1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Who is your dream doll?

Dec 7, 2016

    1. Mine is (or was) Elfdoll Vivien. I managed to get one, and her body is on shipping.
      BTW for the first time in years, I do not have a WTB thread open!
      • x 1
    2. I just got my 1st dream doll a couple months back and now i got my eyes on an D.lace ex machina doll. Only this time my issue won’t be saving up for it but whether or not i will be abele to get my hands on one when i get the money ! *_*
      • x 1
    3. It’s actually just a head but mikkel 2.0 by namonaki workshop. They only made about 12 so it’s a bit unrealistic and probably stay a dream doll.

      I would also like to get dod fullsets. Shall and Sha in their white priest outfits are on my wishlist too :love
    4. I've wanted a Venitu for a long time. Even when they come on the secondary market, which is very rare, he was way out of my price range.
    5. Dollchateau violet, but she’s so expensive for an msd :frownyblush:
    6. A LLT boy, all the sculpts are so beautiful!
    7. I've got 2 dream dolls now :)
      I'm dreaming about a lot of more haha, for example:
      ×Dust of Dolls Roze and Chamu
      ×Doll Chateau Susan and Alan (Human ver.)
      I hope I'll be able to find them and afford them of course :XD:
    8. My dream doll always has and always will be a Volks SD10 SWD Nana. I had her in my collection at one point. But unfortunately sold her back in 2012 when I left the hobby. Something which I now regret. My chances of getting her second hand or as a rerelease are hard as she is rare to come by but I hold out hope that I will be able to purchase her again some day!
    9. My current dream is small... but it's a dream I've had for several years; a pukipuki Cupid 3.

      I have a character for him and everything. I even have a couple wigs, eyes, some clothes and shoes, his cousin (my pongpong). Hell, I even have a body... just no faceplate :sigh
    10. My dream doll is definitely 水銀燈:love:love
    11. Mine is always was old Dollshe Bermann. Now I have a Grown Bermann and pretty happy with him, so no grail left I think :celebrate
    12. Bambicrony tan Emily! I have three.
      • x 1
    13. Hrm, probably Stella, my super customized Littlefee Pipi, but also my highly customized Iplehouse Barron, my Migidoll Jina on her Aoi Tuki Tukihime body, my Unoa Sist on a Fairyland body, And the Simply Divine Harlequin on a DT18 giant body. So many of them! Including, at long last, A doll on a Volks SDGraffitti body which I adore.
    14. My dream doll is morningstardoll Amanita. I failed to get one in the only sale in august 21, the creator has been silent on all social media since then... So I guess my only hope is to miraculously find her second hand (unlikely when very few were sold)
      Until then, I'm trying to put together an approximate replacement through hybriding, but I still keep an eye out for her
    15. My dream doll is Yumepi from Volks! I fell in love with her recently..❣️ Unfortunately, I lost the lottery, however, I hope someday I can meet her. Also, I want to have suigintou oneday. She look so goregeous!!
    16. Me too :'( and i only found out about her in 2023!
      I was looking for people who may have bought her to see pictures and found this post
    17. My dream doll is SG Sabik. No chance of getting him.
    18. It's been a while and my tastes/plans for my collection have completely changed. At this point, my biggest grail is a Volks Old F-07 (before 07 was the Nono sculpt). She doesn't pop up for sale very often, but I'm hopeful there's one out there just waiting for me. There are other old Volks SDs I'd love to get as rescue/TLC project dolls and fix up, but she's my number 1.
    19. I have my eye on many dolls that I consider dream dolls because I feel like they're so far out of my reach money wise. However, I have a top three of dream dolls.

      They are:
      - Force Fox by FallinDoll
      - Pipos Charlotte III 2021
      - Pipos Deer Rudy (27 cm)
    20. I know it's a really common one but there's people out there with like 7 or something and I doubt I will ever get one so Soom Dia. Yeah yeah I know.

      but also Lumedoll Tyl and Duhr. I've been absolutely in love with both sculpts since I first saw them but I didn't have the funds at the time and now, well they are no longer available and didn't seem to be that popular, so my chances of getting one is incredibly unlikely.