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What poses do you leave your dolls in?

Nov 13, 2009

    1. 1. What poses/positions do you leave your dolls in when you're not around?

      They repose safely in carriers like sleeping vampires when I'm not around. I don't want my huge inquisitive dog to become curious about them.

      2. Any funny pictures or stories?

      Only when I'm trying to make photostories.

      3. Do other people in your family/house move them when you're not there?

      Hubby is oblivious to dolls. The less he knows about them, the better, as he has no idea how much they cost. I keep my dolls and other delicate belongings of mine out of his way as he moves through the house like a bull in the china closet.

      4. Where do you usually keep/display your BJDs?

      I keep the big ones in carriers or they sit in my guest/doll room with dark cloths over them to protect them from the light. The tiny ones hang out in my dollhouses, or in a little suitcase in individual storage boxes. There is a lot of crime near my neighborhood and I'm a bit paranoid about my dolls, so I keep them out of sight when I'm not at home. If I lived in a more secure area, I'd keep them in out, posed in little vignettes, but in a darkened room.
    2. Well, usually sitting on something. I have these huge closets I just leave them in, just displaying them for me. XD It keeps them out of the sun.
    3. Mine are usually all in sleeping poses in their beds, though sometimes I'll leave one or two sitting in a chair in a relaxed pose.
    4. I'm boring, my two usually sit on my chair when I'm gone. XD; They're both minis, and fit rather easily.

      Sometimes I'll pose them playing with their mini laptop, but aside from that, nothing too exciting.
    5. 1. What poses/positions do you leave your dolls in when you're not around?
      I usually just leave them in a sitting position on one of my many dressers or vanitys in my room.

      2. Any funny pictures or stories?
      No stories that are very developed....

      3. Do other people in your family/house move them when you're not there?

      Only my mom if shes cleaning.

      4. Where do you usually keep/display your BJDs?
      My dressers~
    6. I have mine is display cabinets (example):

      That way they can "relax" comfortably (sitting, standing, or playing) in a place safe from direct sunlight, dust, curious cats and clumsy husbands :sweat
    7. Either lying down on my bed or on his pillow, or standing on the floor in my bedroom.
    8. I like to pose my dolls in groups with props. I have one group I call forest elves -- two MSDs and three tinies in a forest diorama I created on top of a computer cart; above them is a doll-sized living room for my "house elves" (MSDs in street wear). Sometimes I move the house elves to a table area or stand them; I'm going to get a sleigh bed so that several can sit on it.

      By my computer is a "living area" for my Planetdoll 27cm triplets and one Bobobie Elfkin - they can be at a table, in rocking chairs, on a Barbie sofa, standing, whatever.

      No one but me moves my dolls. They're all in my dining room, where I spend most of my time (computer and sewing machine there). If they're standing, they're either propped against something or on stands.

      I repose them all once a week or so. I'm getting ready to tear up the "forest" and do it a bit differently. . .
    9. She just sits in her wooden box. It's pretty roomy, so I fit some clothes in there too.

      I want to get a pillow to put at the bottom though.
    10. my doll is just usually sitting in a pretzel style.
    11. Both boys share a Luts Delf box, or part of my bookshelf; both in my living room. My apartment is tremendously sunny, it's hard to find somewhere to keep them out of constant sunlight.
    12. i put them in the shelf usually, in a sitting position
    13. Mine have been out in the living room from day one. I never put them away or lie them down. I guess I just like having them there to look at.
      The only time I have to move them is when my parents dog visits as they TOTALLY freak him out lol, but my own dogs just ignore them.

      I change their poses and positions almost daily too.
    14. 1. What poses/positions do you leave your dolls in when you're not around?
      My doll most commonly sits reclined on her box, just across the room from my bed. Sometimes she'll sit infront of the pc, but I rarely leave her standing.

      2. Any funny pictures or stories?
      Almost every time I have left her standing, I've come back to find her having slid down to kneeling, or lying position, she just doesn't seem to want to stand up when I'm not there... she's always fine when I'm taking photos...

      3. Do other people in your family/house move them when you're not there?
      No one in my family has yet to even touch her, not cos I won't let them though!

      4. Where do you usually keep/display your BJDs?
      I'm looking at getting her a chair or a bed, but for now, she sits anywhere comfortable.
    15. 1. What poses/positions do you leave your dolls in when you're not around?
      Typically Yoru 'sleeps' on the back of my sofa or takes over my computer chair when I'm at work. Sage sits wherever his ends up, and hugs a plushie of some sort almost all the time. ^_^; Korin...sits on a bookshelf a lot. =/ Waiting patiently for his faceup.

      2. Any funny pictures or stories?
      A couple of my anime club boys came over to play Rockband one day and one of them sat in the recliner, next to where Yoru was sitting on a pile of books. He looked over to see my huge SD there and nearly jumped out of his skin in the middle of a song. XD

      3. Do other people in your family/house move them when you're not there?
      No one's in my house to move them. ^_^; Though, once my sister stopped by my house when I wasn't home and didn't tell me...and had moved Yoru off my computer chair and laid him in his futon. I came home from work and was completely weirded out that he had gone to bed without me. ^_^;;

      4. Where do you usually keep/display your BJDs?
      My dolls are like roommates: they sit wherever they want.
    16. Mine are always seated, mostly on doll furniture except for tinies that can sit cutely on the "floor" (my dresser) next to the big dolls or lean against the furniture. I often have the little dolls and the bigger ones cuddle. I would like to have them stand sometimes, but I have a big clumsy cat with a big fluffy tail and even though he rarely jumps on things it only takes one time, y'know? :sweat

      Sometimes my sis will play with them and change their poses, though we mess with each other's dolls all the time.
    17. 1. What poses/positions do you leave your dolls in when you're not around?

      I leave them laying on a table in my art studio, usually in a dogpile or leaning shoulder to shoulder on each other. I fancy that they get lonely otherwise.

      Now, my Tiny, my Winny... she actually has quite a furniture collection which includes sofas and chairs and a bed. So she's usually on a piece of furniture.

      2. Any funny pictures or stories?

      No, I don't photograph much. Not me, not my real children (not nearly enough) and not my dolls either. I only photograph them when I need to show off a costume for sale or when I'm at a doll meet.

      3. Do other people in your family/house move them when you're not there?

      Hubby is just a little freaked out by the dolls (could be because I torture him with them). So he leaves them alone. My 13 year old boy is so disinterested it's no danger and my 15 year old daughter loves them but only occassionally slips in to pose one of them while I am out of the studio. For the most part she doesn't touch unless I'm there and give her one to play with. But sometimes she can't resist coming in and grabbing my DiM SD, Andrea. Cause in his current steampunk incarnation he's just too farkin cool to resist.

      4. Where do you usually keep/display your BJDs?

      I don't display them.
      I leave them in my art studio near where I sew for them quite often. It's a messy creative space, but it's very safe and secure. And since they are my playthings rather than shelf babies, I don't put them on display. Now, that isn't to say I don't have the odd room setting.
    18. I leave Matsuri (my DDDy Yoko) in one of the classic pin-up girl positions - on her knees in a wide stance, one hand on the elbow of her opposite arm.

      While somewhat suggestive, the real reason for that pose is that it's a lot easier than getting her to sit up straight - those DDDy rumps make for difficult spinal adjustments.
    19. 1. What poses/positions do you leave your dolls in when you're not around?
      Sits on my shelf that is right at eye level to my bed. I like looking at him so it seems like the best place. That.. and it's the only shelf that's situated to accomidate him and his lanky self.

      2. Any funny pictures or stories?
      Oh my yes. For the first month or so that I had him, he didn't have hair or clothes and the first week no faceup. So there are plenty of photos of him alongside a friend's dolls.

      3. Do other people in your family/house move them when you're not there?
      My old roommates would pose him and dress him in the crazy ways. Craziest? Coming home to him in a cowboy hat [read: just a hat] and a sign with some silly phrase that may or may not have been sfw. This was the start of the doll posing wars that went on for months. (I'd go pose her dolls in crazy positions)

      4. Where do you usually keep/display your BJDs?
      On my shelf. I should keep him in his bag more since he's a white skin.. but I'll accept having to clean him more often so I can look at him on my shelf. ^^
    20. Oh dear. I'm probably a really bad dolly owner then. I leave my bunch flopped on the bed, or sitting in the book shelf, or hanging out under stacks of pillows... sometimes they're chilling on my desk, other times their just sprawled on whatever can support them >< Oh dear. That sounds pretty bad even to me, but I can't help but treat them like regular dolls... XD

      For example, Morghan is currently flopped on my bed, half buried under my body pillow where I left him last night when I went to bed...oddly enough, he looks like he's sleeping...

      But yeah, I usually leave them sitting up on the bed when it's made, or sort of in it when it's not.

      I don't think my room mate's even noticed them, but I'd kill her if she posed them. My mum sometimes poses Mikah and Peitan when they're at home- she even talks to them while she does- it's adorable! But that's about it. (My dad doesn't really like them- he thinks Mikah looks effeminate.)

      I don't display them at all at college, but when I go home sometimes I display them on the window sill (I never open my blinds anyway.) Or on top of the Desk Cabinet, though having them up there scares me because I'm afraid they'll fall and shatter O.O