1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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What was Your first Doll? - Pt.2

Oct 3, 2016

    1. Technically my first was just a head, a Dollsbe Mango. She didn't get a body until a year later. My first full doll from before then was a Leekeworld Daisy. Learned quicky that I don't like 'stylized' dolls and I'm more into bigger ones. Still have the Dollsbe Mango head though. I'll never sell her. :>
    2. Angel of Dream Chen in white skin, original version of the sculpt/body (it's been updated since then and looks nothing like him!)

      I still have him, he just turned 12 years old in July!
    3. My first doll was a Dollzone Recall head on a Domuya male body. Got him off of eBay at least 12yrs. ago. I had to save him. He had this awful Clockwork Orange face-up. My daughter redid him and he has the sweetest face now. He will never be sold. I told my daughters that when I die they can do what they want with my other dolls but Phineus T. Applewhite (the T is for Tibereus)stays. Unless they want me to haunt them.
      #103 Dreamweaver56, Oct 19, 2019
      Last edited: Oct 19, 2019
    4. I actually bought my first doll a couple of years ago from a convention, AWA. She was an island girl Amy.
      She was my one and only for a couple of years before I drove in to buying and owning dolls.
    5. Just received my first doll today! Deavon by Lillycat, and I couldn't be more pleased!!
    6. Unoa Lusis, back when it was harder than heck to ever get one! No english market, so long nights on japanese auction sites. I paid so much for that doll simply because of supply and demand.
      She arrived with a dirty face up, dirty feet and knees and rotting strings. She was REALLY dang old! 2003. Not exactly the ideal first doll experience. I was a young teen that spent every penny to get her and no money or resources left to fix the surprise damages, so she sat in her box and tainted my love of the hobby. :(

      I tried again as an adult and had a much lovelier time with other dolls. Lusis went to a good home, a girl who collected Unoas. I couldn’t ask for a happier outcome!
    7. I JUST purchased Envy from, https://www.dollnoize.com/!

      I am so so so so happy! I also have 2 customer orders being made of girls.
      think I'll try to get minifee Alan next. I also just found out DollNoize is bringing back Wraith one last time this summer before moving on! Ahhhh!!! So happy :XD:
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    8. Congratulations!! I hope your dolls get to you safely!!
      My first doll was a resinsoul/bbb Ming and he’s my baby. I know that it’s definitely not a doll I would have bought for myself today but that’s part of what I love about him. Resinsoul has such beautiful dolls - and he’s definitely been through a lot, all my photography adventures, learning face ups, mods, I’m amazed he honestly hasn’t yellowed more.
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    9. I would love to see him! :drool
    10. I'm kind of in a funny situation there, I guess.

      I ordered an Impldoll Avery in January (and he just shipped!!! so excited), then in February, saw that Seed Art was doing a batch sale of Wols. So I got a Wol, and since Seed Art is in the US, I got that in lickety split. But since she's only a head, I needed to order a body...

      So. First doll I ordered was Avery. First to get here at all was Wol, which also makes her the first BJD (head) I've seen and handled in person. First complete doll will, provided Dollzone doesn't do some miracle work on the body I ordered and there's nothing disastrous during shipping, be Avery. (I'm thinking about sending him and Wol in for faceups at the same time, since I'll have both heads. Just need to find an artist...)

      They're both firsts, in their own ways. Which I'm glad about, even if it means juggling where all their things are. They're supposed to be friends, and I feel like this sort of helps them be on equal standing, instead of one's existence revolving around the other, if that makes sense. :)
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    11. Makes perfect sense!
    12. my first doll is Venitu from 5th motif, i was so lucky to find him like new!!
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    13. I think my first BJD was technically a hide doll head that was from a friend who got it in a group order. I forget the company but there was a doll company where you sent them pictures and they could make you a custom doll head. That was a really popular thing to do about 12 years ago I think. I wonder if they still exist...I don't regret selling that head because as much as I love hide, I think I will stick to posters of him or smaller collectibles.

      After that, it would be Idrial from Soom that I got second hand. I was really scared to handle any dolls large than the fashion doll size about a decade ago.

      My first big doll was Elf Dia from Soom in 2015 I think. First doll I ordered straight from the company, with all the bells and whistles (minus body blushing).

      Now I have a small army of elves and fairies haha! They are all sorts of sizes and the collection keeps growing, much to my mothers chagrin. I need to clear out some other collections so I can make sure I have space for them all. Or downsize. That is the thing I find really hard to do because I like all of them.
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    14. My first doll was Appi Kore by Dust of Dolls <3 I only just got her February 19th and I'm currently waiting for the faceup artist I've chosen to open up her commissions slots so I can send Kore off c: I cannot wait. Congrats on your first doll though! Waiting for them to arrive feels like forever, but they'll be here before you know it!
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    15. I'm in the same boat as a lot of people- the first doll I ordered took so long, I bought a secondhand one mid-wait! My first doll I handled was my Spiritdoll Snowdrop. She definitely made me way less afraid to handle my Dream Valley Mia when she got here!

      Congrats, though! Envy is a beautiful sculpt! Take lots of pictures when you unbox your first- they're SO much fun to look back on.
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    16. Congratulations on the first doll!

      My first bjd was a Doll Family H, Xiao Xin head. Wanted to dip into bjds but wasn't sure about splashing out the cash so I got a cheap practice head. Even though he's marketed as a practice head, I really like the sculpt. When I get a bigger place, i would like to buy him a body :).
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    17. Congrats! The first doll is such an exciting time.

      My first was a Luts Kid Delf Cherry way back when. I was terrified of getting into the hobby and not liking it, so I settled for an MSD sized doll that I liked (and still do!). However, we were not meant to be and she has long since moved on. I actually gifted her to a very dear irl friend of mine who couldn't afford to get into the hobby at the time, so she was 2 people's first bjd and I still get to see her regularly!
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    18. High-five, another Resinsoul Ming first doll! (Walt is also my baby, haha, he's the doll in my avatar.)
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    19. My first piece of resin was a Dollsbe Mango head but she didn't get a proper body for over a year. My first full doll was a Leekeworld Daisy. Also my first regret purchase there but it was mainly due to her odd sizing, single jointing, and overall not what I ended up liking in a bjd.
      #119 Cap'n, Mar 20, 2021
      Last edited: Mar 20, 2021
    20. My first was Angel of Dream Chen wayyy back in 2008. I still have him and love him, even though I prefer bigger dolls now.
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