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Where is the weirdest place you've taken your doll?

Jun 21, 2006

    1. I dont know about strange, but I've taken some of mine all over the place
      I took Dalamar and Brenna when we went on holiday to Oban
      I've been to a few graveyards with them
      also Glamis Castle, Arbroath Abbey, Brechin Cathedral and a few supermarkets
    2. My friend and I went to Bed, Bath, & Beyond and I stuck my elf chiwoo in the cart like a little kid would be, we got some double takes for that.
    3. On a date with a guy I don't like, but all my friends think he is Mr.Perfect and always invite him with us. that's was funny)
    4. hmm my first doll i got before i went on tour so Keiichiro (DZ Ying) has been on tour with Cirque du Soleil and attended a premeire party... other then that my other 2 boys that go out with me ... have been to target and rode on one of them cart escalators while i was there picking up my check and shopping about....
    5. To a meeting at work, huh? That's pretty crazy and gutsy. Was he well recieved? Did your co-workers like him?

      I'm hoping that the places I'll work at will be laid back enough to welcome my doll. Hopefully that'll mean that I'll be with a bunch of graphic designers who all have weird quirks about them anyway.
    6. Anathema has been a lot of places....on request or just out of boredom....she's been to two of my jobs, most of my classes when I was in college, on planes, to stores, to the movies, to cons, to parks, in the woods, camping, karaoke night, you name it and she has probably gone....Carmine is kinda big and I'm still getting used to hauling him places....he did go to karaoke night with Thema and the woods and parks....but nothing like stores or to the movies yet....perhaps tomorrow the two of us shall venture out....
    7. I took Toby with me to the Jekyll and Hyde Club, a four floor horror themed restaurant that is delightfully weird XD Aside from the servers there are actors walking around and puppets that can talk to you. I named Toby after my favorite puppet so I brought him along the last time we went.
    8. On a battleship. XD
    9. This isn't for another month yet but I will be taking my doll to a resturant. I know that doesn't sound weird but it's not for a meet, it's just gonna be me and my best friend taking my doll out for her birthday. lol Can you imagine? "Table for three please...well two and a bit."
    10. I plan on taking one of my dolls to Disney World (for Christmas)....I havent decided which yet, but I am leaning towards the Dollfie Dream (since she's the least destructable.)
    11. I took Teacup, my Elf Shiwoo, to a Jonathan Coulton concert at the Triple Door here in Seattle. (I figured Jon would do the "Creepy Doll Song". Teacup's not creepy at all to me, but I've had enough non-doll-people call him that that it seemed appropriate. :lol:)
    12. When I get Tohma, (DoI Luke 2) I plan on taking him to my fave goth dance club with me...and maybe he'll get a dance or two with me!:)


    13. the supermarket......

      but when he's fixed up a bit, he'll be coming to halloween parties with me.
    14. I took my doll to the stag shop once >.> While I was corset shopping >.> I brought them will me cause I remember seeing these little tiny whips on a keychain and wanted to see if they were in scale >.>
    15. :o A four floor horror themed restaurant? That sounds so totally cool! Where is that? You are so lucky!

      I'd say the oddest place I've taken my dolls is a couple restaurants after doll meets. Other doll people were with me so it wasn't anything different really. :sweat I've also gone to a park near where I live and taken some of my dolls for pics. I'm not really that adventurous with them.

    16. I took Hakuji (my MSD Mario) to a Dir En Grey concert, my friend brought along Turee (MSD Ken) and we got them both signed by Die. ^^'

      I also took Tallon (BW Yder) to a live performance of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, where we swaped the Denton Report and him. So the guy would play with Tallon instead of flipping pages through the book.
    17. i took my lati to yoga, she enjoyed it!
    18. A relative gathering. Not recommended.
      Took him to school a couple times, too.
    19. to a Bob Evan's resturaunt.... it was fun. i was surprized the waiter didn't say anything about him, lol!
    20. I took my dolls to a chocolate factory in Hokkaido.