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Why just a head?

Oct 15, 2007

    1. I'm mainly with the "buy the head when you can afford it and find an affordable body later" crowd. Add to that I have a Rasendou head, from what I've heard, you don't want one of their bodies, so he needed one from a different company.
    2. Thank you all for your responses.....now I understand :)
    3. well I know for me I am getting my Lati Blue Yern head by it self instead with the whole thing is because it is going to save me money to get the head first and then the body afterward..so I am just really doing it so that I can get a bigger doll quicker and save money while doing so.
    4. For me I had missed a LUTS Limited head event (the 2006 Na-Nu-Ri) when it ran and fell in love with the face mold, so I purchased a 2006 Na-Nu-Ri head....then waited till I had money to purchase a body.

      This year I was able to get a 2007 Na-Nu-Ri head, when I purchased my 2006's body :) Now I have another Na-Nu-Ri "floating" head :)

      I had never really planned on having floating heads, but it just worked out that way...
    5. I sometimes like to put a head from one company on the body of another--that way I get just the doll I want. There are some like Kawainino/Nino Doll who only make the heads, so you would buy the head and then find a compatible body. I have a head on a temporary cloth body right now until I get the money together for a resin one, and I have two other dolls whose heads I purchased before their bodies.
    6. ****runs off to buy heads**** :fangirl: :)
    7. At first I thought it odd too. But I bought a Gretel head for practice, I bought a Souldoll head without a body because I do not like that body for his character(his body is on its way), and I just ordered a vinyl obitsu to practice on(too attached to my gretel head must get her a body).
      So now I have a couple of heads(soon to be three)floating around in my bedroom.
    8. Well, heads are cheaper. And some bodies are apparently just crappy(everyone says dolkot 60cm) so you just buy the head and a different body :D I was thinking of getting just a head because I'd be able to get a doll faster that way but getting it a body would take too long ^^;
    9. Just thought of a new one... Maybe someone has a friend or family member who has a huge love for dolls, so that person wants to buy them a doll but can't afford an entire doll so they give the friend or family member a head.

      There are so many reasons ;)
    10. Well, some people (like me) want different bodies for all their dolls so they like hunting around for different resin matches. This could also be because the size of the original body wasn't right for the character. They might want a 70cm body for a head that was originally for a 60cm body. Also, there are a surprising amount of smaller doll companies that offer heads only and don't make their bodies.

      Again, this was probably said in previous posts, but I'm just too lazy to read them ;-P
    11. For my second boy Taku, i bought his head first then his body a few weeks later because I wanted a Volks oldskin F-28 head but not the oldskin SD13 body. At that time i wasn't able to find a F-28 head that comes with pureskin UV-protected SD13 body, so i decided to get his head first.

      But if i'm ever getting another dollie, i would want to buy the doll as a whole, because for me it is so much easier to bond with the whole doll than just a head.
    12. I'm probably a good candidate for this thread; I have 17 floating heads! :sweat
      I'm terrible for buying heads, because if I see a poor, lonely unwanted head on the Marketplace I'll feel sorry for it and have to adopt it. I also get attached to things VERY easily, and have never sold any heads or dolls, even if they're not doing anything. Crazy, yes. But I DO love them all! ;)

      I do as most people have said though, and rotate them so that they each get a share of a body once in a while. :lol:
    13. Only Puffin and Lucy were bought whole XD

      Vin was impulse, he wasn't supposed to get his own identity or anything. Hayden is only sold as a head, so not much choice... and Eiji was an event head, so not much choice there, either.

      Also, I might have the chance to buy a doll I really want, but I only have the money for the head, or if the head is limited etc. It's the head that's on the body which add value to the doll... really :\
    14. xredderz: *17*? Thats a LOT!

      I figure the way most people aquire heads is by getting full dolls with extra heads (sleeping, dreaming, ect) or by buying heads that dont come with bodies. My Ryn is an elf ttori head, and right now he's onlya head because ican't afford his body yet (^^; ) and because i could only buy him as a head. Sure, if i wanted his human head i could have just gotten the doll that way, but the elf was tooc ute to pass up ^^

      Of course, it'd be cool if i could share bodies but i know that will never work. A lot of my dolls(read: dolls i dont ahve yet) will probably have body markings and tattoos and stuff, so it'd be impossible for them to share bodies without sharing body markings too. *shrugs* b'sides, if they all shared, then i couldnt do all the photostories i plan on doing! <3
    15. I told myself that I'll only buy full dolls, but well.. Then a Namu head went up for sale on the forum I'm a member at - I just had to grab the chance, so all I need is a body
    16. for me, it is because i wanted a differant body

      also, i wanted to sand and paint her anyway, so it gives me something to do while i save for her body :)
    17. When I first came to this forum I swore to fate I would never having 'floating heads'. The concept seemed absurd to me. And THEN....I discovered that when you have to have a certain mold IMMEDIATELY yet haven't the monies...placating yourself with only the head and promises to someday, someday, get a body is irresistably tempting.

      And now I feel like a headhunter with all my shrunken heads in a row.....


    18. Guilty as charged. =P I love the poseability of Fantasy Doll bodies (they stand SO easily) and they are much less expensive than many other bodies. I'm not a big fan of the body aesthetic, but I've had experience with 1) bodies that I think are beautiful but are very hard to pose, and 2) bodies that pose wonderfully, but aren't as aesthetically appealing. (There are bodies that do both, but they tend to be more expensive as well). Since my dolls are usually clothed more often than not and the price difference is very big (about $250 less), I chose to hybridize dolls.

      I also hybridized my MNF girl head by putting her on a mature Soulkid body because I didn't like the "underwear joint" (lower waist joint) on her.

      Also, some heads are purchased because they are limited. Sometimes if I know a doll is limited or will go up in value later, but I don't have enough saved for a full doll, I will choose to buy the head at that time and get the body when I have saved for it. Or if I see one of the dolls on my wishlist go up in the Marketplace as just a head for a good price, I'll snag it then. Also, as others have said, an extra head could come in a special set (like a second sleeping head), or a free gift event head (like the Juri and Nanuri heads).

      Hmm... I just realized, exactly half of my dolls started their lives with me as floating heads. =P (Yes, it's not that many... only four, but proportionately it's kind of interesting). Luckily, only the most recent (my Fin) is still just a head, and she can swap and share bodies for a little while.
    19. I honestly never understood the reasoning, but after reading this thread it does make quite a bit of sense. I think Im about to grab my first head :)
    20. Head collector here xD I think for me, I buy head only in some occasions because it's easier to save/spend the money on a 100-200 USD range (compared to a full doll) and then buy the head...and sharing bodies LOL it came out cheaper, if you don't mind swopping the heads around very often (requests for doll meetups, for example... or when I feel that a particular head seems to be quite abandoned for sometime already ^^; ) . And as the heads have different characters and personalities, I have to re-dress them up all over again each time I'm swopping the heads around (but I like dressing them up, so I'm not complaining )

      Events! That's one of the reasons why I have floating heads now xD My Leeke Blind Head Min came from the random event (so cheap! I couldn't resist ^^;) even though I realize that I may have no matching body for him. And the Nanuri'07 head as well.

      My floating Moon head (he can share body with my dreaming Moon )... and the F17 head (he can share body with School A's SD13 body) ... and a couple of K-doll Karon heads (because they're sold as heads only, and the resin can match the volks bodies that I already have, and do WANT! for those luscious lips lol )