1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Will you sell your doll to me?

Jan 25, 2010

    1. This is insane! I think I could have been understanding, right up until she said it was 'used' and not worth nearly as much. I think I would have just walked off in a huff or gotten a security guard.
      I actually giggled at the idea of her standing in the mall for an hour, waiting for you to show up. ~.^
    2. At the moment I have my doll for five days, and I always take photos of her inside my house...
      And the stories you all share with us make me really afraid to take my doll outside.
      I don't know how people could ask foreigners to sale their dolls for such a cheap price like 50$ or something like that.
      When I discovered BJDs I searched at the internet to buy one and I would never ask somebody to sell me the doll he or she owns.
      I hope that I never have to answer such questions...
    3. If someone asked to buy my doll, I would slap a $5000 price tag on it and consider it sold. :mwahaha

      Well, I would...

      Anyway, I guess it depends on exactly how the conversation went down.
      If someone asked me where to buy one, I would try to be as helpful as possible, maybe even give them a few sites to browse. Then not only would they get to learn more about the abjd and the hobby, but then they could make an educated choice about diving into abjd's.

      If someone asked to buy my doll ( which would highly be doubtful as I don't take my dolls out in public with exceptions of some quick pictures ) specifically, and was pretty insistent even when told no, then I would slap that $5000 price tag on it. Either they will pay or they will get frustrated and walk away. ;)
      • x 1
    4. I almost never take my dolls out in public, so I don't run into this hassle (or many other hassles such as the danger the doll will get broken, stolen or lost). I'm not really interested in discussing dolls with total strangers. Perhaps if I made dolls or clothing to sell, or had some reason to interact with the public about it, I'd feel differently, but my feeling is that if they want to check out a doll they can go to a con or look around online or visit a physical store. Looking at or worse yet, grabbing at or asking to buy someone else's personal possession is nosy and rude. I can understand that people feel fascinated by or drawn to the doll if they have never seen one, but there's things about dolls and miniatures and other "toy" hobbies that just seem to reduce other people to the level of children - and then of course there's the bad element that know exactly how much the doll is worth and may be playing dumb just scheming to get their hands on an expensive item that they can then stuff in their bag or run away with. No thank you!
    5. If you have only been in the hobby for one month you might understand how others would never have heard of BJDs or understand the cost involved. If they don't know what it is how can they be expected to ask an appropriate price? People just don't know because this is a super super niche hobby.

      If you are out with your doll and if you happen to tell someone that you made the dress or mention any customization at all it is very possible that they will imagine you are a craftsman and you mean to sell. Also, if you walk in public with a doll (It is a strange thing to see for most people) they might also assume that you are displaying it to gain interest in your work...and that possibly you customize and sell many dolls. I have had people on FB (old friends) ask me if I will sell my dolls because they don't understand exactly what this hobby is and it takes some explaining. They think I customize a doll a week and sell it! hahahahah I wish I worked that fast and had that kind of money ;)

      If you want to keep your doll inside that makes total sense. She/He is safe there. But I doubt there is anything to be "afraid of." I have yet to experience any horror stories myself and people in Montreal are pretty chatty :)
    6. I can understand the feelings of these people a little bit, Isenn.
      But I always heard from my mum and my grandma that it's very rude to ask foreigners if you could have some of their things...

      I like to "play" with my doll and I will definitely made her some clothes, but it sounds strange to me, that somebody could think that customize a doll needs only a week.
      Even if they're not familiar with BJDs most people know how much time it needs only to made a dress for a Barbie.
      But perhaps that's because I read so many about BJDs before I bought mine :)

      In Germany we have the problem, that BJDs are not so well known as in the USA, Canada or Asia.
      In my town I know nobody who own a doll too...
      And I'm not so self-confident to walk with my doll in my arms trough the whole city^^
      (And I don't know how people would react:))
    7. I had a couple of people at AX in California spend a lot of time reaching over to touch and poke at my boy Kasey when I carried him around with me, but they didn't really try to snatch at him too much. One girl asked to hold him, but she knew about the hobby, recognised the sculpt and had actually found me on DOA before hand so I wasn't worried too much really ^_^;

      When I've been out and about I've had a few people come over to tell me how lovely they boys are, ask about them, and they always seem surprised at the price, but I've never had any horrified responses, especially when I explain about the articulation, the customisation possibilities and where they come from.

      Then I have the old women on the bus that like to tell me about their own china doll collections, so I figure I've gotten quite lucky, but I dunno, it seems some people have had some really horrible luck.. I wouldn't let it put me off of taking my boys out with me though, I like the chance to take fun photo's too much <3
    8. There's a misconception that BJDs are well known everywhere else. They're really not. There are 25,000+ members here, but we live all over the world. Compared to the overall population of the world, our hobby and the number of people in it are tiny!

      The stories other people tell of being approached by interested people completely unaware of the hobby prove how tiny it really is :)
    9. If someone asks to buy it from you, just say, "50K, take it or leave it." The worst (unlikeliest) thing that can happen is that they give you the money, with which you can replace/recreate the doll and put a downpayment for a new house with a separate doll room. ;)
      • x 1
    10. That's a very good point Jessica, I mean, we have meets and such in the UK, and a turnout of 40 isn't unheard of, even the small ones we run down in Brighton for the group of us that live there can have about 10 people sometimes, but... when you think about it, that's nothing.

      I was stunned when I went to Uni up in Liverpool and found so many people (about 7) in my close group of friends who knew about / were involved in the hobby. It's just a small hobby, but I think part of that's what makes it special, and does lead to some of the crazy buy requests.. people just don't know what to make of the dolls when they see them, they just see how stunning so many of them actually are..
    11. Yeah, once..

      I was on a daytrip to Amsterdam, and brought little Cookie with me (CustomHouse Uriel).
      Halfway though the day I got tired and thirsty, and decided to get some soda in the nearest establishment. It happened to be a very 'high end' establisment, but I didn't care, just wanted a darn* soda.

      As I was sipping my bubbly and stowing away my too expensive cream cake I took Cookie from my purse and placed him on the table so he could see aroung a bit. The young woman of a coulpe (She in her way too early twenties and way too much Gucci going on, and he in his late 40's with way too much money going on) at the table next to me started wheeee-ing and squeeee-ing at the cute little dolly.

      So this guy points at Cookie and says in broken English "Sweet doll", the girl starts tugging at his arm, making Shrek's-Puss-in-Boots eyes at him, so he says to her "Ok *sigh*" .
      To my horror he flips out a checkbook at asks, without even looking at me, "How much..."

      Imagine my face... :?.....................
      Then I managed to bring out "He is NOT for sale.... :|"

      I packed my stuff and Cookie, got up from my seat... walked over to the counter and told the nice waitress that my (pointing at the couple) 'uncle over there' had kindly offered to pay my bill. :lol: ;)

      Then I ran...
    12. ClockworkAngel: Omg, you're awesome. :lol: After reading this whole thread through, and getting all mad (I even told a couple stories to my brothers who aren't into BJD's, even they were annoyed), this made me giggle. :lol:

      I really hope nothing close to what's in here happens when I get my doll(s)!
    13. Jescissa: Iknow that the Doll-Community is very small, but in the USA they are more people who know BJDs.
      In Germany BJDs are a very new hobby^^

      ClockworkAngel: That sounds like a scene of a very, very funny movie :D. I can only imagine how the man looked when the waites gave him you bill... *giggles*
    14. No, it was a short conversation, and the person was a new collector and her friend really liked my doll and it was the only doll she'd seen that she liked. After the shock, I knew that it wasn't anything she was doing to be rude or hurtful.

      But like I said, the first reachtion of shock was a tad hard. But then I was kinda flattered that maybe we would be the reason this other person bought their first doll.
    15. its easy for you to guess what im going to say and its No i could never sell my dolls as i love them all and could not part with them im having a hard time right now with one of my dolls at the Doll doctor getting fixed up .
    16. I'm getting the impression that most of you folks that have had trouble either are not adults or don't look like adults. For you there is a simple solution. Whip out your cell phone and say firmly, "If you won't leave me alone and take 'no' for an answer I am calling security (or the police)."
    17. I don't take my dolls out of the house much, and when I have, it's only been to my workplace. I did take a couple of Pukis to a Harry Potter conference, but no one molested them or asked to buy them :) I'm just lucky, I guess ;)

      I'm with Victoria Victrix on this though...I'm no pushover and I don't have to get rude about it. When I say "No", there's no mistake that I mean "No". Nor am I afraid to tell people to walk away from me before I involve the police.
    18. Never had this happen to me, though my doll is pretty new =P . If someone asked to buy my doll, I'd state "$1000, take it or leave it" . Hm, the blank doll cost $340, plus the outfit might be around $100 (depending on which one) , and the wig and eyes can add maybe $50. My faceup costs I'd charge $50 for just 'cause I can, so that'd be about $500.

      Now just double that, and it'd be worth it. $1000.

      Then I'd go out and buy the same sculpt and get some new clothes/shoes (some super-fancy threads and niiice shoes with the extra moola) , pick out some SUPER-FANCY custom eyes (because I can) , a SUPER-FANCY customized wig (because I can) , and maybe another new blank doll on top of that. There, all better.


      I can deal with the rudeness if I can earn some good green out of it! I have no problem with 'transferring' over the doll character from the last one to a new one (kinda' like a the 'doll as vessel' mentality or somethin' =P ) . I guess that'd be kind of bitchy to be 'swindling' someone with double the price, but aaahhh I'll call that my 'care, customization, and delivery to a rude customer, plus sentimental compensation' fees >:D . Hahah, as if any sucker would actually bite!

      By the way, major props to ClockworkAngel, totally badass. And yeah, that's totally something that would happen in a Korean soap or something XD .

      Oh, not to say that asking to buy a doll can be pretty rude... But when money's involved, I start not caring up to a certain level XD . Then again, that's prolly' 'cuz I'd be an equal level of rude right back by demanding an unreasonable amount of money for what they're asking. If they bite, all's well, but if they don't, no dice and they can buzz. If somebody asked to buy my jacket or purse in the street, which IS rude, I'd probably still be like "I'll sell it to you for $50/$75/$100 =D ". XD

      <3 ali
    19. This is insane! Just to say 'sell it to me now, name your price'. Not even to ask would you sell it, or where can I buy one myself. Just give me yours. :o
    20. I have had people ask me tons of times to buy my boys. I tell them no politely. I had one person ask like three times. I got pretty aggravated with them. I was like, "Look, this is MY DOLL, I AM NOT SELLING IT TO YOU. GO BUY YOUR OWN." I really hate that question sometimes.