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Where are all the DollTi boys?

Jul 4, 2006

    1. Thanks for the informative link :)
    2. I'm sorry if this post is in the wrong place, how does one get information about the DollTi boys? Are they no longer being made or sold or are they only sold in Korea? Thanks in advance
    3. Dollti is still in business, however all thier dolls sell in limited quanitities, so they dont have any new models for sale right now.

      Wooyan and D are the only ones Ive seen on the board and they've been sold out quite some time now. Im kinda waiting to see what they come out with next myself ^__^

      When they do have a model for sale, they are split up between Ebay and thier website. Ebay is how english speakers got thiers, Koreans from the website.

      Dollti dolls come in three skintones as well. 22 normal skins, 2 tans and one white skin for each model. Never have seen a whiteskin, but there is a tan D on the board somewhere.
    4. Uumm..guys..

      Have u ever felt that there's like an 'ugly spot' on your boy's/girls's face? X3
      IS it just me? XD Sometimes, when I look at Cloud he looks like a pig! ROFL ^O^ When in side view, his cheek is puffy that he looks like a pig X3 But don't get me wrong, I still luv him so much ^_^

      What about u guys? If yes, which part of the face that you hate? XD
    5. His eyebrows bug me........they are actaully done really short! They end above the middle of his eyes.....*__O. Also, the sides of his face are kinda wide.....Makes his head look very large...but his wig covers all my issues right up ^__^ Believe or not, I was actually going to sell him when I first got him. I couldnt get over how small he seemed compared to Quill(DoT) and the sides of his head bothered me. I hadnt bought a wig styled like I had intended at the time, and somehow Quill's defualt wig on his just made me completely in love with him. Id die if I had to give him up now :D
    6. OMG! You're so right! The eyebrows! It bugs the freakin hell outta me! >.<
      I thought Siorei doesn't have that issue! I thought Siorei has longer eyebrows. Yeah the side of his head XD That's what I actually mean with the piggy looking XD I think you're right, the side of his head is 'a bit' wide thus making his side cheeks puffy X3 Thank God Cloud's hair has like a side bangs, so I can cover his side cheeks with that ^_^

      OMG! If you want to sell your Woo, sell it to me! lol ^O^
      I'm going to make Cloud's twin with red hair XD
    7. Gah!! Im not selling him, ever! I though I might at first, but I never could now...........A day without my boys and I have withdrawl...Quill's been gone for a day and I miss him....find another one....Siorei's mine forever :D LOL
    8. Bwahahhaha! OMG!
      Cloud is so pissed that I said he looks like a pig lol XD
      He's been ranting it in his diary! LOL ^O^
    9. Hhmm...I'm planning to add the rest of his eyebrows using acrylic. I'm going to use a really thin brush and thin the acrylic paint so it's in tune with the makeup (translucent)

      How about you guys that have this problem? How are u going to fix it?
    10. Actually, since his wig covers that up, I plan to do nothing till his faceup gets dirty and scratched.....at that point Ill give a whole new one
    11. We all used to chat about them so much!!SO!! A new discussion on our boys, if anyone is still subscribed to this thread. Tell me...How have you changed/how has he changed since his arrival with you? (ie. personality,faceup, style....etc.)
    12. Hello! My Dollti D, Norbu, has more of a personality and also has a wardrobe- both of which he acquired some time after his arrival. It took a while but he grew into his character. I have a photo shoot of him in the gallery:


      This is who Norbu is today! He is wearing jeans by Marsh and they fit him really well.

    13. Hehehehe..I changed his eye colour and fix his hair a bit. When the first time he arrived the hair is too loose and not quite look like Cloud X3 Later, I adjusted the wig size, cut his lower hair and style it too look closer like Cloud ^_^

      @DollfieDreams: Nyaww! Norbu looks cute on those shots and I like his new wig! Hehehe I've always thought D as Woo Yan's cousin XD

      @Davine: Hiya! *huggles*
      So how about Siorei? Did you change anything? :)
    14. Siorei hasnt changed much since his arrival. Ive tried different wigs and eyes in him, but I always end up putting the default brown back in him! I guess they suit him best. He still wears the defualt Camine wig too. It was just something I had already when I got him, but it suited him very well( how lucky!!). He still is quite a meanie when he wants to be though, and desperately needs to be restrung! He hates to have his picture taken and tends to curl up like a pill bug!He is funny guy though. Since he is such a small guy. he doesnt have to much of a wardrobe, but he did get a new shirt from our freind Alex! She had a little star shirt by Shiroi_yukiko that fits him great and shows off his abs...he loves that, so she gave it to him. He wears it with his leather pants all the time. I want to get him some really nice washed, dirty styled jeans though..someday!
    15. Ehm got a message from my sister Georgia:

      Eerr..guys do your boys have different skin colour on 1 torso? O_o

      I don't know why..but maybe it's just my eyes..his neck area is yellower than his six pack area...

      Pls guys! Have a look at your boy and tell me how's yours? T_T

      And..is an alcohol able to yellow a doll?

    16. Siorei is fine...no discoloration. As far as the alcohol....do you mean rubbing alcohol or drinking alcohol? Becuase I use rubbing alcohol to remove faceups and it doesnt discolor them at all, but I do make sure to rinse the heads every few scrubs
    17. @Davine:

      Yeah yeah I mean rubbing alcohol!
      I tried body blushing Cloud before and decided to remove it using alcohol.
      But meeehh...maybe it's just my eyes..^_^

      Oh and have you tried restrung him before?

      Cloud got a kicky leg, so I restrung him but dunno how to properly tighten back the string T_T Now he's very loose..I think Dollti got their own way of stringing the doll. I mean they make this certain knot that tight enough to hold the doll. If you haven't restrung it, would you mind taking the pic of the knot for me? T_T

    18. Ill take some pics for you tommorow, including the Aida/Wooyan comparison shot. Its 9:04 pm now, and I need to head out to work :) Lovely thing about working nights...I dont have to deal with customers and I have the day to play with my boys!