1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Where are all the DollTi boys?

Jul 4, 2006

    1. Hi Georgia,

      These are the eBay sellers from whom I've bought BJD items and BJD's. Keep in mind that some may not carry items that fit Dolltis:

      flatbird: Azone T-Shirt
      sailwaygal: MSD-sized wig
      rickyuly: SD-sized guitar
      mimiwoo: Fur wig for SD, specifically Dollti D
      junkyspot_com: Obitsus
      dollsnbeans: SoulKids
      lissa_jane: MSD-sized dress
      natalie622: SD-sized wig for my Paris
      dollsfifties: HauteDoll magazine featuring BJD's
      e2wdolls: jeans that fit Paris (SoulDoll) but are too big on Norbu (Dollti)
      lakuru: SoulDoll

      Also, all are reputable sellers from whom I would purchase BJD's and BJD items again.
    2. @DolfieDreams: Wow, thanx so much! I'm going to look at their shop, now ;)
    3. Okie okie! I know that I've been asking this in another thread ^^
      But I just want to write it here again, so a lot of dollti owner will notice it.

      Did anybody succeeded in registering their doll? If yes, did you ever ask what benefits do we got from it?

      And...does anyone know who have Woo Yan white skin? XD
      Nah, just out of curiosity ;)
    4. I just registered mine this morning( well,I emailed them anyways) and asked a few questions about hands, so we'll see

      I asked...
      Can we buy or get replacement hands? Mine have the mechanism poking through or are discolored from it....
      and one that doesnt effect anyone else...
      I only got six hands out of seven apparently...
    5. I am the second owner of my Dollti D and I registered him when I received him a couple of months ago. I emailed Dollti and told them I was the second owner and gave them the necessary numbers but never heard back- not even an acknowledgement. So....who knows?:D
    6. I registered, I think...^^
      The registration of the doll is so the company knows who has the dolls. If you break something, you and buy a new one. If the doll is not registered, and you breatk it, you can't get it. At least that's what I was told.
    7. @Oriscany: Wow! That's great! I hope they can replace the hands!

      @Davine: Huh?! O_O You got only 6?!
      Which one u don't have? Omg! That's bad! Dollti has to take action!

      Hhmm, I think (no offense)...Dollti is a rather unproffesional company ^_^
      Their management is...bad (sorry)..especially the customer service..X(
      They only reply you, if you write it in Korean >.<
      And often....they don't reply to u back...
      I know they're a small company, but still..you have to keep a good customer service...

      Luckily, I've succeeded registering my boy. Dollti reply in my paypal address, saying that they've received my email and that's it. They don't talk much in the email....
      And...they were really got on my nerve back when I was purchasing Cloud...
      I remember...those days were like hell full of heart attack...
    8. I was able to get my Woo registered, so now I'm officially the owner. Yay!
    9. That's weird! When I bought my D I had to wait for a reply to my first (english) email a couple of days, but after that I always got quick and sweet replies! I found them very nice and efficient, and they managed something the 'big' companies rarely do when I ask for it: put a proper invoice with the real price inside the box for customs.

      :daisy Ophi
    10. I do get replies from them in a fairly timey manner, only aving had to email in Korean once, but most people have trouble with them...they are rather unprofessional :( Th only thing that I found decent about themas a company is that they sent Siorei out very quickly and he arrived in about 3 days....before his shipping notice....
      georgia, I did hear back from them about the hands. I can get a whole new set, but it will cost $80 dollars. I have NOOOO intentions of doing that. Siorei will have to be fine with the ones he has. They also say that becuase I pointed out the problem the mechanism in the hand causes, they will look into trying to make sure it doesnt do that in future dolls.......yea right. I dont believe them, but at least they replied...lol
    11. I never got a response when I sent my D's registration numbers in, but they were QUICK to ship him, so that's something. I hope I'm on file somewhere in Dolltiland!

      My guy's hands are discolored from the metal, too.
    12. @Davine: That's a good news. At least there's a replacement for the hands, although it's expensive.

      But yeah, it's all depends on how we take care of our dolls to make it last longer.

      Wow! Some of u guys got only 3 days to get the doll?! O_o
      I was a week and half...And I think Mamehisa got hers for a month O_o
      Maybe I wasn't so lucky back then, coz I think I heard that they were out of town at that time. But...I swear..they never once replied my email..they only replied my Korean's friend's email...
    13. Well, it was 3 weeks till they shipped him( since they have to get him painted, put together, etc) and then it took 3 day once he shipped....it was the same way with my other doll....3 days to arrive...but it was 7 weeks before he shipped...
    14. have any of you done any sanding on your Woo's? Or body blushing?
    15. not yet, but Im planning on both....as soon as I get a little time to myself, he's getting the whole works done ^_^
    16. I had body blushed Cloud before. But the coating went bad (coz of the weather). So I removed all of them. But maybe sometime in the future I'll give it a go again.

      @Suryo: Sand? What area do u want to modify him?
    17. @Suryo: If u can't find MSC, Testors Dullcoat is good. Though these kind of sprays are very sensitive to weather. It must be in room temperature. If u can get in the right temperature, the result would be very good. When I was using it, the weather was too cold.
      And for the body blush I used pastels. Non oily based. Yeah don't ever use human make up
    18. Georgia. I don't want to modify anything on him, just get those seams. I know they are light, which is why I'm in no hurry, but Woo does have those very small seams. Since I've never sanded before, I'm just afraid it will leave even worse marks behind. I have never body blushed before and was just going to pay someone to do it, but now that you mention it, I may try it myself.
    19. Just start slow when removing the seams.....Testors makes a good model kit sand paper set that I like to use. Start with the middle one, then use the second smallest to smooth everything out....leaves no scratches ^__^

      Siorei is having his seams sanded this weekend, and Quill already had his done.
    20. @Suryo: Goodluck and if you have any questions feel free to ask me.
      Oh and also I'm going to show u a good tip on using Testors
      During winter ^^ It's a tips by Helene. Tomorrow I'll ask her