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Whats your favourite type of female Mini Doll?

Jun 9, 2005

    1. Bee-A, Mir, and Unoas
    2. Hmm, tough one. ^^ Probably AR Ami, Serendipity Sisters, and of course, Asha. ^^
    3. AR Ren girl, AR Dana Girl, MSD Myu, MSD Mika, All the BF girls... ^_^
    4. Tsubaki and MSD FCS F-09. They are my favorite boys too. XD;;
    5. I'm quite partial to MSD Mary...but owning her probably aids in that choice, huh? :oops:
    6. Blue Fairy's girls (EMILIE!! :D ) and Unoas.
      Loved Tiffee as well. ^^
    7. 1= BlueFairy Emilie with blossom body *-*
      2=Dana basic girl with my makeup XD
      3=Unoa Lusis (unoa dream make-up *-*) with large breast
      4=Dana Glory Angel Girl

      I like the blossom body a lot...

    8. My Unoa is a dream come true and obviously my favorite.
    9. SDC Kurenai is my favourite! Well Unoa lusis and dod leya are cute too but Kurenai is the cutest! ^^
    10. MSD Midori :D she is soooooo cute XD and E she has my name o.ov
    11. CP Ani (especially the elf version. That's qwhy I'm saving up to get one), Bee-A (both tender and regular versions), SDC Kaede (got to love that uber possible body of hers). Really I don't think there are any mini girls I don't like. :wink:
    12. MSD Sakura! :D (or her clones magie and myu)

      Runners up include MSD Nagisa, and MSD F-04 girl and MSD f-13 girl (of all things, lol, so out of doll character for me!)

      Mind, they are all beautiful, so choosing favorites is hard! (Even a lot of the "boys" make cute girls!)
    13. To be honest, I love most MSDs! I love most BJDs, actually. Look at how many times I've posted and you'll know I"m nuts about them. Of course, there are my favorites that I would consider adopting, but that list changes every couple of months or so.
    14. Ohh.. Definately any Unoa or SDC Kaede, because she's just too cute. <3
    15. I lovethe soulkid girls they are each so diffrent! o.o

      But girl BJDs are much like owmen in real life... theyare all beautiful jsut in diffrent way form each other!
    16. AR Basic Ren girl and Glory Angel Ren girl.

      Actually, I think I may just have an obsession with the Ren sculpt, boy or girl... :D
    17. Bee-A, most definitely..I also like CP Nara, AR Dana and DOD Mir ^_^
    18. MSD Maggie and Luts/CP Elf Ani head 1006.. so cute... and thats why they live with me lol...

    19. 1. U-noa Sist
      2. MSD Marry (gone, nuuuuuh! ;o; )
      3. MSD Hisui

    20. just want to saaay: so happy there are so many mir lovers out theeeeeeeeere *___* I'll tell it to my sweet Chocolate ^^