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Where does your doll store it's personality?

Jan 18, 2010

    1. I think for me it's 50/50. Heads do have a lot of personality, but when it comes to character design, so do bodies. My Mirodoll girl has broad shoulders, long legs, and big hands, which signal a certain set of traits to me that I associate with that build. But her face is very soft, warm, and friendly. So that gives me a mix of Big Person traits and Warm Expression traits. If she'd had a much more petite body, or even a body with a flatter chest or wider hips, I would have come up with a slightly different personality for her, just based on the way that people interact with individuals that have different builds and thus influence their personality development

      This isn't to say that certain physical features are inherently linked to any particular personality trait, just that I have personal associations with them based on my own experiences and observations.

      Oh, hands, too! I think hand shapes and the poses that a hand naturally falls into say a lot. Hands are very expressive!
    2. For me my doll holds his personality in his face, but also in his poses, if that makes sense
    3. My imagination, my skills or lack of, the molds and the bodies' quirks make my doll's personality.
      I know for having repaired a company face up that the personality of the doll will change as soon as the face up is touched. The body will give its 'body spread' to the character. Its sculpt will foretell some of the doll's story. Then, there are the clothes and accessories which are available or not, which can be made or not. Everything has an impact on a doll's personality in my mind.
      New dolls coming in change the dynamics of the group as well. And an easy going upbeat personality can be transformed into a meeker temperament by the arrival of a forceful character.
    4. I think the personality is a mix of everything that makes the doll. It is a part of the face, the wig, the eyes. It is also the style of clothing it wears and the body shape it has. I think that every detail makes the doll's personality and although it can switch its faceup and its hair and clothing style, it is also a sign of change in their personality in my opinion. Either they have grown up or felt the need for change.
    5. Well, with my complete boys, the personality seems to be an all-around thing... Vince just feels like himself, his face and body are both kind of expressive of who he is, and in fact who I thought he'd be changed a lot once I had him in my hands and got a feel for the poses he fell into naturally, the way he looks from a variety of angles... He shows his personality off in broad strokes, and there's no one thing that if I changed or removed it, would totally erase what he's got.

      Pete is a lot more in the details-- he doesn't feel like himself without his proper eyes and, to a lesser extent, his wig. Plus, where Vince can wear anything and it feels right, Pete's a picky dresser, so a lot of his personality comes across in what he wears, too.

      Billy... I'm not really sure. I don't always feel like his personality 'reads' the way it should, but he's so darn cute it doesn't matter.

      As for my floating head... I had a plan once I knew I was getting an event head (for a character who is sometimes just a living disembodied head), and I waffled a little because I worried the face was too sweet for Moz (not that Moz can't be sweet, but you know... it looked very youthful and could have gone either way with gender)... but the second I popped a pair of eyes into him, his personality was right there, and he looked very much like his snarkiest self. He is the doll most likely to judge the heck out of me, and I love it.