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Where is the weirdest place you've taken your doll?

Jun 21, 2006

    1. I have yet to be able to take anyone to school, but I do tote them around with me. For instances, let's look to our photo evidence.

      On Paddle boats! That was fun. He helped us steer.


      And to picking out my formal dress. This one... isn't it. Nope nope nope. In fact, I didn't like it. But it's a good picture, yeah?
      I will so take a doll to graduation... but I think my mother would disown me.
    2. My roommate and I took her Custom House boy Nolan to a thrift store. We had gone looking for different colors of clothes that would look good on him, with his crazy hair color.

      As we were leaving, the lady at the counter asked if we wanted to buy the doll (I guess she thought we were stealing him?)

      Scary, isn't it?

      Oh! And to Disney World. ^^ And in our hotel. We got dirty pictures of Crash and Nolan (Custom House Chamomile and Volks F-19) going at it on the hotel bed. XD But they're husband and wife, so it's okay. ^.~ Don't encourage underage dolly sex! Or you get resin babies!
    3. Sorry, mine will be dissapointing...
      The weirdest place for me and Kai (My DOD-Yen) was school. I carried him around the whole day. It was fun!
      ...:( Except for the fact his wig fell off three times. Poor Kai, he looked so embarassed. but that's okay! He made it into a joke after a while.
      Since then, he hasn't been out...
    4. Those situations are always kinda weird. I took my MSD to a moving sale my proffesor was having once and I set all the stuff down on a table with her on top to look at some fabric he had and one girl asked if I was buying her. Then one of his assistants did the same thing when I went to pay >_>; I never set her down in stores for even an instant anymore >_<
    5. I've taken Anthea to the mall twice now. I know it shouldn't bother me, but I really hate the rude things people say about her.

      I've thought about taking her to school, but it kinda seems like a bad idea. I know she'll go for art classes and stuff, but it's all gonna depend on how cool my teachers are next year. I'd never, ever take her to my work. XD entirely too much grease and oil at a pizza place.

      Nothing really odd, yet. We'll see. XD
    6. - My friend took Kiyoshi to my graduation. My school would have never let me get away with marching with him.
      - A Goth/Fetish clothing store called "Erotic Cabaret."
      - 6 Flags Astroworld
      - 6 Flags Splashtown
      - Meers Restruant in Mt. Scott, Oklahoma. This is the best location, and the oddest. I have pictures of Kiyoshi with a giant Bull scull!!
    7. I opened my Miyuki's (Sweet Dream Mimi) box in Taco Bell that's the weirdest place she's been.
    8. I don't really have anything particularily weird...
      I took Madolynn to the bank with me one day, and all three of my dolls have been to restaurants and malls but that's about it. I'm not very adventurous ^^;
    9. i take Glacier EVERYWHERE. the movies, the mall, family get-togethers, wal-mart, micheals, hobby lobby and other such craft stores....book stores, the library, subway and other food places....oh and blockbusters ^^ the workers there are getting quite used to me bringing him in XD

      so far nowhere all that "weird" really.
    10. I...I think I love you. :aheartbea
    11. My girls go...everywhere with me. At least one of them, it seems. They come to class at my uni all the time, and they're almost always at work with me - the other girl I work with doesn't like them, and I don't like her...it's a subtle revenge for all the stupidity I must deal with from her. I haven't really taken them anywhere weird, I guess. They go out to eat, shopping, hair dresser... I'd say the weirdest place they've gone with me is the hair dresser. I had Sean with me for some reason and I didn't want to leave her in the car alone, so she came in with me. My stylist thought she was neat...

      Next week they're going to be introduced to the 'rest' of my family - only my mom, brothers, and grandparents have seen them. So ... I have to go to a family reunion and I'll be taking them with me. They already think I'm weird, I may as well live up to their expectations, eh?
    12. Where is the weirdest places you've ever taken your doll for a photoshoot or activity?
    13. This is not so weird, but, when I got my first doll (Luts Tttori) a number of years ago, I was like 16 (I looked like 12 or so) I took him on my family's annual trip to Israel. It was fun having him along, though I didn't take any pics, my Dad did, so a lot of our family photos from back then show me holding him. :)
    14. I took my doll to Disney World on our family vacation... Me, my husband, our two young daughters and my doll. We all had a lot of fun :)
    15. I take my doll with me to the bathroom.
    16. With me to a meeting at work...after which he got to visit the Deputy Minister's office and pretend to write the DMs' signature in her signing book. :lol:
    17. Hmmm, probably the zoo! The monkeys didn't like the dolls! I've also had them in grave yards, the woods, the beach, Starbucks, Oh, and the Liberty Bell!
    18. to the hospital when my dad was ill to cheer him up
    19. When Rei first arrived, I brought him to a kebab store in the city in the evening, with myself wearing a t-shirt and shorts and carrying a huge doll.. XD We drove there, so it was the only stop.. I have a photo of him and the falafels to prove it.. Haha! We went home immediately after buying ourselves kebabs....
    20. I did a photoshoot of my Regulus all over Disneyland and Disney California Adventure. And since I'm going again on Sunday, I may have more pictures of such.

      Other then that... Well I took pictures of my Ginny at a graveyard at the Ren. Faire. The oddness was finding this little graveyard tucked away at the Ren. Faire to begin with.
