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Which came first...the head or the body?

Jan 11, 2009

  1. Head

  2. Body

  3. I always buy head and body together

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    1. ah yes ^^ Deion the headless wonder...untill Akio stole his body while Judas stole Akios body

      judas: *cries* i miss it...
    2. My MD Ryu's body came first, since I bought it second hand.
      I had to wait to get his head because it was new :[
    3. I can't really say I always buy one of the other parts first when I'm making a hybrid. I'd say I usually buy the head first and find a body to match but I got Idris' body first and now I'm getting Lina's body before her head. I also just finally settled on a body for Djuna who has been on a nice loaner from a friend for almost a year. Still don't have a body for my PD Mano head.

      I guess I buy the body first if it's in any way hard to get or limited for a character who has a specific body type. If they don't have a specific shape or style needed to suit them I can figure out the body later and just grab the head first, especially if the head is the hard to get or limited part. :sweat

      At this point only six of my dolls came as a complete set. Bermann, Cyn, Omicron, Mui, Corvi and Schulze were all purchased as complete dolls. The rest had to be worked out.
    4. I have 3 dolls that I bough whole, A migidoll Ryu head that I got then got the body for, and an Unoa Lusis faceplate that I pan to get a body for. I generally get heads before bodies... It would be hard for me to make and get attached to a character with just a body.
    5. Exactly the same for me!

      For one of my dolls, I paid for the body first and the head later. I have the head now and I'm still waiting for the body. For most of my dolls I bought them whole but I would rather buy the head first if possible.

      In my experience it's a dangerous gamble to buy a head first and the body later. The resin may change before you can buy it, resulting in a mismatched head/body combo. I once had an oldskin DoT E-An whose head needed to be replaced, and I ended up with a head that was that new super pink color >:(
    6. I put head before body. But of my five complete dolls- three were bought all at once. Only two were heads first, but for one of them I had obtained a body within less than twenty-four hours (I was at a very interesting Con). I also have an extra floating head. that I'm undecided about keeping.
    7. I've been in all three situations. I've bought heads first, bodies first, and dolls complete. It all depends on what I want to build and what parts become avaliable first.
    8. I prefer to buy whole dolls but just recently I bought a head to replace one I had. I guess in that case it would be the body first as it was already here.

      I do have plans to buy a couple of floating heads & look for bodies later since the company only sells heads.
    9. Unless it's a limited head, a head from a company that doesn't make bodies, or you're buying a body from a different company for a different look, etc, I don't see the point in buying separate. I personally wouldn't have any fun with a floating head so it would seem like I didn't have a doll anyway. I'd rather save up and get the whole doll at once. You wouldn't have to pay shipping twice either.
    10. For all of my dolls, it's been head first. XD; Of course, they were being sold as just heads and I fell in love with them. Except my Chiwoo, I couldn't afford to buy him whole at the time but I knew I would regret it if I didn't buy his head since he was the first Chiwoo I fell absolutely in love with. XD ...My Minimee elf head is an exception too, he came with the Minimee body...that was for someone else. XD
    11. Usually I buy heads and bodies together, but once I had to buy those separately bcause I wanted a guy head on a female body. Still don't have the body though XD...
    12. I always buy head and body together because I would be too afraid of the color difference or the size difference. And I don't like to sell my things when I paid a lot to get them ^^' so to be sure I buy all together! But im planning to get a head that could be low price for me and im gonna get a body from the same company , im afraid to try different bodies ^^'
    13. I bought the head first, then I chose a body to match the head's resin. Bodies are more common then certain head molds I find, so its best to buy the rarer one first!
    14. I bought my first two dolls whole, but my third, and likely fourth dolls has been/will be bought heads first.
      Alicestor's head is already home, and it will be quite some time before I'm able to buy him a body. I'm still not entirely sure about the choice of body, since I want to wait until the Feeple 60 bodies come out first. (It's not like I'm going to have the money until sometime LATE this year anyways :sweat )
      I plan on making them both hybrids, and since my funds are extremely limited, I think it's more fun to buy them bit by bit, and enjoy what I DO have home with me.
      Besides, in Alicestor's case, his head was hard to find, and I had to pounce when I saw him up on the marketplace. :)
    15. i marked "together", because i will be really glad if it comes together, since most probably i will be having a hybrid. also i don't like this "floating head" idea, but i can understand buying a head you really like when it is possible. i just don't like idea of having only part of a doll.
    16. i prefer to buy them together.
      but i've tried twice times buying floating heads. and spend a lot of times finding bodies to fit them later. so i think i won't tried again. T_T
    17. So far... the head came first. I'm still waiting on funds for the bodies!

      Meanwhile... I have three floating heads. XD
    18. Most of my dolls where bought as complete dolls. The only exceptions are my Soony SS Head/DDII Body hybrid, and my future Luwen and Shiwoo heads, which will be on Demon Garden or Fantasy Doll bodies.
    19. In the event that I buy a split doll, I will normally purchase the head first!
    20. Well, I voted "the head", but that was just with my two big kids, actually.

      With Oliver, I bought his head and two months later his body and with Souseiseki, I bought her head, like five days after her body, but it arrived two weeks before her head did :P

      And my little Valadhiel came complete.