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When do you prefer to think of a character?

Nov 22, 2007

  1. Before actually getting the Doll.

  2. After getting the Doll.

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    1. I voted for after but its really both. Honestly my dolls have characters but not really defined and I usually end up thinking bout it during bed time or at work -_- neither when its a good time to think about it.. o_o
    2. I like to think of my doll's character before I get them. But I'm sure my doll's character will be refined and changed a bit after I get her.
    3. I have a bad habit of making tooooo many characters xD
    4. I once planned a character and bought a doll for it, then I realised he was a completely different person. I do understand part of the character thing, but in my mind, letting dolls come first, and characters develop, is more natural. Thant way I am more free to purchase dolls because I love their sculpt, without being limited to them suiting a certain character. I might have an idea though, but my dolls personalities cannot really be plotted by me, they start communicating with me and develop when I get them home :)
    5. Usually, I think of a character - name, personality, looks, etc - before purchasing a doll, and in the first few weeks of owning him/her, I see how it develops. Sometimes it changes based on the appearance of the doll, sometimes the way he/she reacts with my other dolls, or as I write her she changes... it's fun n_n
    6. I tend to look more for shells for my characters, by far. I have actually waffled on buying dolls because I can't think of characters they could be that would work well with both the doll and the character I have in mind.
    7. Since I don't have my doll yet (4 more payments) it's definitely before. Although, I purchased the doll before her character came to mind. So... does that make it after???? Okay. I've confused myself. After I bought the doll, but before she actually arrived *_*
    8. I'd say it was more like rolling the dice and chosing a character based on your stats. ;)

      For me, its a bit of both.

      I bought my Ducan because I liked him, and decided some characteristics from that, and named him when he got here. Mint I chose because I like him, but he has a full character profile I created around him, but no name yet.
      Vita has a character sheet and I chose a mould based on that.
    9. Most of the dolls I want, I've chosen to be a specific character that I've created. ^____^ I love the characters from the main story I'm writing so much and decided to find dolls to represent them in the world outside of my head. :3

      However, there are some dolls that I like and would love to get in the future, but I have no idea who or what they will be. Perhaps something will come to me when I decide it's time for those dolls, or perhaps I will get them and see what happens. So far though, I've only gotten dolls that I had a character for in the first place. ^_^
    10. Ooh, this is a tough one. I think that it really depends. Like sometimes I come up with a story after I get the doll, and then other times I like to write it out, edit it, add to it, etc before I get the doll. Right now I've got zillions of characters that I want to use. I already know what the character is going to be like for my next doll, but I hardly even know what my current doll's is!! I guess it really depends on the doll and if I already have the character for them in my brain, or if I see the doll and do an impulse buy [very guilty of impulsiveness!].
    11. I prefer to create the character first. They all fit together to form a story, so if I don't have a character, I hesitate to buy my doll. However, the character usually shifts a bit with the properties of the doll. For example, a character I have that was supposed to be very "business only" and didn't really get along with others ended up being my best poser, and can hold multiple tinies at once. Not only that, but his face looks softer next to most tinies... (strange) so the character shifted a bit, so he likes kids/they like him. But the base character is the same.
      For me having a base character helps the quirks come out once I get them. I'm kinda pre-bonded to the doll. As long as the doll isn't a total unpleasant surprise, The doll and I will work well together.

      I have ordered some dolls without having characters for them. 3 of the 6 worked out well. 2 I grew to love, though the characters were hard to work in. 1 did not work well at all (though it's a work-in-progress). ALL the characters I had pre-planned worked out perfectly. SO I think I prefer to go the safest route for me. ^_^
    12. I chosed the first option, because I use to make a character before have my doll, though there's moments in I fall in love whith some doll and then i create a character for he or she, but I allways make the character and then buy the doll
    13. After. There's usually something about the doll mold that strikes me to buy it, but I never get a really good sense of the character until I actually have the doll in my possession. I've tried coming up with characters before getting dolls and (except for one!) they change completely once I actually have them.
    14. I always have characters in mind, which made choosing my first doll a little difficult. Eventually I just decided who to start saving for based on who grabbed me and said "I'm the one!" and had the most personality. After I get him home, I'm sure he'll evolve into a better character.
    15. I am a before.

      I don't do any detailed planning like favorite food or anything - just a bit. I think that without some idea of the character it would be hard to choose the doll and near impossible to specify a custom faceup.

      When I buy a girl I know they aren't going to be a fashion model, or a vampire, etc. But sometimes my pre-planning works and sometimes it doesn't. When I saw the Marketplace seller's photos of my Bambicrony Elf Pepe she looked boyish and defiant - I was sure she would be like that and named her Briar Jane as an ironic name - a soft sounding name Jane but I was thinking Calamity Jane and Painkiller Jane. But I did not purchase the original olive green eyes and when I put in sweet blue ones she turned into a gentler Jane - quiet and a bit sad. Similarly, my Narae was meant to look like a street waif, but her faceup turned out like what on person called a "tragic 1930's movie star" - so my pre-planned character didn't work out.

      But ut even though I sometimes fail, I do think about it in advance.

    16. I thought of Tora before I got him, the wait was agonizing but so so worth it in the end!
      Shion I thought of after...(or rather, I had his character planned. but hadn't made the link that the character = DIM Persia, he was sitting around with no personality for a while xD)

      Out of them I think Tora made me the happiest, so I'd say before ^^
    17. When I see the doll a character starts forming in my mind, although sometimes I already have a character and then I see the perfect doll!
    18. Generally I had have a doll charakter in mind, but this image has a littel changed after I got my doll. And this changing is continually, because I get know a doll more and more day by day.
    19. What order do you create your dolls in...

      I've noticed that a LOT of people have a character in mind and then they search for a doll to match the character.

      That's not how I do it... I see a doll I like and let his personality erupt when he gets here.

      What about you?
    20. Character first. Ashen is a very special character to me, so it was only ideal that he got a doll first.