1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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What originally got you into BJDs?

Jan 19, 2010

    1. I saw a picture of a BJD on someone's DA gallery. I read the description which led me to a Google search, which led to a wiki article, which led to Volks. The rest is history. ;)
    2. For me, i once had a doll body that was only a teensy bit smaller then barbies measurements. when browsing on ebay i kept seeing this word "obitsu" and i had no idea what they were, a quick google search took me to junky spot, where i soon purchased a new body for my barbie sized girl and a new blank slate doll to make up.

      While waiting for them to arrive i went back to the site and started clicking through the other doll companies....And then, i found the dollzone page.

      that moment is when i first fell in love with BJD's. There is just something about DZ's sculpts that appeal to be more than others, i have no idea what it is though.
      my top 5 dolly wants are all DZ sculpts x.x
    3. I was at a trade show about 4 years ago and taking a break. I walked around looking at other vendors booths and there was a booth there that had BJDs (I'm not even sure what brand name it was now). I held one in my hand and just marveled at the detail and the way it could be posed. I couldn't afford one then so I just put it on the back burner. I got into another doll but I never forgot the BJD that I thought was so amazing. Now that I'm getting out of the doll that took her place for a while and I have a little more money, I'm back to wanting one. The BJD world has GROWN tremendously since that time though so it's going to take me a while to learn all of my likes/dislikes.
    4. I looked up "grey eyes" on google

      saw a BJD XD
    5. My wife collects vintage Barbies, which led to a search of fashion dolls, which led to Denver Doll. I think they had DIM on their front page. Intriguing, bizarre, but interesting.
      Then when Elfdoll released Lydia:aeyepop:*_*:o!!

      Since I had done other expensive hobbies like motorcycles, fossils, my wife (LOL), the price didn't shock me too much. I always seem to find the pricey items. She has been well worth it. The girl is down right precious!
    6. I do not remember what I was looking for in the Internet in about the middle of 2005, but I ended up on the Korean version of Dollmore watching a CP Luts Soo Sp showing a Dollmore wig. What got me into BJD was she reminded me of myself with that faceup, eyes and wig. But before she arrived home I saw another wig, a 'Peach' one, at Luts which made me change my mind about the character she would be. I took a look at all the old CP Luts Delfs on that site by then and realized many of them would be members of my One Piece (Manga and anime series) resin crew.
    7. dieux-faux (river on DoA) and hiritai (same) on deviant art got me interested in bjd's. i saw the picture's and i was just like 'wow they are uber awesome!' then i joined DoA and am now waiting for my 1st one! :D
    8. My story isn't that interesting lol

      I was on iScribble, I had a Rave RP board. A person nicknamed Ciel came in. She said, and I quote as best as I can: "I'll use my Visual Kei boy, since he likes to go to clubs". I forget how, but she showed me a picture of one of her dolls. Her dA is dimentiofan. I searched them, and now i'm saving up for a BBB Bei and waiting for my parents to get me a BBB Ariel!
    9. Believe it or not...I was browsing eBay. My mother found this vampire doll that she wanted to show me and it turned out to be a BJD. I then did an extensive search and found a doll that I really liked on eBay. Then basically I just stared at it for a while. I still don't have the money to buy one at this point. So sad...:(
    10. These are all great stories! I love reading about how every became interested in and came to purchase their first doll. :D

      A fanfiction writer I liked once upon a time owned one. I don't even remember the fandom the person wrote for, but their personal website had a small gallery of her bjd's pictures. I hardly remember what the doll looked like except that it had a gothic style and I was very interested. I did a little research but was intimated by the price and the high maintenance (stringing, suedeing, faceup, etc). They were kept in the back of my mind with the only website I was aware of, Volks.

      Then earlier this year I came across them again. I found a different company website and was so smitten with those dolls that I showed my girlfriend and together we fell in love with bjds. Now I own two and she has her second on the way. (:
    11. It was Angelic Layer that started me. Thanks, CLAMP! I'm not sure what I found after that, but it turned into me obsessively searching for that perfect doll.

      Funny story time!

      My mom always said she "didn't get" why I was so interested in BJDs and that "it was stupid" to pay so much money for one. Then she saw the photos on the order page. Her first comment? "Oh! He's so pretty..."

      I do love my mother. We tend to share the same interests, even if it takes one of us a little while to catch on. I expect to run into her on DoA by accident at some point. ^^;
    12. reading the manga, "rozen maiden", ahaha.
    13. I was browsing for lolita outfits and was looking thru someone's shop {i think an american lolita online shop}, saw a link to her doll. Bored I was, I clicked it and fell in love w/ bjds. It was a volks Nana i think.
    14. Seeing obitsu on Japanese TV and following the trail 'till I found resin!!!
    15. I've been a lover of dolls most of my life. First it was Barbie, then action figures, then Star Wars dolls and then cloth dolls (I bought and made them) and then I got into anime and manga and BJDs seem to feature a lot in both. I got curious, searched a bit and thought they looked nicer, better than barbie and much more intriguing than action figures. Plus, I like making characters so BJDs seemed ideal for that. I'm working on acquiring a massive display cabinet to showcase my entire doll collection.
    16. I saw one on someone's dA page when I was 14 or so. I think it was on the most recently added part. I remember thinking that they were bound to cost a lot (because I'd been told that those fake electronic babies cost thousands and, for whatever reason, assumed they'd be the same price? lmao) Anyway, the owner of the doll didn't say what they were (and I was too shy to ask), so it took ages for me to find out that they were called BJDs but when I found out, there was no going back. XP
    17. Like most of the people I was on DA where writers for a certain fandom I liked started posting pictures of these beautiful dolls, which I of course had no idea what they where. I looked on the FAQ page about them and went investigating all things BJD wherever I could online. I think I was so sucked in by the fact she had dolls fashioned into the likeness of characters she was writing about, that really appealed to me. And the rest is history I guess. I'm still waiting to pick which doll I want for my first one and searching around for more information.
    18. It all started with Pullip dolls..
    19. My friend kept showing me a Delf El over and over, saying that she wanted one. Personally, I thought she was insane due to the price. ^^; Then one day I was looking for SOMETHING online and stumbled across Valentine's (I believe) website. I was immediately smitten with her School A boy and started looking up everything I could about these dolls. The rest is, as they say, history.
    20. I was dabbling in customizing action figures to match my OCs...I saw my first BJD at a Japanese festival at the Botanical Gardens and thought "Giant Action Figure!!!!". The person carrying it refused to tell me what it was and apparently my google skills sucked then (2005 or 6) cause I never found anything remotely similar. Around the same time in 2007 I randomly bought an Anime Magazine (which i've done twice in my life XD) and found an ad for the Junky Spot which gave me a place to start. I didn't really like the ones I looked at, at least they weren't what I wanted until I found Dollmore on what I was thinking was going to be my last search (Why it hadn't come up in earlier searches, I don't know). I only needed one tiny thumbnail pic to know I found the doll.

      But the price almost killed me. 6 months later I got over it and he was mine XD
      It was only after I had him that I started finding them on DA and eventually joined DOA. Which was good cause otherwise I might still never have taken his head off XDD