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When Friends Mess With Your Doll?

May 24, 2010

    1. Pleople is so stupid some times. My friends laugth because i have dolls.. they think i speak with them or something like this.. ¬¬
    2. I don't mind it at all if people pick up one of my dolls to play with it. Most of my friends are not interested in my dolls or are afraid to touch them. They don't really know how much they are worth, but they know they are expensive so they handle them very carefully.
      Also, I don't get icky when they'd mess up their wig or comment on the clothes they wear. Wigs you can fix and everyone has their own opinion on what clothes they like. If they are handling a doll too rough, I'll tell them and they'll usually be more careful then.
    3. I have to agree with those that say get new friends, at least put your foot down on the subject.

      complaining about them behind their back is not going to solve anything, you really need to approach them about the issue if you want it solved.

      take sand paper to their ipod, see how they like it :p (obviously im being sarcastic, but it's still the same idea. They are rubbing and touching the dolls face that could take off the "top coating" the face up. taking sand paper to an ipod is going to take off the top few layers of glass)
    4. I agree with many others about talking about their cost. That would scare off many people if they think "oh I may have to pay for this if I break something!"

      But I will say it is very rude for them to treat your possessions as such. There's always a more childish "get even" approach. Maybe take something of theirs that they cherish and hide it or run away with it. See how they feel. Not nessacerily something expensive of theirs (in case you would be afraid of messing it up...be careful with whatever at all costs) but something they care about. They may get scared if they think it's gone and you can add in "now how do you think I feel when you do it to my dolls?" ... It may seem really juvenile to do so, but there are honestly people out there that don't understand no matter how many times you tell them. Some only understand when the shoe's on the other foot. I would obviously suggest other methods first but like I said...some people, other methods don't work for. Or if not actually doing it...present this to them verbally and see how their response is.

      If your friends keep on disrespecting your belongings, they're def. not the kind of people that would be good friends. You want to be able to trust friends and expect them to listen to you when you're serious about something that's dealing with your belongings.

      Most of my friends hate my dolls so I never have to worry about them touching them (but it does present other problems)...my closest friend doesn't know much about them but wants to learn more and she's always been very considerate when she's held my dolls and always asked questions to make sure she was holding them okay and wouldn't hurt anything.

      I know some people keep their dolls in glass cabinents that can be locked by a key. That way your friends can still see them but you can lock the cabinent so that they can't do this. Or you could even just keep them out but when you get guests that would disrespect them, then put them in the cabinents and lock them. Maybe if they realize the dolls only get locked away when they're over, they'll rethink their actions.
    5. The first doll I ever saw in real life was a delf, and it belonged to my friend. She let me hold it, and I certainly was very interested in how it was put together, but I never touched anything with anything BUT a delicate hand. When mine arrive, I am certain that when I bring it to school (a friend of mine has a doll too and wants to see my delfs, and there's a photographer here...) people will want to touch it and frig around with it. Unfortunately I do not trust most people here to be respectful when touching it so I am obsessive about not letting them touch it >_> it will be with me the whole time >_>;;;
    6. Oh and I want to add, for the "get new friends" comments...

      Not because they disrespect your dolls, but because they are disrespecting YOU. If you tell someone NOT to do something, or not to touch your dolls in such a way, and they laugh and keep doing it, they don't respect you. Why would you want someone like that around? :/
    7. I actually have the opposite problem. I'm afraid my dollfies may mess with my friends (especially if the friends try to mess with them first). For example, I plan to visit Baakay next month and if she annoys Zoe, Baakay might find herself stuffed in the nearest garbage can.


      On the topic at hand, though, my friends are either into the hobby or at least respectful of other people's property, so it hasn't been an issue.
    8. Right now the only friend who knows of my plotting to buy a BJD is completely supportive.
      She's actually the reason I'm planning to buy one now.
      I'd taken a break from drooling over BJDs and then she called and asks "Hey, did you order that doll yet?"
      That's how I started saving again because I'd almost forgotten about them because of family issues.

      Though I am worried if any of my more obnoxious friends came over and saw her. Usually they don't touch my stuff without permission, but I'd still be a bit worried.
      Some people just need to be trained...Like Puppies. :I
    9. D: I know how you feel!
      That's exactly what happened to me ! The worst thing happened afterwards-_-
      First my friend saw my carrier bag and she started asking question about what's inside -_-I was at school that day and I planned to go over to my friend's place after school for photo shooting.........It's definitely too troublesome for me to travel home from school and to my friend's side again.That's why I brought it along -_-
      She opened my bag and started saying he looks creepy-_-|| I'm fine with that since I thought the same at first as well.After that whenever somebody from my class entered the room she will tell them to open my bag and see and they just started laughing off at me and so. It's really annoying.
    10. I had friends one (terrible friend that they were) who would constantly tease me about them. One day I made the mistake of leaving my friends and my dolls in the same room alone (I went to get drinks for everyone) and when I came back they were putting them in.. lewd poses. (And it wasn't just that, it was how disrespectfully they were doing it.) I was furious!

      Needless to say, I'm very glad I no longer hang with them.
    11. I've told my friends certain facts about my bjd collection. I've told them of both the financial value and why they mean so much to me. I've told them how bjds are to be handled and that I won't be able to replace it if anything happen to it. I've found that honesty almost always is the best way to go. And if they don't get it I think you should revaluate the friendship. Respect is the clue here.
    12. I like when my friends mess with my dolls. It shows they are interested, and I trust that even the not so close friends are all respectfull and know not to be stupid with them. If I have a new friend and they do something stupid or something I don't want them doing, I very quickly tell them not to do it EVER again. If they repeat the offense they soon find they are no longer invited over my house.
    13. Hey, if I looked that good I wouldn't MIND ... because I would FIT in the garbage can! ^_^

      I've never had any issues with anyone handling my dolls. Even several years back, when one of my younger daughter's friends asked if she could hold Iruhi (a DZ Wing) I warned her that he was very heavy and she needed to be careful with him, and she was. It may just be that I'm an age where people my age understand "collectibles"? Dunno. It also doesn't matter to me whether they want to laugh at me or not. ;)

      Now Zoe, on the other hand... Well heck. I'll just introduce her to Leaf. That'll keep her out of trouble;)
    14. UG! this reminds me of when I first had May (my obtisu 50cm gretel) and I had JUST gotten her all together with clothes, eyes, wig ect...

      Anyway, I brought her over to show my friend Bryan, who likes my dolls and likes to photograph them and is very rarely too rough with them...he knows de roolz! But his twin, Ricky...is alittle less....nice..about it. I was posing May on a piece of playground eqipument and he ran over and pushed her, by the face, onto the ground!

      I had totake a deep breath, go pick her up and take him by the shoulder and explain that although May wasn't resin, she had alot of parts that oculd break or things that could get ruined, and she was worth more than his life currently and he wouldn't EVER be able to replace her, so he should stay the hell away...

      He still thinks they're wierd, but I rarely bring them over and take them out now, unless Bryan is asking or my friend Sara is asking to hold my tall boy.

      But yah...friends can be frustrating, especially evil twins!
    15. i'm really glad to say that so far all the friends i've shown my precious gabriel to have been nothing but respectful.

      one day my friend tanya, who has never seen a bjd in her life before this, came over to my house to hang out. she saw the huge Luts box and asked what was inside. after i told her my baby gabriel was in there she became excited and asked to see him. since i trust her with my life i have no problem allowing her to hold him.

      i expected the first word out of her mouth after she saw him was something along the lines of "he's creepy." she has a fear of everything. especially dolls. :/

      but surprisingly she said he was adorable and kept asking me questions about him and bjd's in general. Also the way she handled him made me really happy! she was really gentle and careful when picking him up and holding him. she DIDN'T once touch his faceup which also made me happy since i hadn't told her in the beginning not too.

      so yeah, my friends are amazing<3
    16. I absolutely hate it when anybody touch anything in my room. It's my castle! I've had friends mess with my hand-sewn plushies which really angers me, as they too are delicate and mean rather much to me. My toys have been tossed, danced with, pushed into shoes (huge 6 feet tall Wilt plushie) and beaten.
      That's why I keep my dolls locked, I'm afraid they're gonna treat them the same, and dolls are so MUCH more fragile! Even if I tell them how to treat them, they may even accidentally destroy or loose the eyelashes, wigs or body parts (since all my dolls are tiny).
    17. I've never really had any problems with my doll and friends - They simply ignore him. I think they're a bit scared.
      Except for one of my friends, but she knows how to handle dolls because I've told her how, and she always asks before taking him. And if she does something "wrong", I just correct her. She knows it's not because I think she's dumb, it is just that dolls are fragile and needs to be treated right (:
      I'm attending a boarding school this year and though I'm not taking my doll with me, people is still going to find out about him. But I hope they'll be understanding and careful if I ever decided to bring him along.
    18. I'm not fussed if people play with my dolls, even if I'm not in the room. But then, my friends are good with them and gentle, and I'm rougher sometimes than they are. (" %Y&*($ TY! POSE RIGHT!" -/raeg-)

      So while I can understand your point of view, I'm completely cool with the idea of my friends playing with my dolls.
    19. People who treat your stuff like crap are treating you that way. They are not friends. >_>;;
    20. I mostly say politely yet upset looking face and go "Can you please put her down now?" Or reach out while laughing and take her from them. Then make a show of ignoring the friend while I fix her wig and clothes.

      And when KIDS mess with them I have to go "NONOONOnononono! You canNOT touch my doll. She is off-limits and I would be VERY UPSET WITH YOU if you try again." I make sure I say it with a serious tone and face or kids might think you're joking around.