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When you buy a doll, does anyone else have a say in what mold/company you buy?

May 7, 2011

    1. Only if there has been questions about the quality of the doll and/or company.
      But this is a serious hobby and a lot of thought and planing usually goes into buying a doll.
    2. Well for me personally, yes. i just sent in a order for a akando. i ran it by the significant other so they wouldn't have a heart attack, when i told em how much it was. I also really used DOA in my decision to buy or not buy the RS version. DoA is amazing in the wealth of info on the dolls down to the littlest things.
    3. My family hasn't had a say in much, aside from limiting options like when i ordered my Shale to keep down costs, considering they don't know much about the companies or dolls in general. So their influence is pretty minimal haha.
      But i think if i was interested in one company and someone told me said company has bad service or was having problems with damaged dolls or something like that which turned out to be true, then it would have an effect on my decision and i might hold off on that doll.
    4. For me, no one has a say in which what doll to buy or not to buy but me. I always choose by myself :3
      maybe you can ask your parents why they don't allow to buy doll from that company, they might have their reason (for example, the resin quality etc)
    5. I'm not really influenced by anyone when it comes to dolls. They are exactly the mold that appeals to me, nothing is chosen by outside sources. Then again I have no doll friends and to my family this is a major waste. xD I'm all alone in my doll adventures! The freedom to choose whoever draws me in is very important to me. I'd be a little offended if someone else tried telling me not to get a doll for some reason or another, ESPECIALLY if they said it was ugly. Hmph. :x
    6. My mom pays for my dolls provided my grades are good enough. But I am not so fond of 'devil' and 'anthros' so she don't have to worry about that. Other than those 2 types, its okay. But I liked Zack the Ripper by Crobidoll alot and even though I don't have him, I have alot of his owner pictures on my phone. Both times I showed her his photos the reactions were similar. The first time, when I showed her Crobidoll's website, she was: that doll is so murderous, I don't like him. The second time was of timid's Van, she was like, can you delete that? I think timid did a wonderful job with Zack, but I guess my mom just have more(make that very) 'reserved' tastes. And I can't get him anyway.
    7. No one tells me what to buy or not buy. Most of my dolls are bought with my own hard earned money, I don't typically have people just offering up cash to have a say in what I get.

      That being said, I do have a few dolls where I had little or no say in their sculpts. I had no say in Lucien (BBB Nissa) or Mike's head (DiM Robel) as they were gifts from Emory @ JunkySpot that I was not even aware I was getting until they showed up on my doorstep! Parker (Island Doll Kevin hybrid) was a gift from my sister for my birthday, I had no idea he was coming. I had made over the sculpt before, but I'm very hesitant on child dolls. I LOVE his head and since it looked oversized to me, I ended up upgrading his body and keeping his head. Sixx is another one where I did not pick the sculpt. I had been looking to shell him, but no clue what he'd be. My sister was wanting to part with her Aod Tao Hua Dao and had a buyer for the body but not the head. She wanted faceup services and offered to trade the head for it. Just do happened that with a makeover, the sculpt is PERFECT for Sixx. So....being gifts or trades, I've had a few I didn't choose.

      But as far as me personally picking out a doll and buying...it's all me. Even as gifts, my husband has no clue what I like or want and usually gives me a price limit, hands me the credit card and tells me to buy what I want. When it comes in, he wraps it and makes me wait. lol If the doll I want is over the limit, he offers to pay that amount and let me pay the rest on it. Sometimes if I'm torn between sculpts for a character or debating on buying a doll, I will ask close friends (especially Ivory Stardust or Christina_Xx) what they think, since usually my dolls are either lovers or friends to theirs. But ultimately, it's my decision. If somebody else doesn't like it, too bad. It's my money, my doll, I'm getting what I want.

      EDIT: Ok...so...I DID let Ivory Stardust influence me on my AE Adzuki Bean. I found the sculpt and already liked him. But pretty much asked her if he was okay to buy first. Reason? Because he is the child of my Loki and her Spencer. So since her doll is a parent, I felt I should make sure she was okay with it. :)
    8. No way. When I pick out a doll, that's my own decision. Honestly, I waffle back and forth on dolls enough on my own, I don't need someone else weighing in on it.

      The only "influence" is sometimes the order that I buy dolls, because sometimes my sister and I will order dolls together if we both want one from the same company. ^^
    9. Well, when I first got into BJDs in 2006, I just liked what I liked, maybe asking some friends what they thought about this or that mold but actually my first doll, a Dolkot Leaf, was my very personal choice (with my friends support of course but I did want her no matter what they would had say)

      Right now, I have to admit, that I decide together with my boyfriend, that likes BJDs too and always tells me what he thinks about a doll and... I get influenced in fact!
      We have the same tastes but if I would said that I can decide all by myself that would be a lie!
      We live together so it's fair that we both can decide what or who to put on shelfs ^^
    10. I used to really care what my mom thought about my dolls when I was younger, but now that I'm out on my own and buying my own dolls entirely, I don't care anymore. Honestly, though, I do listen a lot to what my fiance has to say. He always gives me input when I ask him about dolls, and he loves that I have this hobby, even if he's not into dolls himself. ^^ I feel like, since he's so supportive, I have emotional stake in what he says about the dolls, whether I want to have it or not. I ended up deciding to get both Hael and Nael from Supia once I have enough money - and Nael wasn't really appealing to me at first! Now I love both of them equally and can't even think of getting one without the other. <3
    11. I set my own personal standards, but usually I run it through with my bjd friends cause we have a pact LOL. But really when it all comes down to it, it's my money so it's my decision.
    12. My close friend gives her input on the dolls I buy, which can be helpful which I'm stuck between two sculpts for a character, but she once dissuaded me from getting another head of scuplt I already own. I did eventually (he arrived today actually) end up getting another one of the same scuplt, so in the end it's my decision and I try not to let anyone elses opinion weigh too heavily. My parents do sometimes purchase doll/doll parts for me, but they have no real say in what I get and I don't think thay care too much. I also stalk owner pictures of dolls I'm thinking about and the owner pictures usually impact my decision greatly.
    13. About the only time I let 'others have a say' is with regards to a company that has shady business practices (that can be verified, not just rumors) or terrible customer service.

      IE, I'm pretty sure I won't be getting a Customhouse anytime soon, based on what friends have told me about dealing with them.

      ETA: Or if a friend says something about the way a doll looks, I can't un-see it. One friend told me a doll I wanted looked stoned, and now I can't see her fface as anything but a baked face. ;-;
    14. I usually consult my husband before purchasing something of high value, and I would certainly consider not buying a particular doll if he had a strong distaste for it, but in the end it's still my money and I'll buy whichever doll I like best. Although I do like it when he adores my dolls as well, so I'm more likely to buy a doll he approves of.
    15. No. People don't have a say in what doll I buy - it's my own money, after all. The only person who can have any weight on whether or not I can buy a doll is my mother, because she acts as my voice of reason and I respect her. She won't tell me I can't buy a certain sculpt, but she will say what she thinks of it.

      If I want an opinion, I'll ask for it. I certainly don't appreciate being told what to or what not to buy, unless it's because the company I was eyeing in question has a bad reputation or shoddy quality/business practices.
    16. nope l buy what l want with my money when it comes to ABJD's. I look at it this way as long as l pay my bills and put food on the table then people don't have a say.
    17. I ask and value my husband's opinions on the subject. Most of the time, he doesn't care at all. Every now and then, he'll actually speak up about a doll and then I do take into account what he says. We have shared finances, though. Not all couples do.
    18. Nah... I pay for my doll and live on my own, so the only persson who has a say in what mold I buy is me.
    19. This! And usually the reason why I'm asking for opinions is because I'm unsure myself (and need a kick in the bum in either direction). My mother will give me her opinion whether I asked for it or not :doh (Y'know the conversation "What are you looking at?" "A doll" "Oh, that's [insert opinion]") But luckily, she knows what a stubborn sod I am, so she's never told me what to do without an extremely good reason. And she'll tell me this reason, not the "I'm just looking out for you" that actually incenses me further!

      I can see why she would have an input, because she plays with the dolls too. But BJDs are so personal to me, I don't see myself sharing a doll unless it's a character I made with a friend.
    20. I generally pick for myself, however I do ask one of my friends about them when I'm looking, what her opinions of my choice is. =3