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What RACE are your dolls?

Dec 28, 2005

    1. Ha. I do think about stuff like that, not in some separating way, but really just as a part of their backgrounds, beginning with the way I name them, hehe.

      Mali - part Thai, part... something, American
      Tamae - Japanese American
      Callie - irish American
      Nikki - Partial French descent, American

      Hmm. There's a theme there, but I'm not sure I can see it ;) Honestly, I like the idea of them as all.. well, living here in California, but coming from families with different backgrounds and cultures. So like, Tamae's second gen american born, while Nikki's french bit is just a blotch somewhere in the past.

      I just like devising backstories for characters, and where they come from is part of that story for me :D Plus, I've always been a little jealous of families with strong cultural traditions and stuff - I have a friend who is of Latvian heritage and it was just fascinating going to a Latvian cultural center and seeing how he's really got these strong ties. So my dolls get that instead!

      Oh yeah, the rest:

      Tiernan - Elf Person, thing, Celticish dude
      Anya - Fairy
      Sana, Sitara, Sveta, Temporary - Elemental creatures, and so forth, in a strange way.
    2. I never thought of the race of my dolls, and didn't give much thought to nationality either.
      The 2 I care about at the moment are Unoa and Liebchen.
      To me Unoa has a Caucasian face. I guess if pushed about it I'd say she's French, as I gave her a French name, but it's not very important to me.
      Liebchen is more complex. She has a certain Eurasian look to her face, she can me many different personae. I gave her a French name, but I haven't defined anything about her ethnicity. I like keeping her ambiguous and changeable.
    3. Salim is Egyptian in the pyramids and sphinxes sense. Astri, Phoebe, Aurali, Eos and Caeli are Roman in the circus maximus and Severin Dynasty way. However they all speak an odd, truncated sort of midaeval Latin/French, even though none of them are actually French.

      Ely'sha is my oddball. She was raised within an Egyptian family, but her origins are obsure. She's probably midaeval Slovic or Scandinavian.

      Hachiko is an akita, and Caesar and Mystic will be pionus parrots.
    4. It's funny: I can't pin down where my dolls come from.

      Circe arrived first, & although she dresses in jeans & shirts & normal girl-clothes, it's always been clear that she's from a long way away, & a very different culture. She demands a good deal of respect, but she isn't stuck-up or haughty.
      Is she magical? She has the power to hypnotise my husband a little, so he does whatever she wants (this usually involves taking her over to watch while he plays computer games, putting her to bed, or making sure she doesn't miss CSI)

      Benedict also has the air of a rather bemused traveller. Where from? We're not sure, although his English is good, when he actually SAYS anything.

      Dee-Dee... although technically from Korea & painted in Spain, we suspect Dee-Dee is an American. Again, although she's excitable, she's not really that chatty.

      ???? the Mystery Sharmin: well, if I knew ANYTHING about her, other than the fact that she is fascinated by everything & everyone & really gets on well with Benedict, I'd let you know!

      I used to be pretty sure about the ethnicities & origins of my dolls BEFORE they got here, but every one of them has surprised & puzzled me.

      I plan to make a dark-skinned elf one of these days. She'll be... a dark-skinned elf from the fantasy world of Falconia, a roleplaying game created by a friend of mine. At least, I THINK she will, but, not having met her yet, I can't be certain!

    5. Shiina (Hewitt) is Japanese, but raised in England. =x Mitchell (F-10) is Eurasian. I'm not sure about Noel (Enn) yet, but she's either pure Chinese, or mixed like Mitchell.

      This is an interesting opinion. In contrast, I think race is a physical reality. I have friends of many races and the fact that we are different racially does not stop us getting along! =D I learnt how to eat with my hands from a Malay friend and how to make green curry from a Thai friend, I've sung gospel-style with friends of British African descent and had breakfast with Japanese friends. I can't imagine trying to pretend that race doesn't exist, I have only to look at one of them to see that we are racially different. But still friends, and enjoying our different heritage!
    6. nah race doesn't actually exsist according the the latest ideas and studies. =) we're all part o the "human race". When we refer to "race" we're really refering to ethnicity for the most part.

      frankly it's all very confusing and very very academic. but that's why it's so fun to discuss!! (though perhaps no here in case we get this topic locked) XD XD
    7. Yes, I meant race as in ethnicity (apologies for possibly confusing the matter, but I'm not familiar with the scientific jargon ^^). To me, when someone says "race", I assume they mean ethnicity.
    8. santiago cesar ruiz has spanish background. :p I saw the ismy on dollmore and thought.. spain! the picture screamed at me to buy, and name him that.
      conrad chernobyl is of russian origin, I wasn't sure where he was from at first, but it came bit by bit. I like to think of them as characters who have lived rich and interesting lives in past centuries and past lives but are living with me now. (a bit convoluted, but makes it interesting! it gives my dolls extra dimensions..)

      if I ever get other dolls I wouldn't mind having one who is chinese, from past eras and dynasties and an ethnically korean one (as opposed to technically manufactured and assembled in korea :p ) from modern times.
    9. Hikaru is half Japanese/half Korean
      Fumiki is Japanese
      Frank is Irish
      Liam (and the rest of the bunch demanding bodies now) will be Irish too.
      Who knows what characters will show up in the future... ; )
    10. Lia is, um... Well, half angel, half nymph. So I suppose half Greek (where the legends of the nymphs come from)? She hardly looks Greek though. She looks kind of British, but I could blame the angel half on that.
    11. My three 60cm are all from Japan, not because I'm biased about the country XD, but just because it's how their backstory was written. Though Shin could have easily been American, with his smartass attitude. XD
      They're all only quazi human, but born and raised amoung them in Japan, so.

      *chuckles* My Kuro is, I love the concept of stars having souls and/or human forms more than most other fantasy concepts, somehow. ATM he's masquerading as an elf because he fell in love with one. ^_^

      Whichever label it's given, I hope it never completely goes away! The richness of foreign lands and cultures is a beautiful adventure to be cherished always, and if everyone tried to be the same (assuming we could agree on what same to be!) there would be so much tradition and beauty lost. Give me the ability to observe a british holiday, make japanese food, view buddist art, wear hindi jewlery and french clothing... yes, it's all amazingly beautiful to learn about.
    12. Hm. Nagi is Japanese, Toshiyuki is Japanese, Beatrix is American, and Bonqueesha is African-American.
    13. Interesting thread XD I've got a heavily non-human bunch here, let's see...

      Joshu - human, American
      Mara - modified human, Brazilian
      Daniel - vampire, American
      Devin - 1/4 faerie, 3/4 human, American
      Allistair - vampire, Scots XD
      Luce - "angel" (a good-aligned spirit)
      Erran - ifrit (fire spirit)
      Sulien - undine (water spirit)
    14. Oe oe this is a fun topic! But..I want to have a mixed girl asian and black chiqa like me >_<..but I don't have 1 yet but she'll be coming someday!!

      I think my Unosses are both dutch(^_^ hehehe) and my future Unoa Lusis will be dutch too and my L-bi is gonna be dutch too and my future Unoa Sist and my future B-el is gonna be dutch...uhmmm...i geuss I'm not that original hehehe ^_^...wah maybe B-el is gonna be japanese!! Or L-bi will be half japanese and half belgium but I need to see him first before I'm sure..^^
    15. Hum.... Xi is full Chinese (he is my ancestor of sorts kindof thing LOL) Narae is..... I don't really know! I think she is a mix of Chinese and something else MAYBE Korean, but I kind of doubt it. I'm thinking one of the upper Mongolian tribes, or either south, closer to Burma (Myanmar). And Hadriel is a big mix, doesn't really have a 'race', he's quite singular XD
    16. I usually don't acknowledge race and ethnicity because it usually causes so many stereotypes. Not to mention most americans are tons of different things (I know I am). Satordi is Creole. However, like me, that doesn't limit him from doing whatever he wants to do however he wants :grin:
    17. I tend to have dolls with ethnicities of the languages I can speak, for some reason. o__0;

      I've had 2 French dolls, a Korean one, and a half-Japanese, half-American. I'd love to have a doll that looks like me, though. (Irish, Black, and Native Am.)
    18. Hmmm... the topic of my doll's nationalities has crossed my mind before, but I never gave it too much thought.

      Tero (U) is at least 3/4 European. The other 1/4 is Japanese.
      Axel (Kohya) is his older half brother, and just the opposite. 3/4 of some asian mix, and 1/4 European.

      Tero was raised in America, while Axel has lived for a while in all parts of Asia and India. He likes to travel.
    19. I call Ichiiro Korean, simply because he's a Korean made doll and he has a Korean surname. ("Shim" being Korean for "spirit.") Despite that, he has a distinctly non-Asian face (big, round eyes and a skinny, long nose.)
      According to his back-story, he's some sort of angel.
      For now he's just a doll. :D
    20. Interesting topic, this.

      My current three are all non-human, two demons and an angel, but in physical descriptions, Haze and Cha are caucasian in looks while 'Dina always has seemed a caucasian/asian mix. 'Dina and Haze are British citizens, though their papers are fake, while Cha is apparently a German citizen. Despite this, they all live in Norway. Though canonically, they live in Britain.

      As for the future ones...

      Matai is half incubus, half British human. He's part of an old noble family.
      Kefka is from Tzen in the FFVI world, and generally caucasian (he'd be a pale-skinned Italian with fair colouration in the real world...)
      Leo is from Meranda in the FFVI world and is a mulatto. (In the real world, he'd be half French caucasian and half black.)
      The Twins are demons and mostly caucasian.
      Jasper is Irish but lives in Britain.
      Kizashi is Japanese. If an abnormally tall one (he'll be a Hound).