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What's the most unusual doll prop you've made or bought?

May 18, 2024

    1. I'm currently planning a doll based on my favorite character from the Sims 2, and the deranged-crafter part of my brain with an overactive "too much" gene is like "We should make posters and newspapers and stuff all in SIMLISH, for authenticity~"

      Knowing me, I'll probably do it
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    2. This is a good question. I make a lot of items for my dolls that I haven't seen elsewhere, like hearing aids.

      That said, my least expected prop is an avocado pit. I wanted a seder plate for my dolls, but I wanted it to be vegan, and the seller didn't have vegan alternatives for the egg. So I made one myself with sculpy and paint. It's right by the water glass.

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    3. You always have very creative pieces! always look forward to seeing what you have next!
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    4. I made an antique Victorian aquarium of all metal and glass. It has a hexagon shape and it is on a metal pedestal base with a fountain coming up out of the center. It looks exactly like an actual aquarium made by Jewel Aquariums in the 19th century. I even put tiny glass fancy-,tailed goldfish in it. It's so pretty I often display it by itself! I also made some 1:6 scale art deco furniture for my dolls using art deco brass stampings glued onto art deco looking furniture. I made and sold about a dozen or more Victorian Wardian cases (terrariums)in 1:6 and 1:12th scale when I had an Etsy shop! I also made and sold Victorian era ornate tables that I made! I love making my own unique doll accessories!
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    5. Bren has an in-scale fully functional, accurate to real life replica Bam Margera skateboard. It is the most expensive prop I've ever bought for a doll. Second place goes to a fully functioning compound bow. I kind of regret selling it when I let the doll go, it was cool! Another fun one is a full set of D&D dice! They weren't made for dolls, just a miniature version that happened to be great for 1/3.

      Maybe some of the weirdest I have would be
      1/3 scale condoms and adult toys that I actually bought made for dolls, not a special request!
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    6. I'm so glad people like the question! I'm new and wanted to ask something that hasn't been asked ten other times. Plus, I just think it's a fun subject! Props seem like they can really make the emotional mood of a scene, but I imagine they're sometimes a lower priority purchase compared to the dolls themselves, or clothing? (They are for me currently, unless we can easily print some 3D files.)

      @Kakaotee, that's so cool you made an IV bag and stand! Plus a horse sounds like a big undertaking, especially if you have larger dolls. Seriously impressed! If you have photos to share later on, I'd love to see them!

      @Enzyme, I literally opened all of your linked photos with an awed expression, the detail in them is so incredible! I especially loved the aged, grimy look of the Bogeyman helmet on your 40cm guy, it feels like something out of Baldur's Gate 3. Also your Raiden is beautiful, wow. What a compelling face!

      @AcrylicPain, I'd love to see photos of your hospital bed setup! One day I want to do a WWI inspired field tent, but that will be far in the future, I suspect.

      @Haven_Of_Dolls336, you had me right at Plague Doctor mask, lol. (One of my non-BJD accidental collections is multiple seasonal pairings of a Plague Doctor and Plague Nurse Squishables.) The scarecrow mask and accessories also sound amazing, and the ballet barre room would be epic if you build one! Would be here for photos of those any time, seriously.

      @Follow-the-Wind, the detail on the gasmask photo is stunning. I love the way you painted it, and I'm sure whoever bought it felt like they got something amazing. Also the mini skulls sounds really neat! A whip would be a fun accessory in so many fantasy settings I can think of off-hand. (Or Castlevania, for old school gamers like me, lol)

      @RabbidBunnies, I'm so glad your search for a properly sized skateboard ended in victory, plus I love the paint job you did! That's so cool it works well for photoshoots with your doll riding on it and not falling. I'd never have thought that was an option before, so cool!

      There are so many neat posts I want to comment over, you're all so talented and creative! I'll make at least one other reply post, because I'm having a blast reading everything. Thank you all!
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    7. Thank you for the interest :> I have a thread on my profile where I shared how I made the Horse, if you want to look at it :3nodding: ( The thread is called: The making of an art doll horse for my minifee/msd dolls)

      I would love to have a horse for my bigger dolls, but I don’t have the space for it at all sadly haha
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    8. That's so cool!! :aeyepop: Do you have pics anywhere?
    9. Years ago I bought a model Star Wars lightsabre at a pop culture convention - licensed merch that lit up with an LED and was rechargeable via USB. It's exactly 1/3 scale. I've had it all these years and it's still waiting for the day I sew that Jedi cosplay outfit for my doll...
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    10. My tan IM Hound, Tancredi, is French, and for Bastille Day 2006, my husband made a guillotine for him (AngrySparrow - Tancredi celebrates Bastille Day). It featured in Bastille Day stories for 6 years after that. Got our money's worth out of that quickie prop made from scrap wood. :XD:

      For years we joked about Tancredi needing a Citroen 2CV (Citroën 2CV - Wikipedia). As of last year, it's a work in progress, so... stay tuned!
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    11. @Kaerra Thank you! I wasn't clear, I still own the gasmak. I sold the doll but kept the mask :lol:
      About the skulls, I made them slightly to small for 1/3 dolls but I like them nonetheless. Here is a picture of the doll I made them for, with the skulls:


      I also did the dragon skull helmet, but even if it is not that common, I don't think it is especially unusual.

      @AntarelNefertili I love this flying fish and this photo!
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    12. @Follow-the-Wind I swear you should make some kind of exhibit with your dolls, I'm in awe every time.
      Dew Sew it
      (And by that I mean lazily throw a black cloak on the doll and shoot pictures. Come to the dark side...)
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    13. I would love to, but the lightsabre has a blue LED only, no red. Unfortunately I didn't find a red lightsabre available, because a duel of the fates would be rad.
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    14. The sensible choice would be to use a different color for the cloak. But a true Sith would just Photoshop the beam red...
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