1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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What was the first face mold you fell in love with?

Jul 15, 2018

    1. Soom male Dia <3.
      I wish I could own one in the future.
    2. Dream of Doll Homme Ducan. I was obsessed with that doll. I even had printed out pictures of it. It was one of the first BJDs I had ever seen, and I swear at the time I had never seen anything more beautiful in my life. I was also in middle school at the time and my mother was not on board with the whole let's spend $500 on a doll thing, so nothing ever came of that. :lol: It's funny looking at it now. That doll is absolutely not my style anymore. I can hardly believe it used to be THE doll in my mind.
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    3. Fairyland Realpuki Soso and Toki!
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    4. Soom MA Sabik. Seven years later and I do not and may never own one, but I still stop and smile every time I come across one. His face seems like an old friend by now.
    5. My first love is Telesthesia and Dragon DiFei. I had been looking through dolls to find the ones I wanted as my first, and the second I saw her, I fell in love. I just got her a few weeks ago and still just adore her. Every time I see her I smile.
    6. Diao-Chan V2 by A-S. Fortunately she wasn’t a limited model, and A-S doesn’t retire them often, so I was able to get her as my second.
    7. The first doll I absolutely HAD TO OWN was Immortality of Soul Osiris. His gentle smirk and kind eyes. I love my man so much
    8. Delf Yder.

      No idea why, but it just clicked. Still one of my favorites. :)
    9. Soom Amber was the grail. The ONE. And I snagged her in pieces. I still have her and she still makes my heart happy :)
    10. The first sculpt I majorly fell in love with was Doll Leaves - Steven. I adore his cute-but-villainous little gaze. I wanna get 2 n turn them into my twin OCs at some point. It's great cuz their prices are fantastic. :D
    11. Dream of Doll Shall. Never owned one, but I still have a weak spot for romantic eyes.
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    12. Probably a Fairyland Niella. I hope to get him soon as my agender doll
    13. I had seen many dolls before, but both Soom Dia and Limhwa Half Elf killed me and they’re actually the original character shells from one of my OTPs in my original story.
    14. Volks MSD Hewitt, 2003. :3nodding: I bought him immediately, and he's still with me!
    15. Angell-studio qingyi he's one of the first bjds I saw. One day I'll own him and he's fantasy parts :aheartbea
    16. CP/Luts Soony. I have two of them and will never part with them. If I could get more, I would.
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    17. Iplehouse Stella and her younger version, Violet. Even though I settled on a different sculpt for the character Stella was meant for, I did use Violet to shell out the character's daughter.
    18. Doll Chateau Carol, though she's technically "off-topic" :roll:

      Second though was Dollzone Benjamin, I knew as soon as I saw him that I had to have him. I wasn't even sure I wanted any other BJDs until I encountered him.
    19. I fell in love with two face molds at the same time the fairyland Momo and Ante
      And I have both \^o^/
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    20. It was Resinsoul Mei - I think she's still the prettiest official pictures on their website. I then very quickly fell in love with Fairyland's puki Pipi and Minifee Ruth. Originally they were going to my three dolls because I told myself I'd only have three. Only the puki has ended up coming home. Mei is still very pretty, but for some reason the shoulder width on Resinsoul bodies puts me off.
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