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What's your favorite kind of stand?

Sep 21, 2004

    1. This is something I was thinking about yesterday, so I'm glad somebody asked!

      I thought about trying to get one of those waist gripping ones from a craft store but I was afraid the doll would be too heavy and fall over.
    2. Hope this is on-topic enough.

      I just received my Volks stand, and it feels very nice and sturdy. My Belita, who has trouble standing (balance issues with her chest joint throwing out >_> ) seems perfectly fine supported by the stand. So, my question:

      Is the stability of these stands good enough that I can just leave her standing all the time? Her joints are stable, and she has boots on, so in theory I think she's alright. Is this so?

      And how do other stands compare, like the wooden type sold on ebay, and Luts stands? Or the cheaper ones? Michael's has stands, but they're kind of light.
    3. I have an inexpensive SD-sized stand and a more expensive Volks stand.

      I'd say that I still might be a little nervous leaving my kicky-legged CP dolls standing all the time with the inexpensive wire stand... Because it might be possible for him/her to tip the stand if they collapsed the wrong way...

      But the stand should still hold them up.

      The Volks stand is more secure, however. The waist-gripping part (both stands are waist-gripping, not saddles), is tighter and there are adjustments to hold it at a certain level and angle. And the wood base is more sturdy.

      I'd probably feel pretty safe leaving my dolls standing in the Volks stand.

      But I also live in California where we may have a big earthquake--so I don't tend to leave anything precious where it might fall and break--so I don't like keeping my dolls standing!
    4. Hm o_o; I wasn't quite sure if I should post this here... or in picture requests... cuz, pics would be great too.. but mainly I'm interested in hearing people's thoughts/practices on this.

      It seems like many people store/display their dolls on couches, beds, or in random places in some sort of sitting position.... but does anyone use doll stands to display BJDs? Y'know, like the ones for sale on the Volks website (among others...) or similar? General sentiment holds that one should not leave a standing doll unattended, but is it ok if they're in stands? Which kind of stand to you prefer (waist/crotch/etc?). I haven't really seen people talk about this so... any other thoughts :sweat? *curious*
    5. My Renia (DZ Nina) uses a stand, because she's not very good with sitting. It's just a stand from Wal-Mart, but it seems to work quite well.
    6. I have one of the volks saddle type stands for my delf boy. He stands on it when I'm not playing with him (his hair is really long and sitting against something tangles it sooo much) and is usually on it in pictures as well. He has the 'kicky leg' issue and I don't want him breaking off his adorable nose if the wind blows.
      I've never had a problem with him staying up on a stand, even for weeks at a time.

      My leeke honey I usually just leave in a sitting position. Her hair is short so it doesnt hurt her wig. She stands really well on her own but once she fell and broke her pinky off (I still haven't fixed it).

      In my opinion, a stand is worth the money (particularly if you have a kicky/unstable doll)
    7. I use waist-hold stands to display a couple of my guys - they take up less room than having them sitting somewhere, and it saves getting their clothes creased at the legs and crotch from long hours curled up in the same position :) They're solid as rocks once they're up in the stands, and I don't have to worry about them at all.
    8. I use some cheap stands I got from a craft store to hold my unoa dolls in a standing position. I have no problem with them standing on their own as far as posing goes but I have pets that might bump up against the furniture they are standing on and I won't take any chances with them doing a nose dive do to that.

      the stand is an adjustable one for similar sized dolls. sometimes I put it around one leg, or around the waist. it depends on what pose i leave them in.
    9. I know that whenever I go to a meet I see people use them! I personally don't really use them, but not out of concern of sturdiness but because I just do not like to see them on my doll ^_^. Takes away from the realism and purtiness to me.
    10. I sometimes use them when I'm taking pictures. I usually just position one leg to hide the "stem" and use fabric to cover the base.

      I also use them to display my dolls who don't like to sit up properly....like Narin/Narae. They lean back and look silly on a chair so I just have them stand around. ;)

      My favorite stands are the height-adjustable "saddle" ones made by Reba Davis. She sells on ebay under "rebad" but you can also email her directly and ask for whatever sizes you need. She's on DoA and Zone of Zen too.
    11. I use them sometimes because none of my dolls like to stand without support, but when I'm not playing with them, they sit.
    12. we use them when we're displaying at conventions -- the tables get knocked into sometimes, it's just safer to have whichever dolls are modeling on stands so they don't fall over. depending on what they're wearing, the stands aren't even usually noticeable, which is nice.

      at home, though, we rarely use stands unless displaying one of the boys in a set of the elaborate court-robes, which are heavy and can tip even the sturdiest of standers over after a little while.
    13. I have the waist stands for my dolls but they came with them. To be honest I don't use them all the time but if I was leaving my dolls standing for a long period of time I would use them as I'd be too concerned they would fall over and get damaged without them.
    14. I use doll stands especially at doll meets. It takes up less space than sitting and then it's more secure than having them balance alone without them. People accidentally bump into tables all the time so it's not like it's never going to happen. I think a good sturdy stand is a good investment. I have seen too many dolls take nose dives without them and then come up with injured noses, ears or face ups.
    15. I use stands, especially at meets where a tumble could mean taking out a slew of other dolls. Generally for my more kicky and finicky kids though. Generally saddle for those wearing frocks or something to hide the saddle, otherwise waist if it's for one of the smaller dolls....

      there's a seller who even makes stands for doll pairs so they can stand close to each other! quite spiffy really.
    16. I've got half of my dolls sitting - on the computer tower, in a wingback chair from Ross, on bookcases and on top of birdcages. But the other half are in stands - the heavier stands that are sold on Ebay by a vendor who makes them. The Dollshe boys are notoriously difficult to get to stand on their own and the stands offer solid support as well as not stretching out their stringing, which happnes when dolls are kept in a seated position indefinitely. So, yeah, I use stands and love them!
    17. All mine are in stands on display when I'm not playing with them. I don't have the space for them all to be sitting when I'm not directly interacting with them.
    18. I have one that I was using for my Juri/Bobobie hybrid, but it came in handy when I was making a greek dress for a friend, because my Shall did not want to stand up on her own for it. >< It also works well on my delf, who is too tightly strung to stand without a great deal of difficulty.
    19. My dolls sit everywhere. I'd like to get some waist-hold stands, but the crotch ones just make me squirm! :lol: