL

      I love the unique, the almost alien looking dolls. I have Irrealdolls, Little Rebel, Fifth MotifGoohwa and a Twigling Gamine .
    5. I prefer mature looking sculpts to chibi ones. I also like intentionally creepy dolls because I find beauty in them as well. I avoid dolls that look miserable or are frowning because they really put a damper on things.
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    6. Most of my dolls are regular/natural-looking. I've started seeing the value and enjoyment in anime-style dolls since also buying some Obitsus. But I still mostly flock towards human-looking dolls.

      I also tend to find myself going for 'normal skin' bjds, but I'm trying to diversify my collection, and tan dolls ARE really gorgeous in person as much as they are in photos!!
    7. I definitely prefer dolls right in the middle of stylized and realistic — anime style dolls aren't for me, but neither is the kind of realism you'd get from Iplehouse. I don't think I have many other preferences in terms of the sculpt other than that... it really comes down to how the parts of the face fit together, but I have noticed I gravitate towards dolls with bigger, downward-slanting eyes? I don't mind a sad face, hahaha. I'm also picky about noses, but that's more about balance with the rest of the face, especially in profile.

      For clothing style, I love intricate, lacy, over-the-top, fantasy or historical-inspired, really 'dolly' looking clothes. Clothes that only a doll could wear, because they'd be too impractical for a human to move around in, if that makes sense?
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    8. I like dolls with the super cute, big-eyed, button nose aesthetic. I love adorable tinies, and cute childlike tall YOSDs (in that 35cm range). I like the chubby look for my tinies because it makes them look cuter and toddler-like. If they were skinny, they'd look super weird! :XD: For the tall YOSDs I have, I like them to be a little slender (not skinny) because there are more clothing options.

      For clothes, I dress all of my dolls in lacy, frilly dresses with sparkly eyes and soft-colored wigs. I'm very much going for that dreamy pastel look.

      As for "ugly" dolls, they're not for me, but I think it's cool that there's a market for that!
    9. I like dolls that have bigger puppy eyes. Not the anime type but also not too realistic, something in the middle. A good example would be Dust of Dolls, some of their sculps are realistic enough but not too much that it looks like an action figure. Does that makes sense? All I want are slim MSDs :chibi
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    10. I have noticed that I generally prefer dolls that look like they're in their late teens/early adulthood. For some reason I can't seem to get myself to like childlike dolls, mostly because I think the fun for me lies mostly in being able to dress them and I really really don't like children's clothes.
      I also like a semi-realistic look when it comes to the sculpts. I prefer women with softer pear-like shapes and men with less muscular bodies. One thing I really can't stand are very cartoony bodies or faces, so it's kinda more of a balance for me.
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    11. For the dolls themselves, I only have two SDs, with a third one on the way, ranging somewhere between realistic and stylized. I think the faceup can definitely do a lot to push a doll in a specific direction, as my most "stylized" doll became fairly realistic with the appropriate and very well done faceup I commissioned. I like more or less realistic bodies, though the boys bodies are almost always more muscular than what I would see IRL.

      I like somewhat mature faces, so no overly wide eyes or chubby cheeks. I don't love neutral expressions, I'd rather they either express something, whether it's joy or sadness. (In the case of the dolls I own, I have one with a serene and thoughtful expression, another one with a frown)

      Oh, and I love black hair for some reason. XD I almost automatically look at promo pictures if there is black hair!
      #71 lyaam12, Mar 25, 2021
      Last edited: Mar 25, 2021
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    12. I enjoy realistic sculpts over anime or otherwise super stylized faces, though there's been some super abstract looking dolls that caught my eye. Buuut, judging from the two I adore right now, at least for MSDs I enjoy some stylization! Big eyes, sweet-looking but almost neutral expression, some kind of standout feature. (For Seed Arts' Wol, the nose and how the shape of the eyes "flows" into it got me. For Impldoll Avery, it's his like, :3 face.)

      I think part of it is I like telling at a glance what doll it is. I love when I can look at a doll and go "!!! It's you!"
    13. My collection is very stylized and includes anime dolls. I like the big eye, small nose aesthetic, often with pouty lips but still a pleasant facial expression. I have DDs that kind of fall under their own category, but my resin crew is very in-line with the Fairyland/Crobidoll/Switch sort of aesthetic. I have a hard time telling if this is because that's just what I like or if I've been heavily influenced by what was popular when I first got into the hobby, but either way, I'm quite content with where things are going. I also seem to gravitate toward SD and Yo-SD sizing and avoid MSDs these days. My MSD dolls have never worked out for me, but my SDs and tinies like to stick around for years, probably because I like "adult" and "child" sculpts, but MSDs often read like teenagers to me.

      I'm not diametrically opposed to owning an "ugly" or unique sculpt, though. I'm the kind of person that looks at absolutely hideous garments or very unfortunate looking animals and goes "it's/they're so ugly, I love it/them." It would really come down to whether or not I liked the overall look of the doll compared to the price point rather than some arbitrary measurement of beauty.
    14. For a long time I only really liked the more realistic sculpts, but now I kinda like a bit of everything? I also really like different clothing and face-up styles as well, so tbh my collection is kinda all over the place.
    15. I think I like semi realistic dolls but I'm starting to realize that I have a type- especially for male dolls. I have an Iplehouse Leonard who I adore, I'm planning on getting Rugged Realisms Geneo the second that the pre-order opens, and I'm keeping an eye on Mori 9's Veles, all in all, all guys with high thin cheekbones, thin face, rounded chin, and small eyes. For girls, I like heart shaped faces and larger but more realistic eyes. I also have a strong preference for SD to 70 cm sized dolls.
      As for clothes, depends on the character! I think I definitely prefer modern clothes to fantasy styled ones but more than anything else I love changing out outfits and taking time to style every doll
    16. I was originally drawn to the hobby because of Iplehouse, and I find that I like the SD sculpts, but I was worried about the size. My first doll ended up being an MSD and I like the size, and I think I actually like a slightly larger head proportion like that on Minifees as long as they are/could be more mature looking. I'm still interested in getting an SD size, but I'm still pondering which one to be my first.

      I do like some of the fantasy dolls, but at least for now I'm more interested in realistic (or at least options for taking the fantasy stuff off). Maybe as I grow my collection, or as new sculpts come out, I'm sure I'll want to buy the fantasy ones as well.

      I'm also preferring darker resin and non-bjd-classic features ie wider turned down noses, larger mouths, eyes with epicanthal folds. Pretty much the opposite of I guess what society at large finds attractive. I've actually considered getting into 3d printing as a way of getting that perfect head sculpt and maybe once we settle into a house where I can have a craft room I'll actually get into that.

      My aesthetic with clothes is something I'm still figuring out! I like all the things and so its more of a task to figure out which would I like for this or that doll as a general outfit for display.
    17. Male wise? The calm face, bad boy dark past type lol.
      Female wise I don’t know?
      I genuinely wish my male dolls were real tho
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    18. I started collecting dolls 20 years ago and I was replacing childhood dolls or buying what I wanted as a child but never got so my collection has always been baby dolls from the 80s and early 90s. So when I found bjd I was drawn to more childlike dolls. I like both stylized and realistic sculpts and will have separate displays for the different types. I’m not sure if I’m into fantasy dolls yet, but they are growing on me although it will probably be more human looking ones.
    19. fantasy, alien and pet dolls, both cute and creepy
    20. I started out with the more stylized and cute, and over my time collecting I've just gotten more and more into mature and semi-realistic minis... but I still have room in my heart for my big-headed cuties, and while I'm mostly focused on that look going forward, that's not to say I won't sometimes fall in love with something more stylized, especially if we're talking cute little anthros.

      As for 'ugly', I am a BIG fan of monsters and aliens-- I tend to drool from afar over dolls that lean hard into a monstrous/alien aesthetic if I don't know what I would do with one, but every time I see a really weird artist doll with that kind of feel, I am very heart eyes about it.
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