1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Wilde Imagination Amelia Thimble discussion part 2

Apr 30, 2018

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    1. I'll start the thread! Here are my 3 Amelias.

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    2. @Keri they are so cute!

      And to add to the new thread, an older photo of one of my Amelias

      by Tide N Thyme, on Flickr
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    3. Love her wig

      This is just so much fun, her horse is perfect!

      [​IMG][​IMG]AE9CB0F7-FB34-4C59-A7ED-27D96882C076 by susanri, on Flickr
      #5 Susanri, May 8, 2018
      Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2018
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    4. Thanks Susanri! No, I didn't make the outfits. They were made by Doll in Style, now know as AnyDollStyle. The room for your Americas is wonderful! Looks like Hamish is having a lot of fun jumping on the bed :)
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    5. I'm bummed out. I bid on an Amelia Thimble on Ebay and was beaten out at the last minute. She would have been my first resin BJD.
    6. Awe, keep looking they come up alot, Create a search and save it, that way you get daily emails and look often I got mine as a buy it now...for under 100
    7. That's good to know. I only got back into dolls a few months ago and I am an Ebay and BJD newbie. I've been using the Doll Peddler and Ebay buy-it -now prices to gauge what the market is but one doll went for $92 before I decided I really wanted one and a set of 3 of the cupids went for about $175. I had an upper limit of $150 on the Basic Amelia 2 but I wasn't going to be home when the auction ended, so I upped it to $175 before I left the house. She went for $177.50.

      edit: I was looking through my watched dolls on Ebay and the set of 3 went for about $175 not $102 but still a good deal. There must have been another doll that went for around $100.
      #10 Bevbh, Jul 2, 2018
      Last edited: Jul 6, 2018
    8. You guys were right, there is another Amelia that I have bid on on Ebay, so I guess they do come fairly regularly. This one is an Izzy with dark eyes. I'm not fond of the Izzy's with lavender eyes but I like the dark eyes.

      There are some really gorgeous AT repaints on Pinterest which makes me think that whoever got the 3 dolls on the cloud centerpiece for about $175 got a great deal if they are going to repaint them. I don't like the ghosty cupids much which is why I didn't pay attention, plus I don't know how to repaint.
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    9. really charming :)/The wig you made and the face-up really compliment each other!
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    10. Totally agree.
      Susanri, is the wig the kind made from a piece of fur or the kind made from strands or coils of hair?
    11. Not really, I made a hard cap and then glued tiny locks of black wool and its so pretty as the tips are sun bleached, Really love the results. I made another long one its super wild!
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    12. I was just looking through some of my very old miniature doll stuff and found some old waste canvas in there. I think it might have been intended for making wig caps. I just won my Izzy auction on Ebay, so I will have an Izzy to make wigs for soon.

      Yay! I have an Izzy coming home soon! I've been looking at RealPukis too and discovered that I like Titi in addition to SoSo. I think they make good friends for Amelia. I also found some old Gail Wilson instructions for a little bear house that would be a nice simple house for Amelia, although I may go for a fairy cottage first. Also found several old Gail Wilson kits for little toys and baskets, as well as a kit for 2 bunnies about 3" tall.
      #16 Bevbh, Jul 9, 2018
      Last edited: Jul 9, 2018
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    13. Congrats on Izzy! She is so much fun and I think the prettiest!

      Love Gail Wilson designs have many of her kits! But not the tiny ones,
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    14. OMG! My Izzy just arrived! Sqeeeee! She is even cuter in person! I think I am going to have to break down and buy some of those off-topic 1/12 and 1/16 and 1/24 dolls I've been admiring. I just love the little things. I've been looking on Ebay for small simple doll houses for Izzy in 1/12 scale and there are a bunch of cute kits in 1/24 scale.
    15. Has anyone tried reducing patterns for the 8" Betsy McCall dolls by 50% or so to fit Amelia? I think the tricks used for 1/12 dolls will be useful too.
    16. I have used Blythe “petite” patterns and realpuki with luck, I made my first stocking pattern