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What's your FAVORITE thing to buy/make for your doll?

Sep 2, 2020

    1. I like shirts. I don't know exactly why -- maybe because I can check out styles I normally wouldn't? Also, they seem relatively easier to fit on multiple dolls, lol. Just make sure the dolls in question are the same general size and you're good.

      There's one shirt with a shiba inu on it and I want it, but am saving up for the end-of-year sales, so it has to wait.

      Once I start looking at props, that's going to be another rabbit hole. They seem so fun!
    2. My favorite thing is buy the dolls is definitely clothes!
      There are so many cute clothes that can totally change the doll's imagine and make them even cuter:D

      I like to make (food) props and re-doing their room is also fun.
    3. Clothes, props, and wigs! I love love LOVE shopping for clothes for my dolls, especially my pukifee, because I love dressing them up in different outfits for different occasions. Props are great because I like to set up dioramas but I've run out of room at the moment so that's kind of on hold. :sweat And then wigs I have so many of them because I keep changing ideas for dolls and they each needed to have a specific hair style :XD:
    4. I haven't made or bought anything yet, but I do like to look for accessories and pets for dolls. Hobby items they can interact with and pets for them to love on, just little things that also reflect my pastimes.
    5. In scale accessories! I love them. I'd love to have, like, all of the tiny realistic food.
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    6. I am always amazed at the level of detail someone was able to get into some of the scale foods. Some look even better than what I'm actually eating. lol
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    7. I think I love to buy shoes the most then wigs. There are so many cool ones.
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    8. I love making anything! Clothes, accessories, wigs.. it's just so much fun!
    9. For me I don't like buying anything, but i love making face-ups. Not that i'm amazing at it, but i just enjoy the process a lot. Thats probably why my babies change form every now and then.
      Couple dolls have their face be as perfect as can the way they are now, but especially 3 of my dolls are demanding new faceups all the time lol
      I just wish i could find more clothes to buy for my dolls, but they still haven't all told their style yet, so it is really difficult to find just the right ones.
    10. I like to make wig... It's relaxing.
    11. I like to buy props, like small food items and accessories. Also, I like to buy eyes.

      As making stuff myself goes, my favorite thing to make is underbust corsets, Also other clothes, but lingerie, corsets, and headbands are really nice to make.
    12. I get most excited for wigs, but also most disappointed if they're not what I wanted. I also like buying props and furniture.
    13. I love making eyes for my dolls! It is just fun an stress taking I think lol :D
    14. I love making wigs for my dolls! It's probably my favorite part, I tent to make wigs before everything else :lol:
      Then it's the face-up, I love to make my dolls look unique! But this part is a little more complicated for me, because it's taking me so loooooong :sweat
    15. Buying: I love props and furniture! I have so much of it that I filled a large toy chest and a bin, I even have some stored under my bed. I really wish I had a place to sit them up a whole house that I could leave up permanently for them to 'live' in. I just don't have the space.

      Make: Clothing! Shirts, dresses, pants. I can get obsessed at times with making doll clothes. I always make a whole bunch at once and my dolls end up with a lot of clothes. Every once in awhile I go though the stuff and decide what to keep and what to give away, so I can make even more doll clothes. I like to attempt wig making as well, but I still need a lot of practice with that.
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    16. Clothes, shoes, wigs, props...I love making them all!
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    17. I like making doll-sized stuffed animals for them to hold! I guess it falls under props but I find them super relaxing to handsew
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    18. I love making scarves! Every doll I have has a scarf (or shawl) that I made. It's just relaxing.
    19. I've bought a lot of wigs, eyes, and clothes- and I'd say buying clothes is probably my favorite, which is in stark contrast to me actually going out and buying myself clothes. Also, I've found it interesting how I can justify and rationalize spending more money on my doll's outfits than my own? :lol:
      I'd like to eventually buy props, but two things kind of lead me away. The first being, I'm terrible at gauging scale in comparison to the doll I have, and the doll I'll be getting- and the second, is not knowing where I would store them. I have a terrible case of misplacing small things. :lol::sweat
    20. I hate clothes shopping for myself, and I struggle fully enjoying it for my dolls, also. But when it comes to jewelry, accessories, and mods like horns, elf ears, etc. I love browsing and making those things myself.