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What's your favourite minifee sculpt?

Sep 20, 2015

    1. I like almost all minifees. think they are soo cute, But Liria is the cutest ever. just too bad I don't have one xD
    2. Chiwoo! I had one for a brief moment and wish I could get another! I am also very fond of Miyu and Ante. ( and like a bunch others...hard to pick just one.)
    3. i have begun to rly like modded luka's...soooo cute
    4. My favorite is the Minifee Rena.
    5. I love Chloe the best... she's so versatile with the looks that can be created for her. Close second is Luka...but I could list most all of them for one reason or another :)
    6. I really only collect realistic SDs and will probably never buy a Minifee, so it's a bit odd that I do actually have a strong favorite Minifee sculpt. I really, really like Shushu. Her face seems very unique to me, both among the Minifee and just BJD in general. Even though I have no plans to own one, I greatly enjoy looking at pictures of other owners' Shushus and seeing all the different ways people style her. She's a super cool doll!
    7. I have several favorites: Rheia, Mirwen, Chloe, Celine and Seorin. Hopefully I will own all of them one day.
      • x 1
    8. Even though I haven't seen any owners pictures yet or have known about her for very long, I gotta say my favorite one is Rendia. Her blank face holds absolutely so much potential and is by far one of the most mature female faces I've seen for a minifee, which is what I've always wanted. And speaking of female face, let's just reflect on how cute of a boy that sculpt would make! Literally the most versatile one I think fairyland has made. I really can't wait to get my hands on one, ha! But definitely second after Rendia is Karsh... Moody elf, who doesn't love that!
    9. I'd say my favorite is either Chloe or Celine. Although, if event heads are counted, I think the latest Fairyline Event/FLAM head might be my favorite.
    10. I love my Celine and she is probably my favorite sculpt. Then Chloe and Risse are a really close second!
    11. My favorite mold is Chloe! ^^
      (Celine and Mirwen are on the next than)
    12. My favourite mold is Flam (fairyline event head), next I love Mirwen and Luka
    13. My choice is Mirwen and Shushu.
      Mirwen (even in large version, feeple) has a character, she isn't sweet or frivolous, she's complicated and interesting. Shishu as opposed to Mirwen is open-minded and easy-going child. I like both ^__^
    14. Lishe. And I think Lishe will always be my the most favorite minifee sculpt. <3
    15. Karsh is definitely my favorite. He was my first minifee and I absolutely adore him! I also really like Woosoo though.
    16. Wow, I didn't expect it but now MiniFee Shiwoo is my favorite too! :blush
    17. My fave is Risse. Her sculpt just seems really pretty to me. But I can also see whys o many have a Celine tho.
    18. Hard choice! :) Celine is what made me really want to get a bjd, but I do not have her yet. I also really love the nanuri 14 head, which is high on my wishlist aswell. And I think Sia is amazing too :) ( she counts right :D? )
    19. I love the rfa 2015 (?) Event head, she so unique with those wide set big eyes!
    20. If I had to choose just one it would be Siean, I just think her face is beautiful.